Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 14 March 2013 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chair), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Andrew Payne and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). No members of the public attended.



Apologies and Declaration of Interest: Apologies were received from Tim Hallchurch. There were no declarations of interest. 






































Minutes of the Last Meeting: on 14 February2013 were agreed and signed as a correct record.


Public Participation:  No members of the public attended.


Matters Arising:


Website: Adrian Hampshire had demonstrated Beckley’s new website at the last meeting and it was agreed to use this model for Horton cum Studley’s new website. All village groups would be invited to have their own page on the site and a review would be undertaken after the first six months of operation. Clerk to request if Adrian would demonstrate the website at the AGM.


The Lodge Residential Lets:  Laura Baker, Planning Investigator from CDC advised that she was aware of the accommodation at the Lodge and further discussions were taking place with regards to the use of the residential lets and further applications on the site with the owner.


Tim Hallchurch sent a report that a meeting was held between the Director and Head of Planning, CDC and the applicants from The Lodge. Discussions were held about previous consents and whether they were live and about the Council’s attitude to other forms of development. CDC is awaiting a further submission.


The Red Bungalow: Laura Baker reported that the approved plans (by appeal 15.2.05) for the Red Bungalow did not indicate demolition of the existing dwelling. Having taken advice from the Legal Department, it was concluded that CDC cannot request that the bungalow is demolished since nothing was contained within the planning permission stating this.


The Parish Council agreed to ask for a second opinion from the Legal Department.


Smart Water: Barbara Jewell reported on the latest, highly effective way to deter criminal theft. Smart water is painted on items, such as the lead on church roofs, and if stolen, the smart water would be detectable on hands for 5 years. It was agreed to request a demonstration at the AGM in May.



























Councillors’ Reports


District and County Councillor: Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies. He sent the following report. The County Council elections would be on 2 May 2013 and he had been selected to stand for the new Otmoor Division.

After 1 April 2013 he would have £10K to spend on local projects. £1.09 million is available for the County to be used at Councillors’ discretion on highway maintenance.


Police, Parish Plan and Youth Group: Barbara Jewell circulated the NAG notes for March; copies of which would be posted on the notice boards. The next Youth Group disco would be on Friday 15 February 2013. Police have had further cut backs and our area now only has two PCSOs. It was agreed to request a visit to the village using the number plate recognition device which can be used for logging speeding vehicles too. Barbara Jewell had organised a list of volunteers to distribute and collect the Parish Plan questionnaires. Prior to distribution, she would set up a meeting, in conjunction with ORCC, to explain the process with the objective of achieving a 100% submission rate.


Almshouses: Andrew Payne reported that all the almshouses are now occupied.


Church: Andrew Payne advised that there was nothing to report.


Millennium Hall Committee: Sarah Foxcroft reported that tennis courts had been resurfaced. Work for the table tennis table on going cannot commence until drier conditions allow for the ground works to be done.





Finance: It was agreed to pay the following invoices: Clerk’s salary Oct-March 2013 £970.20;

 Bex Hopkins £65 Youth Group film; Ady Podbery slit tine spiking of the playing field £90; R&R Hawes £105 grass cutting. It was agreed to request a credit against part of the invoice for CDC to empty the dog bins as they had not been emptied regularly over the winter.













Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting:


The Parish Council agreed the quote for Ady Podbery for grass cutting with an increase of £3.25 per cut this year.


It was reported that the standing water at the bottom of Horton Hill footpath had frozen during the recent cold spell and was extremely dangerous for pedestrians. DP would report to Oxfordshire Highways again.




An advertisement had gone into the March newsletter requesting volunteers for the positions of editor and distributor.


The nest issue is planned for publication in July 2013.





















Planning: the following planning application was reviewed and comments were agreed as follows:


13/00225/F The Old Nursery single storey side extension.


The Parish Council had no objections and requested that the applicant ensures consideration of builders parking, delivery lorries and general care of the environment e.g. ensuring the verges are left intact, is maintained during the construction of the development.





It was agreed to hold the annual village Spring Clean 2013 during the weekend 20-21 April. All parishioners are encouraged to collect a litter pick and bag and collect one bag of rubbish.


Future Agenda Items:


The Lodge

AGM speakers

Councillors’ Roles




Next Meeting: The next meeting would be on Thursday 11 April 2013 at 7.30pm.







Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….


Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 14 February 2013 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chair), Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 1 member of the public attended.



Apologies and Declaration of Interest: Apologies were received from Colin Badger, Andrew Payne and Tim Hallchurch. There were no declarations of interest. 





























Minutes of the Last Meeting: on 10 January 2012 were agreed and signed as a correct record.


Public Participation:  The Parish Plan Questionnaire was finalised. It was agreed to ask 18 people to deliver and collect questionnaires to 10 houses each to ensure every household participates in the survey. 


Matters Arising:


Website: Adrian Hampshire had demonstrated Beckley’s new website. It was agreed to use this model for Horton cum Studley’s new website. Initial expenditure of approximately £300-400 was approved in principle. All village groups would be invited to have their own page on the site.


The Lodge Residential Lets and The Red Bungalow: It was agreed to report again the alleged breach of planning on both properties.


CDC had confirmed that dog bins should be emptied once a week. It was agreed to monitor the collections and request a reduction to the next invoice since the bins had not been emptied regularly during recent weeks.


Oxfordshire Highways had confirmed that they would repair the large pothole outside Forge Close and the drainage grips in Church Lane and Ragnall’s Lane within one month.


The Parish Council had received £1K funding for the table tennis table proposal from The Big Society.


















Councillors’ Reports


District and County Councillor: Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.


Police, Parish Plan and Youth Group: Barbara Jewell circulated the NAG notes for January and February; copies of which would be posted on the noticeboards. The next Youth Group disco would be on Friday 15 February 2013.


Almshouses: Colin Badger sent his apologies.


Church: Andrew Payne sent his apologies.


Millennium Hall Committee: Sarah Foxcroft reported that the next meeting would be on Thursday 21 February 2013.




Finance: It was agreed to pay the following invoice: Millennium Hall rent for 2012-13 £192.


It was agreed to enlist the services of a payroll accountant to run the PAYE at a cost of £40.50 p.a. It was also agreed to keep the precept at £6,000.









Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting: Notification had been received from Oxfordshire Highways that Woodperry Hill road repairs would start on 4 March for 3 weeks. A road diversion would be put in place via the B4027, Pound Lane, Mill Street to Corner Farm, Oakley Road.




Both the editor and the distributor of the newsletters had tendered their resignation. The Chairman thanked both of them for their support and commitment to the much valued village newsletter.


It was agreed to advertise both positions as one year assignments to encourage more parishioners to take up these posts without being too onerous.






















Planning: the following planning application was reviewed and comments were agreed as follows:


13/00011/F Upper Green Erection of single storey framed orangery – amendment to 12/01202/F. The Parish Council had no objections and requested that the applicant ensures consideration of builders parking, delivery lorries and general care of the environment, is maintained during the construction of the development.




OGBN: Permitted Development Rights. It was agreed to support an exemption for the Green Belt.


Wadley Hill Farm (proposed solar park). It was reported that this application had already been rejected.


Future Agenda Items: Smart water




Next Meeting: The next meeting would be on Thursday March 14 2013 at 7.30pm.







Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….


Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 10 January 2013 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chair), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Andrew Payne and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 2 members of the public attended.



Apologies and Declaration of Interest: Apologies were received from Tim Hallchurch. There were no declarations of interest. 
































Minutes of the Last Meeting: on 13 December 2012 were agreed and signed as a correct record.


Public Participation:  It was reported that the dog bins do not seem to be emptied on a regular basis and were sometimes over flowing. AL to report this to CDC.


A large pot hole was reported outside Forge Close. DP to report to Oxfordshire Highways.


A question was raised as to who was responsible for maintaining the cut out of verges to allow rain water on the roads to drain into the ditches. The cut outs along the verges in Church Lane and Ragnall’s Lane had not been attended to for some time. AL to follow up with Oxfordshire Highways.


The table tennis table proposal was discussed. The cost estimate of £6K had been submitted to The Big Society. This comprised of the table itself at £2.5K plus £500 in fitting costs and approximately £3K for ground works. The Big Society had confirmed funding of £1K, the Parish Council had agreed to donate £2K and there was about £800 raised at various village events. It was hoped that a further £2K would be donated by the Millennium Hall Committee.


Matters Arising:


The Lodge: It was reported that Tim Hallchurch and John Attley had approached Andrew Payne and David Prosser to arrange a special meeting with just the four of them to discuss The Lodge. Both Councillors had declined, as they felt it was inappropriate to discuss this matter in a restricted forum.


