Guadeloupe 27th December 2011 to 8th January 2012


Guadeloupe is not an island you would visit to start your year with a long list of species. There is one endemic species the Guadeloupe Woodpecker that is like a miniature Black Woodpecker otherwise there are 3 species of hummingbird. The migrants had passed on so no warblers and only one wader seen.

Female Carib Grackle

Lesser Antilles Bullfinch male


Brown Trembler

Purple-throated Carib

Purple-throated Carib

Ruddy Ground Dove

Common Moorhen

Brown Pelican fishing

Magnificent Frigatebird

Green-throated Carib

Lersser Yellowlegs

Royal Tern

Antillean Crested Hummingbird

Lesser Yellowlegs

Lesser Antillean Bullfinch male

Lesser Antillean Bullfinch female

Zenaida Dove

Gray Kingbird