

Page 5


In the Paddocks are Four sets of Buildings, comprising open Cow Sheds, enclosed Milking Sheds, Ranges of Piggeries, Stabling for Five Horses, and other useful Buildings.




Is well Stocked with Fruit Trees, and has Potting Shed, Tool House, and Forcing Pits;





Are in keeping with the period of their formation, and may readily be enlarged at the option of the Purchaser.












No, on Plan.                   Description.                    Cultivation.                    Quantity.


            91         Part Riding Hill, The Park            Pasture                                      25         1          25

            92         Plantation .                                            Wood                0          3           8

            97         Mansion, Garden and Grounds                                           5           0         12

            98         Wood                                                    Wood                0          3          14

            99         Little Park                                              Pasture              4          2          26

            105       The Park                                                Ditto                 9          2          38

            107       Wood                                                    Wood                0          1          15

            108       Part of Riding Hill                                   Pasture              4          0          27

            109       Wood                                                    Wood                0          1          26

            110       Wood                                                    Ditto                 0          1          26

            79         Priory Ground South and Plantations          Pasture and Wood18        0          21

            94         Cow Close, including Buildings, &c          Pasture              0          2         30

            96         New Orchard                                           Ditto                 1          2          39

            98         Part of Butcher's or Southwell's Close         Ditto                 4          1          15

104       Buildings and Yard                                                          0          1          10

            106       Hudson's Close                                       Pasture              6          3          15

            113       Wood nest Priory Ground South                Wood                0          1          9

            114       Lake Ground                                           Arable               17         1          10

            116       Stanton Wood Ground                             Ditto                 24         3          9

            117       Lane                                                      Pasture, &e.       1          3          33

            118       New Pond Corner                                    Arable               9          1          20

            125       Triangular Piece                                      Ditto                 6          3          0

            part 131 Part Allotment Land                                Ditto                 14         0          29

            34         White Cross Green, Lower Wood               Wood                99         2          27

and Middle Wood

            37         Plantation                                              Ditto                 1          0          1

            52         Gardiner's Coppice                                   Ditto                 1          3          20

            59         Hall Close Coppice or Tippcns Copse         Ditto                 5          0         25

            64         Upper Wood                                           Ditto                 23         0         21

            69         Ditto .                                                   Ditto                 0          1          8

            86         Lane Coppice                                          Ditto                 4          2          23

            91         Sermins or Scomans Coppice                    Ditto                 2 0        16        1

            99         Part of Butcher's or Southwell's Close         Ditto                 0          1          38

            119       Studley New Wood and Woodside Close,   Ditto                 173       2          23

            132       Wood                                        Ditto                             0          0          36


.                                                                                                                             Total  ACRES    470       0         0











Room and Dairy.


And the following OUTBUILDINGS,‑.


Barn, Chaff House, Colt House, Two enclosed Yards with open Sheds, Poultry House, Cattle Shed, Nag Stables, Six Piggeries, Stable for Nine Horses and Loft over; Barn, Inner Yard with Newly‑built Cattle Shed and Granary over, Cow Shed, Poultry House; Outer Yard with Three open Cart Sheds.




Detached on the Lands are Buildings known as Ken Barn, with Yard and Cattle Sheds.


And the following LANDS, viz.­


No, on               Description.                                Cultivation.                    Quantities

Plan.                                                                                         A.        H.         P


            41         Banky Ground or Uzzards Fence                 Arable               41         3          24

            46         Fatting Fence North                                 Ditto                 23         0          26

            48         Rowbotham                                            Pasture              21         1          23

            49         Fatting Fence South                                 Arable               19         0          12

            51         Great Ox Fence West                               Pasture              15         2          16

            62         Middle ditto                                           Ditto                 12         2          29

            63         Little Ox Fence                                       Ditto                 9          0          37

            65         Pond                                                     Water                0          0          28

            66         Ox Fence or Great Ox Fence South                         Pasture              11         1          8

            67         Ox Fence or Great Ox Fence North                         Ditto                 11         2          12

            68         Middle Ox Fence East                              Ditto                 14         2          3

            70         Pasture .                                                            Pasture              1          2          25

            71         Homestead                                                                     0          3          11

            72         Pasture                                                  Pasture              0          3          11

            73         The Warren and Oberry Field                    Arable               41         0          10

            76         Pasture .                                                            Pasture              0          1          20

