Garden Birds on our feeders in 2010 - 12

Up to 3 Robins at one time

Goldfinch love the Nyger seeds probably male (red on face to behind the eyes)

This cheeky female Blackcap visits daily

No Greenfinches in January but started in February

Up to five Reed Buntings at any one time daily - this is a male

and female Reed Bunting


Adult male House Sparrow males with larger black bibs are first in the pecking order

Female House Sparrow daily visitors

Blackcap back again

Goldfinch probably female red does not extend to back of eye

Woodpigeons eat everything!

Reed Buntings prefer the table top

Male Great Tit with broad black between the legs. Great Tit up to six at one time

Female Great Tit

Adult male Blackbird. No brown primaries indicates that it was born before 2009

Female Blackbird

Pied Wagtail feeding under the feeders

Blue Tits also visit daily but fewer than Great Tit

Starlings visit occasionally - still in winter plumage

Dunnock normally hides under the feeders

Long-tailed Tits visit in small flocks

Goldfinches feeding on the Nyger seed while the Blue Tit prefers peanuts.

Pair Goldfinches male left with red in front of the eye and female right

Male Chaffinch with nasty growth on its legs but otherwise healthy

Mallard sweeping up under the feeders

Pair Collared Doves

Coal Tits are infrequent visitors

another view of Coal Tit


another view of the Pied Wagtail

Male Chaffinches are daily visitors but few female - they tend to flock in separate male and female flocks hence the Latin name Fringilla Coelebs - bachelor finches.

August Goldfinch juvenile just moulting into adult plumage

Song Thrushes breed nearby but rarely come into the garden


August Blue Tit moulting into adult plumage this one possibly a male with dark blue head feathers appearing

July - Juvenile Great Tit begs for food .....


and gets it!


Greenfinch joins the many Goldfinches in December


Female Great-Spotted Woodpecker in December

Long-tailed Tits at Sunset

Male Great-spotted Woodpecker



Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker in June

Male Blackcap

Sparrowhawk pouncing on feeing birds

The snow brings in a hungry Magpie

Over 20 birds waiting to feed during the December snows

and back in the Spring

Jackdaws rarely come to feed - however some fat of the Sunday joint attracted this one.


A Marsh Tit starts visiting in November, possibly adult male.

(could be Willow Tit but on balance I believe it to be Marsh)


There was been 14 Goldfinches at one time in December cold period.

Birds on feeders on 18th December 2010:

Blue Tit

Coal Tit

Great Tit

Marsh Tit

Long Tailed Tit





House Sparrow






Great-spotted Woodpecker


Pied Wagtail

Reed Bunting


Collared Dove


22 species