Website: It was agreed to invite the web designer of Beckley village website to present options available for a new village website. It was also agreed to invite representatives from other village groups to this presentation in case they wish to have a page on the new website.

















Councillors’ Reports


District and County Councillor: Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.


Police, Parish Plan and Youth Group: Barbara Jewell reported that the questionnaire for the Parish Plan should be ready for circulation soon. BJ will complete the paperwork for the Youth Group to join the OAYP which the Parish Council had agreed to pay for.


Almshouses: Renovations to No. 1 were complete and the new resident would move in shortly.


Church: Andrew Payne reported that the church was running smoothly.


Millennium Hall Committee: See item 3.3. Sarah Foxcroft reported that the MHC would break even this financial year.





Finance: It was agreed to pay the following invoices: Clerk’s expenses £60-98 (gifts for the newsletter editor and designer and printer paper).






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting: See items 3.1 and 3.2.




It was agreed to encourage residents to report road and footpath complaints directly to Oxfordshire Highways as it was hoped that the more complaints received from individual residents, the greater the priority Oxfordshire Highways would accord the problem.    




























Planning: the following planning notice was received and noted:


12/01583/F 7 Priory Close Ground floor single storey extension. Granted.  The Parish Council was pleased to note that CDC had added the Parish Council’s request to the planning notes that the applicant was advised to ensure that consideration of builders parking, delivery lorries and general care of the environment e.g. ensuring the verges are left intact, is maintained during the construction of the development.


Correspondence: It was agreed to write to John Attley to advise him of the Council’s decision to reinstate the covenant ‘lifted’ in August 2007 to facilitate the expansion of the Otmoor Lodge, which included a shop and Post Office and the erection of three new houses. The planning approval that was subsequently granted for this development has now expired without any building having taken place.


As there are no extant planning approvals concerning this parcel of land and future developments are uncertain, the Parish Council has decided to reinstate the covenant.

The ‘reinstatement’ of the covenant is an important safeguard on the use to which this site might be put in the future.


The Parish Council agreed this at its meeting on 13 December 2012 and it is unanimous in its view.


Future Agenda Items:  Website demonstration at the next meeting from 7.30-8.00pm.




Next Meeting: The next meeting would be on Thursday 14 February 2013 at 7.30pm. The AGM would be on Thursday 9 May 2013.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….







Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 14 October 2010 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Sarah Foxcroft, Tim Hallchurch, Barbara Jewell and Andrew Payne.





Public Participation: One member of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest: Colin Badger sent his apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 







Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising: 9 September 2010 were agreed and signed as a correct record






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor: Tim Hallchurch reported that the Chief Executive of Cherwell District Council, Mary Harpley, had left to relocate to London. Discussions are ongoing to combine resources with South-Northants District Council.


Tim also reported that Oxfordshire County Council is facing serious budget issues. All capital projects have been put on hold and are slowly being released on an as needed basis. The budget allocation from the Government will be known next week.






Police:  Barbara Jewell has tried to attend the Tuesday surgeries on two occasions however it seems that the surgeries have been discontinued.






Almshouses:  There was nothing to report.






Church: There was nothing to report.






Millennium Hall Committee: Sarah Foxcroft reported that three new heaters have been installed. If these prove to be efficient, these models will be used to replace the old heaters as they break down.






Finance: It was agreed to pay the following invoices:


  • BDO LLP External Audit £141.00
  • Ady Podbery Grass Cutting August 2010 £93.41& September 2010 £186.82
  • CDC Dog Bins Summer 2010 £341.43
  • Jill Meyjes Transport Scheme Shortfall £25.40





The balance of the deposit account was noted £10,418.18Cr as at 9.10.10.




Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting: there was nothing to report.






Parish Newsletters: it was agreed to find someone to cover for the current editor from November to February 2011. Jill Meyjes has drafted an article on thermal imaging for submission to both the Four Parishes magazine and the Village Magazine. It was agreed that Barbara Jewell will write the article for the Parish Council for the next issue.






Planning: The following planning application was discussed and the response was agreed:













07/02478/F The Lodge: amending existing planning conditions.


It was agreed to object to this application on the grounds of over development and loss of visual amenity. 


The following planning notices were noted:  


10/01021/F The Lodge: to permit the project to be constructed in two phases. Granted. Tim Hallchurch reported that a condition of the planning was that the shop was to be constructed in the first phase.

















Fencott and Murcott PC: Invitation to attend their Annual Parish Meeting 19.10.10.  It was agreed that Barbara Jewell and David Prosser would attend on behalf of the Parish Council.


OCC Review of Subsidised Bus Service: Consultation. There is a review of bus services looming and if parishioners don’t use the service we are likely to lose it.

If anyone has any suggestions or comments to make about the bus service, please contact the Parish Transport Representative, Jill Meyjes on 351496.


BDO LLP: Conclusion of Audit for 2009-10. The External Auditors had one item to note for next year’s audit which was for the Parish Council to update its fixed assets. It was agreed that Andrew Payne would contact BDO to request clarification.




Future Agenda Items:  n/a






Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Thursday 11 November 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.






Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….



Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 9 September 2010 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Tim Hallchurch and Andrew Payne.





Public Participation: no members of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest: Barbara Jewell sent her apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 









Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising: 8 July and 12 August 2010 were agreed and signed as a correct record.


Update on the Lodge: Tim Hallchurch reported that the application to phase the accommodation and houses will go to the Planning Committee in October. As our Parish Representative, the Parish Council requested that Tim report the Parish Council’s strong objection to the latest application.






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor: Tim Hallchurch reported on the budget cutting process both at the County Council and District Council. Representatives from CDC and South Northamptonshire DC will meet to discuss the possibility of sharing resources.


Other cuts include the reduction in the number of Officers at both CDC and OCC.


It was reported that by 2014 the Primary Care Trust will be dissolved and 250 Administrators jobs will be cut.


OCC had a £6m reduction in funding for roads last year. A further cut in funding is expected this year so work such as speed limits and weight limits will be postponed. OCC has changed contractors and has reduced the cost of repairing potholes from £75 to £25 per hole.


OCC has introduced Area Stewards and Paul Wilson is the Steward for this parish. 






Police: Barbara Jewell sent her apologies.






Almshouses: The road surface outside the almshouses gateway has been repaired.






Church: There was nothing to report.






Millennium Hall Committee: There was nothing to report.






Finance: It was agreed to pay the following invoices:











  • Clerk’s salary and expenses July to September 2010 £530.11
  • Zurich Insurance £352.11
  • Parchments Newsletter £172.99
  • CDC Elections £57.20


The balance of the current account as at 27.7.10 £9860.42 and deposit account as at 9.6.10 £10416.87.




Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting: it was agreed to cut the verges one last time due to recent grass growth.






Parish Newsletters: it was agreed to put an article in the next village newsletter to warn parishioners of the impending review of bus services and to remind them that if we don’t use the service we are likely to lose it. 






Planning: The following planning notices were noted:  















The Old Vicarage: change of use of property from 3 apartments back to single family dwelling. Granted.


Greensleeves: demolition of single storey extension, carport and garage. Refused.


Horton Farm: use of leisure facilities in the barn for private family use. Granted.


Moors Farm: hay barn. Does not require formal prior approval.


Land adjacent to Hill Foot Cottage: Erection of 3 bedroom cottage, access and parking spaces. Granted.

















CDC: invitation to thermal imaging forum 4.10.10. It was agreed to invite Jill Meyes to this forum on behalf of the Parish Council.


OCC: review of subsidised bus services. It was agreed to put an article in the next village newsletter to warn parishioners of the impending review of bus services and to remind them that if we don’t use the service we are likely to lose it.  Jill Meyjes will continue to attend the consultation meetings on behalf of the Parish Council. The Chairman thanked Jill for her continued work on this important village service.


CDC: parish website. Sarah Foxcroft will continue to monitor the transfer of data to the proposed new website. Agenda and minutes of the Parish Council meetings are uploaded monthly.




Future Agenda Items:  n/a






Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Thursday 14 October 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.






Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….



Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 12 August 2010 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Andrew Payne and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).





Public Participation: 14 members of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest: Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 











Planning: 10/01021/F The Lodge. Variation of condition 7 of 07/02478/F to permit the project to be constructed in two phases.


The Chairman outlined the current planning permission and asked for parishioners’ comments concerning the proposed variation. The following is a summary of the relevant comments:


It was reported that the licence notice to sell alcohol in no longer above the front door of the pub and there is a typed notice stating ’bar open to residents only’. Clerk to contact Cherwell Licensing to check whether the pub has lost its licence.


