Surnames beginning with H
HALL, Anne [P44]; {F}; 1778-1859; Tamworth
HALL, John [P784]; {M}
HALL, Mary [P786]; {F}; 1790-1859; Aston Juxta, Birmingham
HALL, Thomas [P787]; {M}
HALLCHURCH, Andrew Wallace [P567]; {M}; 1976-; Lisburn, Co Antrim
HALLCHURCH, Gwendolyn [P320]; {F}
HALLCHURCH, Lancelot Wallace [P322]; {M}
HALLCHURCH, Philip Timothy [P568]; {M}; 1979-; Dorchester Dorset
HALLCHURCH, Reginald Thomas [P319]; {M}
HALLCHURCH, Richard John Wallace [P565]; {M}; 1945-; Codsall
HALLCHURCH, St Clair [P321]; {M}
HALLCHURCH, Thomas [P5]; {M}
HALLCHURCH, Timothy Thomas [P564]; {M}; 1941-; Codsall
HALLCHURCH, William Walter [P318]; {M}
HARDY, Mary [P946]; {F}
HARVEY, George [P790]; {M}
HARVEY, Johanna [P165]; {F}
HASKEW, James [P532]; {M}
HASTINGS, Dorothy [P1064]; {F}
HASTINGS, George [P1092]; {M}
HEALEY, John [P556]; {M}
HEDGES, Thomas [P99]; {M}
HERBERT, Anne Countess Pembroke (DEVEREUX, Anne Countess Pembroke) [P1041]; {F}; 1436-1486; about
HERBERT, William [P1042]; {M}
HOBDAY, [P427]; {M}
HOBDAY, George [P183]; {M}; Tamworth
HUTCHINSON, George [P631]; {M}
Names in italics indicate the maiden name or "real name" of a person indexed by an alias.
Codes in square brackets "[]" are unique person identifiers.
{M} = Male; {F} = Female.