            71         Great Badmore .                                      Arable               14         3          6

            78         Long Gravel Or Great Oberry                     Ditto                 22         0          31

            79         Furze Field or Cow Close                                     Pasture              19         0          20

& Gorse Covert

            81         Badmore or Old Close and Middle or‑Little Badmore            Ditto     20         0          6

            84         Pond                                                     Water                0          0          l3


                                                               Total Acres    301     2        21








Containing on the FIRST Floor and Half‑landing,‑Five Bed Rooms. GROUND FLOOR,‑ Entrance Hall, DINING ROOM,

finished with Marble Chimney Piece; DRAWING Roost, Breakfast Room, Beer Cellar, and Two Pantries. Adjoining

is the




Containing Two Bed Rooms, Kitchen, Scullery, Dairy, Cheese House, Bakery and Brew House, with Oven and Two Boilers;




With Coach House, Stable with Two Loose Boxes and Granary, Piggeries, Poultry House and Fatting Pen at back, Cow Shed, Two extensive Barns, Cart Stabling for Nine Horses with Hay Loft over, Cow Shed, Bull House and Stabling for Four Horses adjoining, Granary; in the adjoining Yard is a Shed for Twenty‑four Cows.




Detached and centrally placed on the Farm, No. 57 on Plan, is a Range of Cattle Sheds, Wagon Shed, Barn, Stable




And the following LANDS, viz.­


No. on               Description.                                            Cultivation.        Quantity,



3                      Otmoor Furlong North                             Pasture              23         1          6


5                      Ditto South                                            Ditto                 31         1          36


35                     Lower Marsh, or Asham Marsh North         Ditto                 17         3          5

47                     Upper Marsh, or Asharn Marsh South         Arable               27         3          .31

50                     Pasture .                                                            Pasture              0          0          27

53                     Little Gardiners                                       Ditto                 16         0          25

54                     Great Meadow, or Becks Close and Hangers Ditto                 22         3          12

54                     Little Mill Field, or Little Windmill Field and Badger's} Ditto           22         1         8


55                     Wood                                                    Wood                0          1          32

56                     Great Gardiners                                       Pasture              22         2           7

56                     Claret Well Hill and Goosey Closes                       Ditto                 19         1          15

57                     Homestead, &c., known as Gardiner's Barn                          0          2          17

57                     Road                                                                             0          1          7


58                     Little Meadow, or Marchams                     Pasture              14         0          19

58                     Mill Field, or Great Windmill Field and Knob Arable                       30         2          18

60                     Seed Hill, or Hall Close West                   Pasture              7          3          4

60                     Pasture                                                  Ditto                 1          1          5

61                     Road                                                                             0          0          14

62                     Farmstead                                                                      1          1          31

82                     Millfield and Copse Ground, or Millfield Arable.                  34         1          31

                                    and Hall Close East                                                                                

95                     Road                                                                             0          0          8

96                     Buildings                                                                       0          1          30

128                   Park Piece, Wood Piece, Lower ditto, &     Ditto                 41         0          34 Brook Ground

129                   Washbrook Ground                                  Ditto                 13         1          5

130                   Turner's Wood ditto                                Ditto                 14         2          18

                                                                                    TOTAL ACRES             347       0          22




171                   Enclosure                                               Pasture              18         2          39

172                   Ditto                                                     Ditto                 21         2          0

176                   Ditto                                                     Ditto                 16         3          17

177                   Ditto                                                     Ditto                 20         2          1

                                                                                    Total Acres        77         2         17




Area.                                         Annual Value.



LANDS ADJOINING THE MANSION, &c .           470       0          0          880       0          0


WARREN'S FARM                                            301       2          21         510       12         0         

STUDLEY DITTO                                             347       0          22         558       0          0

LANDS 1N OTMOOR                                        77         2          17         97         0          0


Carried to General Summary                                  1196     1          20         £2045    12         0








And the following LANDS, viz.


No. on          Description.                              Cultivation.             Quantity.