The original planning approval was granted to allow the Lodge to become viable so that the facility of a public house, a shop and a Post Office would be retained in the village. With the passage of time and the numerous variations submitted the original rationale is no longer valid. 


The proposal to stagger the building works with no binding timeframe would be intolerable to local residents. Moreover, it would be unacceptable to allow the location to remain a building site for an indeterminate period of time due to the number of children walking and cycling through the area on their way to the adjacent play area.


There is a statement in the paperwork accompanying the application that claims that the residents of the Green have been consulted over the phased planning proposal which is untrue. 


It was proposed that external legal advice be sought concerning the validity of the original criteria for granting planning approval and the status of the current 106 agreement.


It was agreed to object to the latest planning application and to request additional time to respond, while the Parish Council takes legal advice from a planning lawyer.


Due to the lack of a social focal point in the village, it was proposed to trial a coffee morning once a month on a Saturday morning in the Millennium Hall.


It was also noted that the Social Committee is trying to rekindle social village events.


Barbara Jewell is organising a steering committee to start work on the Parish Plan and consultation events could link in with social events in the village.










Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Thursday 9 September 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.



Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….


Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Meeting of the Parish Council

To be held on Thursday 8 July 2010 at 7.30pm

In the Millennium Hall









Apologies and Declarations of Interest AP and TH


D Prosser




Public Participation – members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting with any issues they wish to discuss. This is the only time members of the public are permitted to participate in the meeting.


D Prosser


Minutes of the last meeting 11 June 2010: To agree the minutes from the last meeting.


BJ reported that the way the PC is run will change. Govt devolving money and direction more to PCs, possibly within the next 2 years.


D Prosser


Matters Arising: Items for Discussion arising from the last meeting:


  1. Review of Church donation £150
  2. Discuss request for funding from the Holford Centre, Stanton St John Deferred until next meeting
  3. Annual Parish Plan Update BJ will form a steering committee. Notice in the 4 Parishes and village newsletter.
  4. VAS Training Speedwatch BJ will investigate the speedwatch scheme. Take speeds/number plates, police send warning letter and if caught again will get fined.
  5. Website: how to migrate from old to new.  Waiting to response from CDC.







B Jewell

B Jewell


Councillors’ Reports


  • District Councillor TH sent apols.
  • Police BJ waiting for details of next meeting.
  • Almshouses lose tarmac in front of the path to Almshouses. In hand.
  • Church



T Hallchurch

B Jewell

C Badger

A Payne


  • Millennium Hall Committee Tennis club agreed to look at a mid season discount to attract more members this year.

S Foxcroft










Finance – to agree to pay the following invoices:


  •  Clerk’s salary April to June 2010 £485.10

Bottle for AP.

To note the balance of the current account £11,030.00

A Lewis


Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting






Parish Newsletters  due within next 2 weeks.









Planning Notices: to discuss and agree a response to the following planning application:


10/00851/CLUE Horton Farm for existing barns in domestic use. No obj. Use for residents only. Not to be used for commercial use.


The Rectory. No obs.


Bennett Jones.


Don’t want to set a precedent to build houses in gardens.

Inappropriate development in the front garden.

Over development of the site.






To note the following decision notices:
















n/a. Fly tipping in Menmarsh Road becoming increasing problem.


Future Agenda Items: to agree agenda items for the next meeting.






Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 12 August 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.





Signed: _________________________________________   Date: _____________________





Correspondence for Circulation – July 2010




1.     OALC Update June 2010



2.    OALC Annual Report 2009-10

  1. CDC Planning Futures Newsletter
  2. CDC Parish Liaison Meeting feedback and new dates
  3. Clerks and Councils Direct
  4. CDC Planning Process (copies for DP and CB)














Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held on Thursday 10 June 2010 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Andrew Payne and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Public Participation: no members of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest: Colin Badger and Tim Hallchurch sent their apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 






Minutes of the Last Meeting: 13 May 2010 were agreed and signed as a correct record.









Annual Parish Plan: Following some positive feedback from the Annual Parish Meeting to the ORCC’s presentation on Parish Plans, it was agreed that Barbara Jewell will take the project forward, starting with the formation of a steering group.  BJ to report progress at monthly meetings.












Overview of Finances: Andrew Payne gave an overview of the Parish Council’s accounts for the year ending 31 March 2010. In summary, the Parish Council’s expenditure exceeded its income by approximately £1,500 but has reserves of £17,104.


The Chairman thanked Andrew Payne for preparing the accounts and for completing the internal audit.




Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor: Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.






Police: Feedback from the Annual Parish Meeting indicated that speeding traffic through the village remains a high priority for many parishioners and it was agreed to contact Thames Valley Police to make another request for hand held Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) training.








Almshouses: Colin Badger sent his apologies.






Church: Andrew Payne reported that the church is low on funds. It was agreed to review the Parish Council’s annual donation at the next meeting.






Millennium Hall Committee: Sarah Foxcroft reported that Marilyn Newbury is the new Chairperson and Graham Lang is now responsible for hall bookings.






Finance: It was agreed to pay the following invoices:




  •  E Hawes Grass Cutting May 2010 £223.25
  • Annual Parish Meeting refreshments B Jewell £16.61 (food) and D Jewell £31.60 (drinks)
  • CPRE subscription 2010 £29
  • A Podbery Grass Cutting £186.82









The Parish Council agreed to donate £100 to the Air Ambulance Trust.


It was agreed to discuss the request for funds from the Holford Centre, Stanton St John at the next meeting.






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting: there was nothing to report.






Parish Newsletters: Andrew Payne will write the Parish Council’s report for the next parish newsletter as well as proof read the entire newsletter. It was agreed to alternate this between Councillors.






Planning: The following planning application decision notice was noted






White Gate, Church Lane: Demolition of garage. Construction of 2 single storey side and rear extensions including alterations to form garage, kitchen and bedroom. Granted.










See items 7.2 and 7.3.




Future Agenda Items: Review the annual donation to the church and discuss the request for funds for improvements to the Holford Centre.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 8 July 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.









Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….






Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council

Annual Parish Meeting

held on Thursday 27 May 2009 at 8.00pm

In the Millennium Hall




David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Andrew Payne (Vice Chairman) and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).   25 parishioners attended.





Welcome and Apologies – the Chairman welcome everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Tim Hallchurch.






The Chairman introduced the Councillors and welcomed back Andrew Payne as the new Vice Chairman.


The Chairman thanked Jill Meyjes and Mary Stuck for the time and hard work they had given during their term of office. Jill Meyjes had been on the Parish Council for 17 years and Mary Stuck for 8 years. The Chairman expressed his thanks to Jill Meyjes who has agreed to continue to be the transport representative for the parish.


The members of the Parish Council are:


  • David Prosser, Chairman and representative for roads and footpaths.
  • Andrew Payne who is the Vice Chairman and representative for the Church
  • Colin Badger who is the representative for Almshouses
  • Sarah Foxcroft who is the representative on the Village Hall Committee
  • Barbara Jewell who is the representative for the WI and Police
  • Alexia Lewis, Clerk.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 14 May 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record. 






Speaker: Barbara Jewell introduced Aimee Evans from Oxfordshire Rural Community Council (ORCC) who gave an interesting and informative presentation on the benefits of creating a Parish Plan.


Parish Plans take approximately 12-18 months to complete and need to be supported by OCC and CDC.  It is important that as many parishioners as possible are encouraged to contribute their ideas and views during the compilation of the plan as it should reflect what parishioners want to see in their village. Possible activities to engage parishioners include pub quizzes, a village logo competition and a village photograph competition.


Outcomes from other local Parish Plans have included starting up a youth club, establishing a community led shop and the creation of a village recipe book.


Funding for activities and advice is available from ORCC.


Parishioners were asked to write their suggestions on post it notes to questions such as what they like about Horton cum Studley, what they would like to improve and any ideas they would like to see in a Parish Plan.


The results will be collated and published in the next Parish Newsletter. Several parishioners expressed an interest in forming a Parish Plan steering group.


The Chairman thanked Aimee for taking the time to speak at the meeting.






Chairman’s Report






The Chairman gave a brief report on some matters other than planning, which have been dealt with during the year.


Vehicle Activated Signs: The signs have finally been installed and are now in use on a rotational basis.


Planning: The Parish Council hosted a planning seminar run by Cherwell District Council for local Parish Councillors in July 2009.


Age Concern Information Box: Situated in the Church, this contains a number of useful leaflets on a wide range of topics including bereavement, wills, benefits etc.  Ann Stearns is the Parish Link and Volunteer Field Worker for Age Concern.  


