Surnames beginning with S

SADLER, Charles [P4149]; {M}
SADLER, Elizabeth [P3096]; {F}
SADLER, Jane R (ALLCHURCH, Jane R) [P4148]; {F}; 1964-

SAINSBURY, Margaret Ann (Maggie) [P2888]; {F}

SALMON, Frank [P3954]; {M}
SALMON, Veronica (ALLCHURCH, Veronica) [P3953]; {F}; 1940-; Howden

SALTER, Beatrice Ellen [P3111]; {F}; 1890-

SAMPLE, Maureen [P4049]; {F}; Willington, Durham

SANCHES, Maria Asuncion [P4313]; {F}; Madrid, Spain

SANDFORD, Nicholus [P996]; {M}; 1638-; Birmingham

SANFORD, Nicholas [P1426]; {M}
SANFORD, Robert [P1427]; {M}

SAPRYHAJLO, Mike [P1008]; {M}

SAUNDERS, Alice Lilian [P4332]; {F}

SAVAGE, Esther [P2204]; {F}; -1885; Aston?

SAXBY, Charlotte [P4820]; {F}
SAXBY, Fiona (CLEGG, Fiona) [P4818]; {F}
SAXBY, Jennifer [P2665]; {F}
SAXBY, Kenneth [P1051]; {M}
SAXBY, Mark Kenneth Baber [P2664]; {M}
SAXBY, Roderick (Roddy) [P4819]; {M}
SAXBY, Susan (Sue) Diedrie Milner [P2663]; {F}

SCORER, Mary [P3994]; {F}

SCOTT, Mary [P4799]; {F}; 1787-1832; Jedburgh

SCRIVEN, Lucy Sophia [P457]; {F}; 1850-

SELBY, Jessica (ALLCHURCH, Jessica) [P4579]; {F}; 1915-; Evesham
SELBY, Keith [P4609]; {M}
SELBY, Michael G [P4608]; {M}
SELBY, Raymond [P4607]; {M}

SEMARK, Lucinda [P3901]; {F}

SHACKLETON, Brynley [P2506]; {M}
SHACKLETON, Leon [P3605]; {M}; 1970-
SHACKLETON, Neil [P3606]; {M}; 1973-

SHAKLETON, Kathleen (ALLCHURCH, Kathleen) [P2505]; {F}; 1940-1987

SHALLARD, Emma [P3784]; {F}

SHARE, [P4240]; {M}
SHARE, Elizabeth Lavinia (ALLCHURCH, Elizabeth Lavinia) [P4573]; {F}; 1896-; Stourbridge

SHARP, Alan [P4743]; {M}; 1928-
SHARP, Susan [P4744]; {F}; 1950-; Sheffield

SHAW, Ada [P4787]; {F}
SHAW, Betty [P4527]; {F}

SHAWE, Isabell [P1379]; {F}

SHORT, Brian [P2923]; {M}
SHORT, Harry [P2924]; {M}
SHORT, Isabelle [P2926]; {F}
SHORT, Karen [P2925]; {F}
SHORT, Margaret (ALLCHURCH, Margaret) [P2916]; {F}; 1922-; Canada - about
SHORT, Mary [P3170]; {F}
SHORT, Mary-Lou [P2921]; {F}
SHORT, Murray [P2920]; {M}
SHORT, Robert [P2922]; {M}

SHUTT, Daniel [P968]; {M}

SIMKIS, Ann [P1605]; {F}; 1746-1846; about

SIMPSON, David Frederick [P3109]; {M}

SIMS, Janette Elizabeth [P3769]; {F}

SIMSON, Mary [P2726]; {F}; -1867; Isleworth

SITTINGIERI, Mandy [P4495]; {F}
SITTINGIERI, Marco [P4494]; {M}

SKELDING, Arthur [P3385]; {M}
SKELDING, Elizabeth [P3384]; {F}
SKELDING, Eunise M [P3388]; {F}
SKELDING, Frederick C [P3386]; {M}
SKELDING, Hannah [P3387]; {F}
SKELDING, Noah [P3383]; {M}; 1840-; Careless Green, Lye - about

SKIDMORE, [P4570]; {M}
SKIDMORE, Elizabeth (ALLCHURCH, Elizabeth Amelia) [P4568]; {F}; 1929-; Lye

SKILLET, Anne [P2669]; {F}

SLATER, [P4424]; {F}

SLOSS, James [P1941]; {M}
SLOSS, Margaret (ALLCHURCH, Margaret) [P1924]; {F}; 1740-; London - about

SMALL, Clara [P4231]; {F}; Hartlebury

SMART, [P2668]; {M}
SMART, Amy [P4822]; {F}
SMART, Rebeckah [P421]; {F}; -1733; Rowley Regis as pauper
SMART, Sophie [P4823]; {F}
SMART, Susan (Sue) Diedrie Milner (SAXBY, Susan (Sue) Diedrie Milner) [P2663]; {F}