1                 Pasture                                             Pasture                  0        1        16

2                 Garden                                                               0        0        9

3                 Stream                                     Water           0        0        29

4                 Pasture                                             Pasture         3        0        18

5                 Pond                                       Water           0        0        29

6                 Great Marlake Meadow                Pasture         17      0        9

8                 North Marlake                           Ditto            18      1        22

9                 Home Close and Little Bushey Close Ditto            10      0        31

16               Bushey Close .                           Ditto            4        2        14

21               Pasture                                                      1        2        13

22               Buildings and Yard                                        0        3        0

23               Ditto                                                         1        1        26

24               Homestead                                                  0        1        6

25               White Cross Green North              Pasture                  9        2        2

27               Garden                                                               0        0        39

31               Road, or Asham Lane                                     3        2        33

(part included in Thos. Cox's Holding)

[Asham Lane goes from Ragnall’s Lane (or Otmoor Lane) to Whitecross Green]

32               White Cross Green South               Arable          9        2        34     

33               Little Asham .                            Pasture         13      0        36

36               Banky Ground South, or Great Asham Arable 16      3        36

38               Banky Ground North, or Great Asham Ditto            17      1        32

39               Middle Asham Field                     Ditto            13      0        6

40               Asham Field North                      Ditto            10      0        38

42               Wood Lane                                Pasture         6        2        33

43               Lower Rowbotham                      Ditto            10      2        8

44               South Asham Field                      Arable          10      2        28

45               The Pightle                                Ditto            2        3        7       

163              Enclosure                                 Pasture         1        2        35

165              Ditto                                       Ditto            22      0        2

166              Ditto                                       Ditto            29      3        20

167              Ditto                                       Ditto            7        2        23

108              Ditto                                       Ditto            12      2        1

169              Ditto                                       Ditto            4        0        29

227              Ditto                                       Ditto            14      2        30     

                                             TOTAL ACRES                275     2        14


Let to WILLIAM Cox, as Yearly Tenant, at a Rental of £260. 5s. 2d. per Annum.'






And the following LANDS, viz.­


7                 Buildings and Yard                                         0        0        22

11               Great Marlake                            Pasture         27      2        17

12               Little Marlake Mead                    Ditto            9        1        17

13               Pond                                       Water           0        0        21

14               Summer Ground North                  Arable          12      1        23

15               Black Rood                               Pasture         10      2        8

17               Pasture                                     Ditto            2        0        35

19               Pond.                                      Water           0        0        22

20               Homestead, &c                                             0        3        36

28               Short Leys                                Arable          11      1        7

29               Great Marlake Mead                    Pasture         19      2        32

30               Summer Ground South                  Ditto            11      0        11

173              Old Enclosure                             Ditto            22      0        9

174              Ditto                                       Arable          18      1        13

175              Mortar‑Pit Ground                      Arable          19      2        30

TOTAL ACRES                165     2        23


         Let to Thomas Cox, as yearly rental of £176.14s.6d. per Annum.







With FARM DWELLING and OUTBUILDINGS, viz.‑Barn, Cow House, Stable, Cart Shed,


With GARDEN and LAND as follows,­


No.              Description.                     Cultivation.                      Quantity.

on plan.       

83               Little Hall Close                 Arable                   10      2        27

85a              Spinney Orchard                Pasture                  0        1        9       

87               Dairy Ground, or Banky Ground     Ditto                     10      2        35

88               Pasture                           Ditto                     0        3        14

89               House and Garden                                         0        1        15

90               Horse Close                      Pasture                  9        2        6

92               Potter's Close                    Arable                            7        3        29

94               Little Close                      Pasture                  0        2        11

97               Parker's Close                            Ditto                     4        0        19


                                                      TOTAL Acres         45      0       15

Let to JOHN MEARS, as Yearly Tenant, at a Rental of £ 68. 128. per Annum, including Interest on Drainage.




134              Land beyond Horton Bridge   Pasture                  3        3        17

Let to HENRY BLAKE, as Yearly Tenant, at a Rental of  £13. 10s. per Annum.


102              Land beyond Horton Bridge   Pasture                  0        2       1

110              Ditto                              Ditto                     8.       2       23

111              Ditto                              Ditto                     12       1       14

133              Ditto                              Ditto                     12      1       38

                                                      TOTAL ACRES .     33      3        36

Let to JOHN HONOUR, as Yearly Tenant, at a Rental of £ 32. 16s. 6d. per Annum.