Parish Website: This is up and running. The web address is: http://www.cherwell-local.co.uk/site/horton-cum-studley-oxfordshire/


Youth Play Scheme: Barbara Jewell has organised a 10 week Youth Scheme taster course which is currently running on Monday afternoons from 4pm at the village hall playing fields and is open to all children between 8-16 years old. If the scheme is successful the Parish Council hopes to start up a Youth Club.


Thermal Imaging Scheme: This scheme will be run in the autumn to help identify heat loss from houses. Further details will be published in the next newsletter.


The Chairman thanked the Councillors and the Clerk for their hard work and achievements during the past year.


This ended the Chairman’s Report. 


6. Open Forum


The Chairman then opened the meeting to parishioners’ questions and responded to specific questions as follows:






Bench on Horton Hill: A plaque has been ordered for the bench on Horton Hill given to the village of Horton-cum-Studley by Tony Baldry MP to mark his 27 years as our Member of Parliament 1983-2010.






The Lodge Planning Applications: Planning permission has been approved for the houses, hotel accommodation and shop. It is understood that building work has not commenced due to the present economic climate.






Hedges: There are a number of overgrown hedges along Woodperry Hill, Warren Farm and Bernwood which are causing a potential hazard to traffic. The Parish Council has complained numerous times about the hedges and pot holes/running water on Woodperry Hill (despite this section of road not being part of Horton cum Studley Parish).  






Parish Website: The website is part of Cherwell District Council’s website and is quite limited in terms of design. It was proposed that the Parish Council create its own website and Barbara Jewell will follow up. Sarah Foxcroft is the website coordinator and can be contacted with requests to add items to the website. The website address will be advertised on the notice boards (http://www.cherwell-local.co.uk/site/horton-cum-studley-oxfordshire/).






The Chairman thanked parishioners for attending and closed the meeting at 9.30pm.




Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….




Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held on Thursday 13 May 2010 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Andrew Payne and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Public Participation: no members of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest: Colin Badger and Tim Hallchurch sent their apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 






Minutes of the Last Meeting: 5 April 2010 were agreed and signed as a correct record.









Finance: The Parish Council approved the annual governance statement and approved the accounting statement in the annual return for year ending 31 March 2010.












Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and committee representatives:


Andrew Payne proposed David Prosser as Chairman and Sarah Foxcroft seconded this.


David Prosser proposed Andrew Payne as Vice Chair and Barbara Jewell seconded this.


The Chairman welcomed the new councillor, Andrew Payne.  


Sarah Foxcroft agreed to act as representative for the Millennium Hall Committee; Colin Badger agreed to act as representative for the Alms Houses, Barbara Jewell agreed to act as representative for the WI and the Police; and Andrew Payne agreed to act as representative for the Church. Retiring Councillor Jill Meyjes will continue to act as representative for Transport.




Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor: Tim Hallchurch will update at the Annual Parish Meeting.






Police: there was nothing to report.






Almshouses: Colin Badger sent his apologies and there was nothing to report.






Church: there was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee: the AGM will be held on Thursday 27 April 2010 at 8pm. Barbara Jewell reported that the Youth Activator scheme has started on Mondays from 3.30pm.






Finance: It was agreed to pay the following invoice:




 Ady Podbery grass cutting April 2010 £186.82.






The Parish Council noted receipt of the OCC Grass Cutting Grant for 2010 of £1740.






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting: there was nothing to report.






Parish Newsletters: there was nothing to report. 






Planning: The following planning application was discussed and the response was agreed as follows:






White Gate, Church Lane: Demolition of garage. Construction of 2 single storey side and rear extensions including alterations to form garage, kitchen and bedroom. The Parish Council raised no objections.













ORCC 90th Birthday Celebration 3 July 2010: It was agreed that Barbara Jewell should attend this event on behalf of the Parish Council.


Cherwell Parish Liaison Meeting 9 June 2010, Bodicote House: Barbara Jewell, David Prosser and Andrew Payne will attend this meeting.






Future Agenda Items: Feedback from the AGM and an overview of finances from the internal auditor.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 10 June 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 27 May at 7.45pm in the Millennium Hall with speaker Aimee Evans, from the ORCC. All parishioners are welcome.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….







Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 15 April 2010 at the Millennium Hall




David Prosser (Chairman), Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).






Public Participation – no members of the public attended.






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – Colin Badger and Tim Hallchurch sent their apologies and there were no declarations of interest.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 11 March 2010 were agreed and signed as a correct record. 











Report on actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. Thermal Imaging: Jo Colwell from CDC (contact 01295 221957) is happy to set up a thermal imaging scheme in the village during the end of summer/early autumn. It was agreed to ask her to speak at the meeting in September. 


  1. Community Transport Scheme: The Parish Council agreed to pay the shortfall of £21.50. JM is happy to continue running the service which is proving to be invaluable to those parishioners who do not have their own transport. The Chairman thanked JM for setting up this successful scheme and for being willing to continue running it.


  1. Parish Transport Representative: JM has kindly offered to continue to be the transport representative for the parish. The Chairman thanked JM for this generous offer since she has a wealth of knowledge in this area and was instrumental in keeping and improving the bus service in the village.












Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – TH sent his apologies.






Police – MS reported that the next NAG meeting is on 5 May, 6.30pm in Kidlington or Yarnton (TBC). DP might be able to attend this meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.






Almshouses – CB sent his apologies and there was nothing to report.






Church – JM reported that the Church will have to apply for a change of use to the land at the back of the Church which is required as an extension to the graveyard. JM will speak to the Church Warden, Andrew Payne.






Millennium Hall Committee – BJ and SF attended the meeting on 28 January. It is hoped to be able to run the trial youth scheme during the summer, subject to the hall being available.






Biodiversity Group – there was nothing to report.




Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoices:








  •  SLCC Membership £95
  • OALC Membership £130.30
  • Clerk’s salary Jan-March 2010 £ 485.10 & expenses £3.49 (£488.59)


The Parish Council noted that the annual audit for the year ending 31 March 2010 is due by 9 July 2010.





Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –





There was nothing to report.




Parish Newsletters – the next parish newsletter is due in June 2010.




Planning – there were no planning applications.






The following planning notice was received and noted:






Horton Farm - Certificate of Lawful Use Existing for barns in domestic use. Withdrawal of planning application.




Correspondence – there was no correspondence.






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


  1.  AGM Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Officers.









Next Meeting – the Annual General Meeting will be on Thursday 13 May 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.  The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 27 May at 8pm in the Millennium Hall with speaker Aimee Evans from the ORCC. Drinks and light refreshments will be served from 7.45pm. All parishioners are welcome.





Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….





Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 11 March 2010 at the Millennium Hall






David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Tim Hallchurch, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 


Public Participation –   6 members of the public attended.










Linda Watson, fifth Chief Executive of the ORCC, gave an informative talk on the work of the ORCC.


The ORCC is 90 years old this year and is the oldest rural community council of the 38 in England. It is an independent charity which was set up as a University of Oxford spin off and originally had a very strong partnership with the WI which was established at the same time with the common aim of dealing with housing, transport and access to services.  The first Chief Executive was Grace Haddock.  The aim of the ORCC is to improve life in rural Oxfordshire and with 19 members of staff, the ORCC is entirely funded from statutory sources and has strong links with councils and districts.


The ORCC delivers services to groups such as village hall management communities, groups of local shops, transport groups etc.


The work with village hall management committees, of which there are nearly 300, includes advice on the law, marketing and promotes the sharing of ideas.


The ORCC is a national centre of excellence to help village shops. There are more community run village shops in Oxfordshire than in any other county in England. Help given includes advice on legal requirements, funding opportunities, marketing and other business advice.


The ORCC also helps with community led planning, previously known as parish plans.


The ORCC also works with smaller market towns. e.g. Burford, Benson and Berinsfield to draw up a larger scale community led plan to try and find ways to make the town more attractive for visitors and to increase business opportunities. Faringdon, Carterton, Kidlington, Wantage, Grove and Thame have all received funding to improve signage, local walks etc.


The ORCC advises on affordable housing which are housing schemes for local people who have a local connection. These houses are all built on exception sites and receive special planning permission.


Another key activity is advice on transport and the ORCC has given advice to over 70 community transport schemes including arranging transport needs surveys, finding ways to improve local bus services, advice on pooling resources and putting sources of funding together.


The ORCC is keen to find a better way of identifying deprivation in rural Oxfordshire as official figures do not give a breakdown of this information. The ORCC hopes to look at different ways of analysing the data to show rural deprivation by, for example, looking at proportionality. It was reported that there are 2800 children in poverty in rural Oxfordshire and 500 elderly people living in life limiting circumstances. 


