Birds seen on Otmoor 

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Bird Pictures of some birds that can be seen round Otmoor

All pictures T Hallchurch

Red Kite over Otmoor February 2010

Pair of Teal February 2010

Wigeon February 2010


More than 45,000 Starlings are roosting on Otmoor RSPB reserve in January 2007

Great Crested Grebes displaying Otmoor RSPB 6 May 2006

and below

Male Pochard Otmoor RSPB 6 May 06

Long Tailed Tits on peanuts Jan 06


Male Brambling in my garden 18th January 2006

Turtle Doves Horton cum Studley 26 May 2005 under the bird table. They nested nearby until Magpies found the eggs.


Sparrowhawk waits in ambush by the bird feeders in my garden and catches a Jackdaw in March 07

"Pied" Jackdaw at Horton cum Studley

This strange Jackdaw feeding in my garden in Horton cum Studley, February 2002

while Sparrowhawk takes a Blue Tit while it was feeding on peanuts, 27 February 2002

This Mistle Thrush has been successfully guarding this Mountain Ash tree from November 2002 to February 2003 and again in November 2005 chasing off all other Thrushes including Fieldfares

Daily visitors to the feeders.  Male Great Spotted Woodpecker, Horton cum Studley


This Grey Heron has been keeping a vigil on my fish pond while covered in ice despite the wire netting.

Dozens of Starlings on 1st November 2003 drinking out of gutter of my conservatory and in the tree behind. 


Thousands of ducks on Otmoor January 2003 including Wigeon, Teal, Pintail, Mallard, Tufted, Shoveler, Pochard and Gadwall. Also a few Berwick's Swan


Otmoor Reed Beds October 2003


More pictures of Otmoor Birds

Locations Otmoor RSPB reserve unless stated

Little Grebe regular visitor

Little Egret regular visitor

Pinked-backed Pelican escaped bird 15 June 02

Mute Swan some always present

Bewick's Swan occasional winter visitor

Bewick's Swans over Otmoor 25th January 2003

Shelduck up to six on Otmoor during April 04 down to 2 in June

Wigeon numbers on Otmoor from November

Teal winter visitor and some in summer

Shoveler winter visitor from November

Tufted Duck 40+ during May plus 1000+ in January 03, 20 plus in October 2004

Gadwall about 6 in November 04

Pochard at least two pairs bred 2003

Goldeneye two reported by the RSPB in May 2003

Ruddy Duck two seen on 4 May 2003

Great Bittern one seen on various occasions, in October/November.

Quail at least 2 heard on Otmoor in June 02

Red Kite becoming more common on Otmoor. 

Sparrowhawk daily Horton cum Studley often sitting in ambush near nut feeder

Common Buzzard appear to have successfully bred near Horton cum Studley Pair with juvenile seen daily summer from 0 around Tippen's Copse. Seen regularly over Otmoor,

Marsh Harrier regular visitor

Merlin regular winter to visitor to Otmoor.

Peregrine seen over the fields between Horton cum Studley and the centre of Otmoor on various occasions.

Water Rail heard  on Otmoor and seen during Spring 2004

Coot numerous on Otmoor, also Studley Wood Golf Club and Stanton St John ponds

Moorhen Horton cum Studley, Church Lane pond and Mill Lane pond and on Otmoor

Oystercatcher seen on 4 May 03

Little Ringed Plover six reported on Otmoor 2003

Ringed Plover up to three seen on Otmoor by RSPB in May and 4 in June 03

Golden Plover winter flocks visit each winter.

Grey Plover one seen by RSPB on 26th April and one 3 July 03

Lapwing breeding in many areas including RSPB reserve, MOD land and BBOWT Asham meadows.

Pectoral Sandpiper 12 - 19th October 03

Dunlin up to 6 seen during May and 4 on 13 July and 4 on 18 October 03 and on several occasions in 04

Ruff up to six seen during May and four on 19 July 02 and 2 on 18-20 October 02 and singles in September 03

Snipe Breeding on Otmoor and seen on MOD land

Black-tailed Godwit one seen on 7/8 April (RSPB), six on 3 July and one on 18 October 03.

Bar-tailed Godwit up to three seen during May 03

Whimbrel four seen on 23 & 24 April 02

Curlew  Breeding in various areas into May  including RSPB, MOD and BBOWT land

Redshank about four pairs breed

Greenshank regular passage migrant.

Green Sandpiper two during September 03

Wood Sandpiper one on 19th September 04

Common Sandpiper one on 11 May 03

Common Gull 1 on 8 &12 April (RSPB) and 21 on 28 July 03

Arctic Tern five seen on 26 April 03 (RSPB)

Turtle Dove - One Horton cum Studley during May - August  and up to three on Otmoor

Little Owl  pair  resident Horton cum Studley .

Barn Owl seen in 2004 around Horton cum Studley in August and also seen near Beckley Otmoor during September.

Sort-eared Owl Many occasions in December 02 January 03 and singles in October and November 04

Long-eared Owl  Two seen near Beckley in June 04

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker  seen Burnwood Forest various occasions

Sand Martin over 100 over Otmoor in May

Meadow Pipit about 10 on MOD land.

Tree Pipit a pair with two juveniles on 7 July 03.

Yellow Wagtail small numbers on passage

Nightingale one singing male near rifle range 04

Redstart seen Horton cum Studley August 04

Wheatear three on 16 and 20 April and one 14th August 03 Horton cum Studley

Stonechat about 6 resident on Otmoor.

Fieldfare   Numerous from October until the hawthorn berries are exhausted in December when the majority move on.

Redwing numerous by mid November.

Cetti's Warbler at least three can be heard on Otmoor most months.

Grasshopper Warbler heard  MOD land and Studley Wood Golf Course

Sedge Warbler Summer visitors to Otmoor

Reed Warbler Summer visitors to Otmoor

Marsh Warbler - singing bird June - July 2009

Lesser Whitethroat one on 16 April 03, several drinking in pond Horton cum Studley during August

Whitethroat annual breeding in many locations including Horton cum Studley

Blackcap annual breeding in many locations including Horton cum Studley

Garden Warbler - Juvenile killed Horton cum Studley 2 Aug 03 - Hit window

Spotted Flycatcher pair nested Horton cum Studley 99 - 02

Raven One seen between Horton cum Studley &  Beckley on 4th November 03  then flying towards Bernwood.  Probably the breeding pair from a site in a disused factory about 10 miles away.

Long-tailed Tits These pretty birds have recently learned to feed from peanut holders.  A flock of about 10 regularly feeds in my garden.

Bearded Reedling 2 are now being seen at Otmoor RSPB (in vegetation and reeds close to the first screen but very elusive)

Tree Sparrow six seen at Horton cum Studley on several occasions at bird table until early May 02 but not seen since.

Yellow Hammer see below

Brambling: one on Otmoor 24th October.

Reed Bunting Flock of about 130 Reed Buntings and Yellow Hammers in the stubble near Gardener's Barn Horton cum Studley 26th January 03.  About 100 were Reed Buntings. This is the largest number of Reed Buntings I have ever seen in one place at one time.


Tree Sparrow feeding in Horton cum Studley garden with Greenfinch

Yellowhammer on the Oddington track onto Otmoor 


Red Admiral Caterpillars on Nettles Otmoor 8 July 00


   Spotted Flycatcher nesting at Horton cum Studley 2000. Regrettably after three years breeding in the same area the pair have not returned since, although a pair nested in a garden on the Main Street in 2002 not far from this site.. 


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