155              Flit Grounds                     Pasture                  21      1        24

170              Land beyond Horton Bridge   Ditto.                    18      1        28

                                             TOTAL ACRES       39      3       12

Let to HENRY COATES, as Yearly Tenant, at a Rental of £,44. 8s. per Annum.


103              Flit Grounds                     Pasture                  9        0        27

104              Ditto                              Ditto                     11      1        22

109              Ditto                              Ditto                     19      0        30

                                                      TOTAL ACRES       39      2       39

Let to BENJAMIN Hatwell as Yearly Tenant, at a Rental of  £44. per Annum.


112              Land beyond Horton Bridge   Pasture                  19      0       37

135              Ditto                              Ditto                     17      1       25

164              Ditto                              Ditto                     21      1        1

                                                      TOTAL Acres         57      3       23

Let to JOHN SAVIN, as Yearly Tenant, at a Rental of £55 15s. per Annum.


154              Flit Grounds                     Pasture                  15      3        17

Let to ROBERT HAMMANS, as Yearly Tenant, at a Rental of £19. 46. 6d. per Annum.








Comprising Six Bed Rooms, Club Room, Larder, Kitchen, Bar and Tap Room, Beer Cellar, Wash House.


And the following OUTBUILDINGS

A Brick Built and Tiled Range of Buildings containing Slaughter House, Stabling for Ten Horses, Coach House, Loft and Sleeping Boom over; a Brick Built and Slated Barn, Poultry Houses, Range of Piggeries, Stabling for Four Horses, and. Open Cow Sheds;



No. on          Description.            Cultivation.                               Quantity.

Plan.                                                                           A.      R.      P.

87               Priory Ground North Pasture                                    9        1        17

88               "King's Arms," &c .                                       1        0        37

                                             TOTAL ACRES                10      2        14


Let to Messrs. SHILLINGFORD as Yearly Tenants, at a Rental of £80. per Annum.


ALLOTMENTS.                                                   A.      R.       P.

Part 131        Allotments              Arable                                     30      0        0

Let to various tenants and Rents amounting to £ 69. 175. 1d. per Annum, or thereabouts.

The Landlord pays all Rates and Taxes on the Allotments.



No. on          Description.            Name of Tenant.       Area.   Annual Rent

Plan.                                                                           or Value.

                                                                        A.      R.       P.       £  s  d.

49      Cottage and Garden in Mill Lane In hand              0        0        34      3  0  0

89      Cottage, Barn, Kennel,         George Robins          1        0        20      7 10 7

Orchard, and Garden

90      Cottage and Garden             George Merry          0        0        25      3  12 7

88a     Two Cottages and Gardens    William Saunders       0        0        38      3  13 8

                                              In hand                  3        5        0                


                                             Jane Peisley                                        2  12  0

8.8b    Four Cottages and Gardens   Thomas Stanton       0        3        14      3  13  8

                                             Richard Brinkler                                   4  18  7

                                             In hand                                             4  0   0


95      Double Tenement and Garden Mary Crick                                       6 15 5

                                             William Cox

Cottage and Garden, temporarily held.. by Late John Crick                    6 16 6

         John Crick's Widow, at the nominal rent of 1s. per week

         Ditto                              John Cox                                           3 13 8

         Dwelling House and Shop,    George Augur

Stable Gig House, and small

Farm Yard, Garden    and Orchard                     1        1        25      8  8  0


         Timber Yard with Carpenter's In hand                                            3 0 0

         She Cart Shed Saw Pit, Shed 

         for Stacking Boards and

         Cart House

Cottage and Garden             Francis Augur                                              3 3 11

100     Pasture                           Ditto                     1        0        28


101     Dwelling House Barn Stable,  Absalom Kirtland                                 10 10 0         Wood House,Piggery, Garden

and Pasture Field

         Cottage, Garden, and Piggery  Thos. Hicks                                       3 12 7

Cottage, Outhouse, and Garden Chas. Hicks                                              3 15 10

         Wheelwright's Shop and Hovel In hand                                            2  0  0

Cottage and Garden             John Masters           3        1        1        2 12 0

         Cottage, Shed, and Garden     James Jones                                        4 15 4

         Room, formerly Shop                   In hand                                             1 0 0

Cottage and Garden .           Elizabeth Haines                                  3 15 10