The ORCC is planning a 90th celebration of village life as it is in 2010 by asking what does a 21 century village look like? It hopes to capture the best of community life. There will be a celebration party in July at the Northmoor Trust.


The Chairman thanked Linda Watson for an interesting and informative talk.





Apologies and Declaration of Interest – there were no declarations of interest.






Minutes of the Last Meetings of 11 February 2010 were agreed and signed as a correct record. 











Report on actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. To agree an Emergency Plan for adverse weather conditions. It was agreed to defer this item until June 2010 when the new council will be in place. Clerk to type up and circulate JM’s notes.


  1. To discuss a proposal from Beckley Parish Council to group together with other local parishes to arrange for snow to be cleared by a private contractor and also to seek permission for private contractors to salt local roads. DP has consulted with Beckley Parish Council. AL has contacted OCC Highways and awaits their response to queries relating to the legal aspects of clearing and salting the roads including public liability.


  1. ORCC 90th Birthday Publication. It was agreed to submit an article on the Otmoor Challenge and the Otmoor Riding Group.


  1. It was agreed to go ahead and order the plaque for the bench donated by Tony Baldry to the village, following his approval of the inscription at a cost of   £180.68.


  1. New stile on the Oakley Road footpath: OCC are unable to supply stiles to landowners but are able to provide a grant towards the cost of the work (25%) usually subject to an estimate. Sarah Aldous will contact DP directly to discuss.


  1. Request for a grit bin and the problem of surface water on the Oakley Road: DP has discussed the matter of standing water on the road surface with the Clerk of Works at OCC. OCC has agreed to investigate the cause of the problem and plans to pipe the water into the ditch.  Grit bins need to be requested in writing to Ian Clarke, Acting Deputy Area Engineer (Cherwell), with a location plan showing the proposed locations so that OCC can assess the proposal. If permission is granted then full payment would be required before the bins are ordered. The dimensions of the grit bins are 1163(l) x 746(w) x 802(h) with 370 litres capacity. The current cost is £150 + VAT. The County Council would need to supply and install any bins required and would not permit a PC to undertake this on its behalf. Bins supplied by OCC are kept re-stocked as requested, subject to the availability of salt. There are currently no grit bins in stock and further supplies may be delayed due to the high demand. It was agreed to defer ordering the grit bin until such time as the Emergency Plan has been agreed for adverse weather conditions in case a new grit bin is required at a different site (e.g. for use by the contractor).


  1. Parish Council Elections: it was agreed to advertise the notice of the election of councillors in the Four Parishes Newsletter and on the notice boards.






















Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – TH reported that he will seek re election at the District Council elections in May 2010. He reported that CDC’s budget was set with a zero increase. CDC still has £90m in reserves and the interest on this pays for one third of the council tax. Tony Baldry and John Howell are due to visit Islip on Saturday 13 March at 11am.   


TH reported that the County Council’s budget situation is less healthy since there is due to be a considerable reduction in funds from the government over the next four years. The County Council’s budget covers education, roads and social services. The County Council spends £22m on road maintenance annually and at the moment is filling in 5,000 potholes a week.






Police – MS attended the NAG meeting last week which discussed the new set of annual priorities; speeding traffic and anti social behaviour. The new neighbourhood officer is Sergeant Colin Travi. 






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church –   there was nothing to report.






Millennium Hall Committee – the next meeting is due next week. BJ and SF will report at the next parish council meeting.






Biodiversity Group – there was nothing to report.




Finance – it was agreed to pay the following invoices:












  • Clerk’s salary October to December 2009 £485.10
  • Millennium Hall room rental 2009-10 £208
  • Parchments printing of newsletter £172.42
  • Oxford Green Belt Network subscription £15
  • CDC Emptying dog bins winter 2010 £170.72
  • ORCC Subscription 2010 £30
  • ORCC Speaker’s Fee 45.36





The balance of deposit account was noted as £7852.42 Cr.















Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – there have been several accidents on Woodperry Hill in recent weeks due to ice on the road. There is a water leak on the hill which has been reported on several occasions to Thames Water and also to Beckley PC and SODC.


It was agreed to obtain quotes for the grass verge cutting contract in the village for this year.  Outstanding.


A quote has been received from Ady Podbery for cutting the Green and the playing fields. It was agreed to accept the price although the number of cuts will depend on the weather. 







Flooding on the Brill Road – the jetting team from OCC Highways came to Brill Road last week and cleared the blockage which was causing the flood outside Pond House/Studley Farmhouse.



Parish Newsletters – there was nothing to report.




Planning – the following planning approval was noted.






Reserved Matters (ref: 06/01927/OUT). Proposed extension to hotel to form 20 no. Bedrooms and ancillary facilities, shop and post office and construction of 4 no. Dwellings (as amended by plans no. 04.666/62A and 04.666/64 received on 19.1.10 with agent’s letter dated 12.1.10). Approved.







Correspondence –.


CDC Spring Clean 2010 – it was agreed to run the Spring Clean campaign in the village during the weekend of Friday 23 to Sunday 30 April 2010.






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


  1. Election of new Parish Councillors (ALL)
  2. Thermal Imaging (JM)
  3. Community Transport Accounts (JM)









Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 15 April 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.  




Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….






Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 11 February 2010 at Moors Farm



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Tim Hallchurch, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  





Public Participation – 2 members of the public attended.


The Parish Council was asked what action it had taken to alleviate the conditions caused by the recent bad weather, particularly along the Oakley Road at the bend beyond the 30mph limit. This area had become icy because water tends to pool there. It was also claimed that there was a danger posed by several dead elm trees along the Oakley Road. A grit box was requested for Oakley Road and there was also a request to improve the drainage in the area because of problems with surface water. It was agreed to write to Oxfordshire Highways to convey the parishioner’s dissatisfaction with the roads during the recent bad weather and a request a grit bucket.


It was also reported that there was dog fouling inside the children’s play area at the Millennium playing fields.  It was agreed to remind parishioners via the next parish newsletter that dogs are not allowed in this play area and that there is a fine of up to £1,000 for not collecting dog foul.




















Apologies and Declaration of Interest – there were no declarations of interest.






Minutes of the Last Meetings of 14 and 29 January 2010 were agreed and signed as a correct record. 











Report on actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. To agree an Emergency Plan for adverse weather conditions. It was agreed to circulate the emergency plan guidelines and discuss at the next meeting.


  1. To discuss a proposal from Beckley Parish Council to group together with other local parishes to arrange for snow to be cleared by a private contractor and also to seek permission for private contractors to salt local roads. This was agreed in principle but we need to discuss further and look into legal side to ensure we are covered by public liability insurance if we salt the roads ourselves.


  1. Parish Website – SF has made good progress on the website and has been able to enter a lot of information that Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne had prepared. There are still limitations with the actual website and we await details on CDC’s proposed new website.


  1. It was agreed to go ahead and order the plaque for the bench donated by Tony Baldry to the village, following his approval of the inscription.                         
























Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor –  TH sent his apologies and there was nothing to report






Police – MS attended the NAG meeting on 22 January 2010 and there was nothing to report for Horton cum Studley. A rota has been set up for the VAS and it is currently sited on the Brill Road.  There are two staffing changes. PC Pip Hankiovich has moved to Banbury and Larry Jordan, our area officer, has retired and a replacement for him is expected in March 2010.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – there will be a chamber concert on May 8th 2010 in aid of Kidney Research.






Millennium Hall Committee – CDC will be running a 10 week Spring/Summer Youth Activator course.  It was proposed to run the sessions on Friday evenings in the Millennium Hall but this was not acceptable to the Millennium Hall Committee since they prepare the hall for weddings on Friday evenings.






Biodiversity Group – there was nothing to report.




Finance -














Linda Watson, Chief Executive of the ORCC, has agreed to speak at the Parish Council meeting on 11 March 2010. The Parish Council agreed to pay her £25 fee plus travel costs for attending the meeting (approx 40 miles).


The Chairman confirmed the Parish Council’s policy concerning speakers at Parish Council meetings was that only travel costs would be reimbursed.


It was agreed to invite Ed Potter from Cherwell District Council to talk at the AGM about recycling.















Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –











Flooding on the Brill Road – the Chairman thanked Colin Badger for clearing out the ditch opposite Studley Farmhouse which has resolved the outstanding problem of  standing water along the Brill Road.


Grass Cutting – it was agreed to obtain quotes for the grass verge cutting contract in the village for this year.  Outstanding.


It was reported that the footpath along the Oakley Road just after the bridge as you are going out of the village is in need of a stile. At the moment there is fencing and barbed wire which is not easily accessible to all parishioners. DP is willing to erect a stile if it is supplied by Oxfordshire County Council. AL to contact Sarah Aldous.
