SMEDLEY, Jean [P3913]; {F}; -1978; Doncaster

SMELLIE, Frances Martha [P3701]; {F}

SMITH, Andrew [P3608]; {M}
SMITH, Ellen Alice Smith [P4134]; {F}
SMITH, Freda [P4147]; {F}
SMITH, Margaret [P2489]; {F}; 1822-
SMITH, Mary [P1165]; {F}; 1864-1926; Bridgtown Cannock ?
SMITH, Phyllis [P4530]; {F}; 1918-; Lye
SMITH, Sarah [P2542]; {F}

SMITHERS, Emma Amelia [P4556]; {F}

SMYTH, Constance Margaret [P2988]; {F}

SNASHALL, Alice (ALLCHURCH, Alice) [P3219]; {F}; 1869-1905; 15 William Street, Greenwich
SNASHALL, Henry Francis [P3220]; {M}

SNELLING, Lynn A [P2914]; {F}

SNOAD, Dorothy June [P3598]; {F}

SOAR, Gladys Rose [P4722]; {F}; 1909-; Willesden, Midlesex
SOAR, Priscilla Kate (ALLCHURCH, Priscilla Kate) [P4593]; {F}; 1880-
SOAR, William Enos George [P4723]; {M}; 1906-; Willesden, 153 Purves Road
SOAR, William James [P4601]; {M}; 1878-; Hampstead, London

SOUTHALL, Elizabeth [P4782]; {F}; Bromley

SPINK, Sarah Emma [P3745]; {F}; 1871-; Normanton

SPOOR, [P2933]; {M}

STABLER, (ALCHURCH, Eliz) [P3561]; {F}
STABLER, Rich [P3560]; {M}

STAINES, Elizabeth [P1995]; {F}

STAMBORNE, John [P2742]; {M}

STANDEN, David [P4738]; {M}
STANDEN, Elizabeth (HALLCHURCH, Elizabeth) [P4724]; {F}; 1883-1935; Sheffield

STANLEY, Jean Mavis [P3957]; {F}; 1935-

STANNARD, Diana Joy [P4622]; {F}; 1946-; Adelaide

STAPLETON, Hannah Ashford [P4136]; {F}

STARES, David [P1161]; {M}

STARLING, Edith Annie (Nance) [P2407]; {F}

STEPHENS, Sara (ALLCHURCH, Sara) [P537]; {F}; 1684-; Rowley Regis
STEPHENS, Sarah (ALLCHURCH, Sarah) [P2859]; {F}; 1675-; Kingswinford
STEPHENS, William [P321]; {M}; c 1686
STEPHENS, William [P2860]; {M}

STEPHENSON, Lily [P4620]; {F}; 1917-1997; Adelaide

STEVENS, [P4131]; {M}
STEVENS, [P4141]; {M}
STEVENS, Susan Elizabeth Family1 Family2 (BLACKMORE, Susan Elizabeth) [P3740]; {F}; 1865-; Exeter - about

STOCK, Priscilla Family1 [P2478]; {F}; 1830-1909; Kidderminster

STOCK - ALLCHURCH, John [P4542]; {M}

STOCK?, [P4754]; {F}

STOVES, Carol [P3978]; {F}

STRACHAN, Linda Davidon [P4286]; {F}

STRANGE, Andrew [P4166]; {M}
STRANGE, Christopher [P4167]; {M}; 1992-
STRANGE, Gemma [P4168]; {F}

STRANKS, Mary Ann [P3137]; {F}; 1828-1913; about

STREADWICK, George [P3056]; {M}

SUCKLING, (MOFFAT-LYNCH, Margaret) [P4687]; {F}; 1906-
SUCKLING, Annie (, Annie) [P4829]; {F}
SUCKLING, Beatrice [P4689]; {F}; 1911-
SUCKLING, Edith K [P4690]; {F}; 1912-1912
SUCKLING, Elsie Priscilla [P4688]; {F}; 1909-
SUCKLING, George William Family1 Family2 [P4685]; {M}; 1871-1917; Hampstead
SUCKLING, Selina Martha Family1 (ALLCHURCH, Selina Martha) [P1969]; {F}; 1873-1912; London St Pancras - about
SUCKLING, William Enos Family1 [P4686]; {M}; 1904-

SUDDES, Margeret Anne [P3937]; {F}

SWAIN, Coralie Jay [P4627]; {F}; 1938-; Adelaide

SWANTON, Frederick Thomas [P2960]; {M}; by 1919
SWANTON, Herbert Perey [P3141]; {M}

SWINDELL, Constance Emily [P1022]; {F}; 1879-1961; Birmingham 9c 487 Mar 1961 age 81

Names in italics indicate the maiden name or "real name" of a person indexed by an alias.
Codes in square brackets "[]" are unique person identifiers.
{M} = Male; {F} = Female.

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