61      Cottage, Stable, Barn,          Henry Carter           0        3        13       22 0 0

Garden, and Close

128a   Brick Kiln and Drying Shed and Grounds

103     Plantation round Pond         In hand                  0        0        12      0 10 0

103a   Blacksmith's Shop and         Absalom Kirtland      0        0        3                 Shoeing Shed                                                         Rent included above

945     Double Tenement and Gardens William Hillsdon        0        1        0        3 5 0

John Brain                                         3 0 8

94a     Cottage, Shed, and good Garden Teresa Messer          0        2        24      6 6 9

93      Cottage and Garden on.        Benjamin Sheen        0        0        28      3 2 10

the Boarstall Road

85      Double Tenement and Gardens Charles Merry          0        1        9        3  0  8

Albert Blake                                       3  5  0

85b     Garden edged with Plantation In hand                  0        0        25      2 0 0

75      Cottage Garden, Wood House, James Pym            1        0        17      6 0  3

Piggery, and Orchard

74      Double Tenement and Garden In hand                  0        0        39      6  0 0

18      Cottage and Garden             William Payne          0        0        22      3  3 11

35a     Garden in Asham Lane                                    0        0        25

26      Cottage and Garden             John How               0        l         5        3  5  0

104a   Cottage, Piggery, and Garden John Hicks              0        0        37      3 12 7

                                             TOTALS Area.        14      3        35 £168 17 10


The Landlord pays Rates and Taxes on the Cottages in HORTON‑CUM‑STUDLEY, OXFORD.

The Tenants pay Rates and Taxes on the Cottages in ‑STUDLEY to Bucks.

The Tenant of the Brick Field is bound to supply the Landlord with Clay Work, Bricks, Tiles, &c., at a reduction

of 10 per cent. off the market price.



                                                      Tenant.         Quantity.      Rent or Value

  A.  R.   P.     £. s. d 

MANSION AND LANDS             IN HAND               1196 1  20      2045 12 0

FARM, WHITE CROSS GREEN    William Cox              275 2  14      260 5  8

         DITTO                           Thomas Cox            165 2  23      176 14 6

FARM, BOARSTALL ROAD        John Mears             45 0 15         69 12  0

LANDS IN OTMOOR                 Henry Blake            13 3 17         13 10  0

         DITTO                                    John Honour            33 3 36         32 15  6

         DITTO         .                         Henry Coates           39 3 12         44 8 0

         DITTO                                    Benjamin  Hatwell     39 2 39         44 0  0

         DITTO                           John Savin              57 3 23         55 150

         DITTO                                    Robert Hammans      15 3 17         19 4 6

         "KINGS ARMS" INN, &c . Messrs. Shillingford   10 2 14         80 0 0

         ALLOTMENTS                Various                  30 0  0          59 17  1

         COT'T'AGES                            Various                  14 3 35         168 17 10

         TOTALS                                                    1939 1 25      3070  12 1


THE SHOOTINGS have been most carefully preserved, and there is always a good Head of Game, including Partridges, Pheasants, Wild Duck, Snipe and Woodcock, and having regard to the facility of access to LONDON and OXFORD, it may be estimated as worth at least £300. per Annum.



         Land Tax       ........................         Studley in Bucks       £ 72 1  4

         Ditto   Ditto in Oxon           ..                                   42 13  9




The property is subject to the following Drainage Rent Charges:


         Principal Sums to be

            paid in respect of                  Dates when                                               Amounts of

            Drainage Rent Charges.          Rent Charges cease.                                       Annual Rent Charges.


£.s, d.                                                                                       £.s. d.


606       19         7          1887.    June 24th                                   79         8         8

            773       3          8          1887.    December 25th                            97         2          10

            750       9          1          1888.    June 24th .                                 90         14         8

            626       16         !0         1888.    December 25th                            73         3          2

            456       2          5          1899.    June 24th                                   51         9          0

            83         7         9          1895     December 25th                            6          17         2

            152       13         1          1901.    June 24th                                   10         12        0

            £ 3449   12         5                                                                      £409     7          6


The Biddings shall be taken as made without regard to these Rent Charges, and the Purchaser shall be allowed by way of deduction. from his Purchase‑money the above total sum of £3449. 12s 5d. being the principal sum which on the 15th December, 1877, the day appointed for the completion of the purchase,