Parish Newsletters – it was agreed to include an article about the dog mess in the children’s play area and remind dog owners that dogs are strictly forbidden in this area. 






Planning –






10/00078/F Willow Cottage. Single storey front conservatory. The Parish Council had no objections but raised the following concerns: The proposed new building is right on the boundary and is over a shared water pipe below ground level. It is also out of keeping with the building which is part of two brick cottages.










09/01891/CLUE Horton Farm. Certificate of Lawful Use Existing for barns in domestic use. The Parish Council raised no objections.









Correspondence – A letter of resignation was received from Jill Meyjes who has served on the Parish Council for many years. Mark Stuck said she would also be standing down from the Parish Council at the end of April 2010. The Chairman thanked them for their outstanding contributions while serving on the Parish Council.






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


  1. Election of new Parish Councillors.









Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 11 March 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.  





Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….






Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Meeting of the Parish Council

To be held on Friday 29 January 2010 at 8.00pm

In the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes.  









Tim Hallchurch, Mary Stuck, Colin Badger

D Prosser






















Planning Notices: to discuss and agree a response to the following planning applications:


The Lodge - 09/01697/REM. Reserved matters (ref: 06/01927/OUT). Proposed extension to hotel to form 20 no. Bedrooms and ancillary facilities, shop and post office and construction of 4 no. Dwellings (as amended by plans no. 04.666/62A, 04.666/63A and 04/666/64 received on 19.1.10 with agents letter dated 12.1.10.


The Parish Council objected to this application because of the following concerns

Car park encroaches onto green belt.

Parking for houses is felt to be inadequate.

More details required on landscaping to ensure that it is in keeping with the rest of the village




Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 11 February 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.



D Prosser



Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 14 January 2010 at Moors Farm



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Tim Hallchurch, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  





Public Participation – no members of the public attended.






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – there were no declarations of interest.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 10 December 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record with the following correction: item 5.2 should read ‘it was noted that speeding traffic and the absence of any Police presence in the village were the two perceived key issues’.











Report on actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. Proposal to reduce the speed limit on the approach roads to the village from 60mph to 50mph.   A response has been received from Anthony Kirkwood, Road Safety Engineering Team Environment and Economy at Oxfordshire County Council.


Mr Kirkwood noted the Parish Council's concern over safety, in particular for cyclists (mentioning that the council is not actively promoting the Oxfordshire Cycleway – although they appreciate that there will still be a significant number of cyclists using these roads for recreational journeys). 


The County Council has been carrying out a general review of speed limits on the county's A and B roads in line with a request from the governments' Department for Transport (DfT)  - this in particular advises local authorities to consider introducing 50mph limits on roads with above average accident rates (the current DfT advice can be found on the following link: http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/roadsafety/speedmanagement/dftcircular106/).  


While the council has extended their review to include some busier unnumbered roads (partly to take account of new draft guidance recently issued by the DfT), they anticipate that it will only be practical in view of budget pressures to only focus on those roads with a significant history of personal injury accidents, which is thankfully not the case for the roads leading into Horton cum Studley.


  1. Parish Website: Michael Sands from CDC had contacted Barbara Jewell to help her set up the Parish website. CDC is hoping to establish a new website for parishes later this year.


  1. Proposed double white lines along Woodperry Road: The Highways Enquiry Team at Oxfordshire Highways has logged this request and the reference number is 295372. Once a site visit/consultation has been carried out the Highways Team will contact the Parish Council with the results of their investigation.


  1. Linda Watson, Chief Executive of the ORCC, has agreed to speak at the meeting of the Parish Council on 11 March 2010.












Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – there are new waste arrangements in place for this week. Bins in Horton are due to be collected on Monday18 January not Friday 15 January 2010. There are likely to be delays in repairing damage to roads caused by the recent snow and ice as Oxfordshire Highway’s budget has been cut






Police – there was nothing to report.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Millennium Hall Committee – the next meeting is on 28 January 2010 at 8pm.






Biodiversity Group – there was nothing to report.




Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoices:






  • Hunts paper and card for directories £37.38


The Parish Council reviewed the proposed budget for the financial year 2010-11 and agreed to ask for the precept to be kept at £6,000.    







Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –








It was agreed to discuss a proposal from Beckley Parish Council to group together with other local parishes to arrange for snow to be cleared by a private contractor and also to seek permission for private contractors to salt local roads.


Grass Cutting – it was agreed to obtain quotes for the grass verge cutting contract in the village for this year. 











Parish Newsletters – it was agreed to ask for drivers of 4x4 vehicles to volunteer to drive those in need during conditions such as the recent heavy snow.





Planning –






There were no planning applications




The following planning notice was received and noted:






09/01542/LB Manor Cottage. Amended design to widen permitted glazed link.









Correspondence – there was no correspondence.






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


  1.  Emergency Plan for adverse weather conditions
  2. Snow clearing proposal (see item 7.1)









Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 11 February 2010 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.  





Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….





Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 10 December 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  





Public Participation – 3 members of the public attended for item 9.1.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – Colin Badger and Tim Hallchurch sent their apologies and Sarah Foxcroft declared an interest in item 9.1. 






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 12 November 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record.











Report on actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. Proposal to reduce the speed limit on the approach roads to the village from 60mph to 50mph. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to Oxfordshire Highways requesting a reduction in the speed limit as these roads form part of the Oxfordshire Cycle way which is a designated cycle route, much used by cyclists. In addition, the road is in a poor state of repair.


  1. It was agreed to invite a representative from the CPRE to the Parish Council meeting in March 2010 and to invite a spokesperson from CDC Recycling to talk at the next Annual Parish Meeting.


  1. Thermal imaging heat equipment to identify heat loss from buildings. A representative from Cherwell District Council will meet with South Oxfordshire District Council to discuss the possibility of setting up a volunteer scheme for thermal imaging. It is anticipated that this proposal will take some time to organise. JM will follow up later next year.


  1. Parish Website: AL has contacted Michael Sands at Cherwell requesting assistance with the set up of the website but has received no response. AL to chase up.


  1. Extension of footpath on the Brill Road: Ian Clarke Acting Deputy Area Engineer at Cherwell DC has assessed the proposed footpath extension. He reported that a Scheme Assessment had been completed but had failed to generate a significant score and therefore the scheme is extremely unlikely to be considered for funding in the foreseeable future. An estimated cost of £18,000 was used in the assessment. If the Parish Council would like to consider the possibility of raising its own funding for a suitable scheme then a more accurate costing would be provided. BJ will investigate funding options. The PC agreed in principle to match funding of up to £10,000.


































Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.






Police – MS distributed 25 neighbourhood policing survey forms to some parishioners which she has collected and sent to TVP. It was noted that speeding traffic and the absence of any Police presence in the village were the two key issues. 






Almshouses – Colin Badger sent his apologies and there was nothing to report.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Millennium Hall Committee – a meeting has not yet been arranged.






Biodiversity Group – following the last meeting with Rod D’Ayala, the next step is to raise a number of proposals at the next Millennium Hall Committee meeting. 







Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoices:




1.    Oxfordshire County Council VAS arms £1,200.00

2.    Hunts Printing card and paper for the village information directories £37.38

3.    Parchments printing of the newsletter £299.96

4.    Alexia Lewis reimbursement of costs of gifts £81.99







Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –




A request was received to ask for double white lines to be painted on the road at Woodperry Hill to stop cars overtaking dangerously. Clerk to write to Oxfordshire Highways.







Parish Newsletters – It was agreed to write a short feature on the various organisations within the village. It was agreed to ask Dianna Moore to interview Sarah Foxcroft on life as a Councillor.








Planning – The following planning applications were discussed and a response was agreed as follows:  






09/01697/REM The Lodge. Reserved matters (ref. 06/01927/OUT). Proposed extension to hotel to form 20 no. bedrooms and ancillary facilities, shop and post office and construction of 4 no. dwellings. 


The Parish Council objected to this application and expressed disappointment at receiving an application which contained contradictory plans and little information.  Two key items were missing: (a) the statement confirming that the hotel accommodation, houses and shop are to be built concurrently and (b) confirmation and details of the 106 agreement.







09/01542/LB Manor Cottage. Amended design to widen permitted glazed link.



The Parish Council had no objections to this application.






The following planning notice was received and noted:






09/01212/F. Studley Priory. Part retrospective – reinstatement of eastern boundary fence. Granted.






Correspondence – there was no correspondence.






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


  1. Parish Precept for 2010-11









Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 14 January at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.  





Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….





Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 12 November 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  





Public Participation – 6 members of the public attended for item 5.6.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies and there were no declarations of interest.  (Note attending CDC Standards Committee as lead member)






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 8 October 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record.











Report from actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. Oxfordshire Highways has confirmed that the sign to Warren Farm on the Oakley Road junction will remain.
  2. OCC & TOE Places for People Scheme: BJ reported that the scheme has used up its funds for this financial year. BJ has requested that the extension of the Brill Road footpath be added to Oxfordshire Highways’ works list. Funds may be available to extend this footpath as it will connect one public footpath to another.  
  3. Proposal to reduce the speed limit on the approach roads to the village from 60mph to 50mph.  Clerk still awaits a response from Tim Hallchurch. DP will chase him for a reply.
  4. Community Transport Accounts: the scheme is working well and it was agreed to underwrite the shortfall of £19.20.
  5. The wording for the proposed plaque on Tony Baldry’s bench was agreed as: Donated by Tony Baldry MP, having represented Otmoor in Parliament for 27 years from 1983 to 2010.
  6. Ecology Plan: The revised map and report from Rod d’Ayala was discussed, see item 5.6.
  7. Parish Liaison Meeting: BJ reported that there is a new parish portal which provides a new on line resource for parishes www.cherwell.gov.uk/parish. CDC is changing the parish website as it is not considered sufficiently user friendly and numerous parish councils are encountering problems with access.  It was agreed to request help to set up the website from Michael Sands at Michael.Sands@cherwell-dc.gov.uk (tel. 01295 221554). 






























Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.






Police – MS attended the Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) meeting. NAG proposed to promote awareness through articles and notices in the local parish newsletters. 






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church –  It was confirmed that the Age Concern box would be located in the Church and this new arrangement would be publicised via the Parish newsletter.






Millennium Hall Committee – it was reported that the last meeting was due 3 weeks ago however it was cancelled and has not yet been rearranged.






Biodiversity Group –  there were a number of concerns raised about the proposals to increase biodiversity within the playing field area. The main reason for objecting was the requirement to utilise all available space on the playing field area to run the Otmoor Challenge. Concerns were also raised about the proposed pond due to safety issues with children playing close by. 


The question was asked that since we live in a rural community, why are we trying to increase biodiversity on one playing field when we are surrounded by fields, hedges, BBONT, RSPB and thousands of acres of woodland.


All comments were noted and it was agreed to meet with the Millennium Hall Committee and discuss this further. BJ will raise this at the next Millennium Hall Committee meeting.


BJ attended the CDC Liaison meeting and reported that CDC is running a scheme offering taster sessions for youth sports. It was agreed that this was a good initiative to trial in the village and BJ will pursue this further. The Parish Council agreed in principle to fund the trial scheme which would be £8 per hour for a maximum of 2 hours per week. 
























Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoices:




1.    Jan Weller Pre School donation £100 (reissue of lost cheque)

2.    SLCC 20th Edition Parish Councillors Guide £29.50

3.    Rod d’Ayala attendance at Parish Council Meeting 8.10.09 to discuss ecology plans for the playing field £60

4.    Alexia Lewis Salary £485.10 (Jul to Sept 09) and expenses £5.40

5.    CDC Emptying dog bins £334.17

6.    Ady Podbery Grass cutting September 09 £180.55

7.    Alexia Lewis Stamps and stationery £15.92






The Parish Council approved the following proposed expenditure:


  1. Gift for external auditor up to a maximum of £30
  2. Gift for Designer and Editor of the Parish Newsletter up to a maximum of £30






The Parish Council noted the balance of the Lloyds TSB Current Account balance £11,891.30 as at 2.10.09 and Lloyds TSB 30 Day Notice Account balance £10412.98 as at 10.9.09.







Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –




It was reported that cracks have appeared on the surface of the footpath on the Brill Road.  ACTION: DP to report to Oxfordshire Highways. Outstanding.







Flooding on the Brill Road: CB was thanked for clearing out the ditches. MS to chase up a response from Oxfordshire Highways.





CB was also thanked for cutting the hedge back on the Straight Mile.






Parish Newsletters – the next newsletter is due to be printed shortly. It was agreed that the Parish Council would reimburse Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne for paper and ink cartridges used in the printing of extra copies of the village directory on an ad hoc basis as required.







Planning – The following planning application was discussed and a response was agreed as follows: 






09/01212/F. Studley Priory. Part retrospective – reinstatement of eastern boundary fence. The Parish Council raised no objections.







The following planning applications were noted as follows: 




09/01230/F and LB Walnut Tree Cottage. First floor side extension over existing garden floor area. Removal of existing garden store and construction of new single storey extension attached to the home in its place. Granted.






09/00178/F The Lodge. Variation of condition 7 of 07/02478/F. Phasing of construction of shop, hotel facilities and housing. Refused.






09/00937/OUT The Lodge. Extension to hotel to form 23 additional bedrooms. Ancillary facilities, car park and access. Refused.






09/00936/F The Lodge. Construction of a single storey shop. Granted.






Manor Farm, all weather riding arena. Granted.












CDC Survey of Operation of Ethical Survey: a response was agreed and there were no issues raised. 






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


  1. Speakers for meetings next year. It was agreed to invite Colin Cook to talk on the work of the ORCC in March 2010.
  2. Thermal imaging heat equipment to identify heat loss from buildings.











Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 10 December 2009 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.  











Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….





Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 8 October 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  13 parishioners attended for item 13 only.





Public Participation – no members of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 10 September 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record.











Report from actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. It was reported that the field opposite the Millennium Hall is full of ragwort. ACTION: DP will report to DEFRA. Outstanding.
  2. It was agreed that the Warren farm sign at the Oakley Road junction is no longer required. Oxfordshire Highways has agreed to paint over it.
  3. It was also reported that the potholes along Woodperry Road have still not been repaired. DP has reported again to the Chairman at Beckley Parish Council.
  4. OCC & TOE Places for People Scheme: BJ is still waiting for the application form.
  5. Proposal to reduce the speed limit on the approach roads to the village from 60mph to 50mph. AL has emailed Tim Hallchurch to request his advice and is awaiting his reply. 
  6. Age Concern Box: JM has received approval that the box can be kept in the Church.
  7. Elizabeth Moore has agreed to interview Anne Stearns for the next village newsletter.























Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.






Police – there was nothing to report.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – it was reported that the new gates have been installed.






Village Hall Committee – it was reported that the Committee needs new members. The Committee are Interested in participating in Art Week next May 2010.






Biodiversity Group –  see item 13






Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoices:




  1. BDO Stoy Hayward annual audit £356.50
  2. R&R Hawes pond site cutting £60.00 and clearing The Green £345.00
  3. A W Mobbs shingle for The Green £262.69
  4. Ady Podbery grass cutting The Green and playing fields £180.55
  5. SLCC The Parish Councillors Guide x 2 £27.20






Audit: the Parish Council agreed to approve and accept the annual return audited by BDO Stoy Hayward LLP.


Clerk’s salary: the Parish Council also approved the NALC 2009-10 final salary award.







Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –




It was reported that cracks have appeared on the surface of the footpath on the Brill Road.  ACTION: DP to report to Oxfordshire Highways







Parish Newsletters – it was agreed to advertise the proposal to participate in Art week next year. It was also agreed to add that the new Vehicle Activated Signs are now in use in the village. A letter was received from a parishioner alerting the Parish Council to a number of problems being caused by walkers on the moor. Some walkers are ignoring notices and are not keeping to the recognised footpaths. It was agreed to publicise this problem in the next parish newsletter. MS & JM will draft the article.








Planning – The following planning applications were noted as follows: 






09/01230/F and LB Walnut Tree Cottage. First floor side extension over existing garden floor area. Removal of existing garden store and construction of new single storey extension attached to the home in its place. The Parish Council had no objections.








09/01002/F Nork House. Single storey extension. The Parish Council had no objections.






09/00178/F The Lodge. Variation of condition 7 of 07/02478/F. Phasing of construction of shop, hotel facilities and housing. The Parish Council objected to this application because the Secretary of State lifted the existing 106 agreement, that prevented any further developments on this Green Belt site, to enable The Lodge to be returned to profitability by building 23 extra bedrooms. The latest planning application is only for 4 bedrooms initially and 6 more possibly several years later. This leaves a shortfall of 13 bedrooms compared to the number previously approved as necessary to make the hotel viable. It was also noted that if/when building commences on this site there is a stipulation for contractors parking on site and not on the roadside.






Magnolia Park, Golf Bunds Appeal. DP spent 2 days at the hearing, representing the Parish Council. The result is expected on 2 November 2009.






Correspondence - BJ will attend the CDC Annual Parish Liaison Meeting on 11.11.09 at 5.45pm.






Letter from parishioner regarding problems caused by walkers. See item 8.






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


  1. Ecology Report







Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 12 November 2009 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.  






Rod d’Ayala, Ecologist presented his report on ways to increase biodiversity within the village. Following discussions, it was agreed that Rod would re submit a scaled down proposal which would be discussed at the next meeting. All parishioners are encouraged to attend this meeting.





Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….





Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 10 September 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Sarah Foxcroft, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Public Participation – no members of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – Colin Badger, Barbara Jewell and Tim Hallchurch sent their apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 9 July 2009 and 6 August 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record.











Report from actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. It was reported that the field adjacent to the church and the field opposite the Millennium Hall is full of ragwort. ACTION: DP will report to DEFRA. Outstanding.
  2. It was agreed that the Warren farm sign at the Whitehouse junction is no longer required. ACTION: DP will contact Oxfordshire Highways and ask for it to be removed. Outstanding.
  3. It was also reported that the potholes along Woodperry Road have still not been repaired. ACTION: DP will report again to Oxfordshire Highways. Outstanding.
  4. OCC & TOE Places for People Scheme: BJ will update at the next meeting. Application is due on 16 October 2009.
  5. Proposal to reduce the speed limit on the approach roads to the village from 60mph to 50mph. Defer to next meeting.
  6. Age Concern Box: It was agreed to request that the box is kept in the Church.
  7. Ecologist’s report: To date there has been no response from the consultation. It was agreed to invite Rod d’Ayala to give a short presentation and facilitate a discussion with parishioners at the next meeting. SF will draft a short note to circulate to parishioners. Clerk to invite Rod d’Ayala,
  8. Planning Applications: Cherwell District Council now requires a response to all planning applications strictly within 3 weeks of the date of the planning notice. The Parish Council agreed how to respond to planning applications where responses are due outside the monthly meetings. On receipt of planning application(s), the Clerk will advertise the receipt of the application on the noticeboards inviting parishioners to contact the Clerk if they wish to comment on the application at a special meeting. This would be held within 14 days of the date of receipt of the application. The Clerk will circulate the planning application to Councillors for their comments. Should any Councillor object to the application or should they wish to discuss the application, a special meeting would be held within 14 days to discuss the application. If there are no objections from both Councillors and parishioners, the Chairman will inform the Clerk to respond to Cherwell District Council with ‘no objections’.


























Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.






Police – The next NAG meeting is on 1 October 2009.






Almshouses – Colin Badger sent his apologies.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – Barbara Jewell sent her apologies and there was nothing to report. 






Biodiversity Group – see item 4.7.






Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoices:




  1. ES Hawes grass cutting £218.50
  2. R & R Hawes pond site cutting £60.00
  3. Millennium Hall hire charges 2008 and 2009 £364.80






Audit: the Parish Council agreed to approve the changes to the annual return. It was agreed to locate details of the treasury stock for future discussion with the proposal to sell the stock.







Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – Richard Hawes was thanked for clearing the pathways around the Green.




Flood water accumulating on Brill Road: It was understood from Albert Humphries at Oxfordshire Highways that this would be resolved in August this year. It was agreed ask Tim Hallchurch to take the matter up with Gordon Hunt, Manager at Oxfordshire Highways via.  









Parish Newsletters – it was agreed to arrange to interview Anne Stearns. It was also agreed to advertise the proposal to Art week next year. It was suggested to invite Andrew Pennington to write an article on one of his trips to a battlefield. The Deadline for the next issue is 18 October 2009.






Planning – The following planning applications were noted as follows: 






09/01036/F The Paddocks, Brill Road. Front extension. This application was circulated prior to the meeting as the response date was due 4.9.09 and there were no objections.








Old Planning applications: it was agreed that the Clerk can recycle applications older than 2 years old under the guidance of the SLCC. The Clerk will keep copies of all large or controversial applications for 10 years. The District Council holds copies of all applications indefinitely.






Correspondence – CDC BT red telephone box adoption scheme. For circulation.






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


  1. Cherwell Rural Strategy – BJ to chase up request for copies again.
  2. Rod d’Ayala’s presentation and discussion.
  3. The Lodge Planning Application 09/01178/F. Variation of condition 7 of 07/02478/F. Phasing of construction of shop, hotel facilities and housing.












Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 8 October 2009 at 6.30pm in the Millennium Hall, to be followed by Rod d’Ayala’s presentation and discussion at 7.30pm (tbc). All parishioners are encouraged to attend.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….





Horton cum Studley Parish Council Minutes of Meetings

Parish Conservation Report


Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 9 July 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Barbara Jewell, Sarah Foxcroft, and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Public Participation – 1 member of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – Colin Badger, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Tim Hallchurch sent their apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 






Ann Stearns, Parish Link and Volunteer Field Worker for Age Concern gave a presentation on the services available from Age Concern.


Age Concern can supply, free of charge, an Information Resource Box for every Parish. These boxes are kept in a place in the village where the public can access them, anonymously. The boxes contain information on items such as bereavement, wills, benefits etc. 


Age Concern’s aim is to promote the well being of all older people and to help make their later life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. They help people to speak up for themselves, secure their rights, deal with difficult situations and resolve problems.


Age Concerns offers free and confidential advice to all older people and carers from trained staff and volunteers. They can answer queries on benefits and entitlements, pension credit, attendance allowance, council tax benefit, housing, holidays, debt, transport, complaints, disputes with neighbours, social opportunities, illnesses, bereavement, home safety and personal alarms.


They have day centres in the city and throughout the county which makes for a day out with a nourishing hot meal, activities and transport for a small charge. They also have mental health day care centres for people with dementia and memory loss. Memory Clinics are run to assist local health services in early psychiatric testing of symptoms.


Age Concern provides services such as:


Phone Link which provides a link to the outside world as well as to other Age Concern services for the housebound and for the isolated. Clients receive a call each week from a volunteer.


Befriending is where isolated and housebound older people are matched up with volunteers who visit them in their homes. These are regular visits for an hour or so a week for a chat and a cup of tea.


Lunch Clubs provide a hot, nutritious meal and activities in a fun and welcoming atmosphere.


Sole Mates provide a foot care service by trained volunteers and foot care assistants for older people with poor eyesight or dexterity or who are unable to bend down.


Flexible Care Service offers a one to one therapeutic activity at home in response to the individual’s wishes. This helps people to live independently for as long as possible and can act as a respite for carers.


If you wish to have more information or would like to volunteer, please contact Ann Stearns on 01865 351334


Christine Stanbridge is the Community Development Worker for Cherwell and can be contacted on 07827 235456.


Tax Help for Older People (over 60s) for free tax advice contact 0845 601 3321.


It was agreed to help publicise the services available from Age Concern as widely as possible. It was also agreed to discuss possible locations to house the Information Resource Box at the next meeting.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 9 July 2009 and 6 August 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record.











Report from actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. OCC & TOE Places for People Scheme: BJ will update at the next meeting.
  2. The new map of footpaths has been put up on the new Parish noticeboard.
  3. It was agreed to interview Ann Stearns for an article in the next newsletter to help promote Age Concern.
  4. Proposal to reduce the speed limit on the approach roads to the village from 60mph to 50mph. Defer to next meeting.
  5. VAS Update: Barry Buckingham from the Speed Management Team at Oxfordshire County Council reported that he has fitted the ground screws in the village and is now in the process of arranging the rota. 
  6. Distribution of village information sheets and parishioners suggestion leaflets will take place weekend commencing 15 August 2009.














Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.






Police – Mary Stuck sent her apologies. 






Almshouses – Colin Badger sent his apologies.






Church – Jill Meyjes sent her apologies.






Village Hall Committee – Barbara Jewell is still awaiting the minutes from the last meeting. The next meeting is due in September 2009. 






Biodiversity Group –the report from Rod D’Ayala has been received and circulated to Councillors. The Clerk will circulate it to the Village Hall Committee, the Otmoor Challenge organisers, and the PCC Committee. Clerk to contact Rod d’Ayala and obtain a quote for an evening talk to parishioners to introduce the report and lead the discussion for next steps. It was agreed to discuss the report at the meeting in October.








Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoices:




  1. Expenses for providing coffee and biscuits at the Planning Seminar £14.85
  2. Clerk’s Salary April to June 2009 £478.80 & expenses £40.41
  3. Rod d’Ayala (Ecologist) Site visit and report £150
  4. Ady Podbery mowing playing field and village green July 2009 £270.82
  5. Mary Stuck copy of map £4.50
  6. Zurich annual Insurance premium £354.38
  7. Hunts printing of village directory £339.24
  8. CPRE subscription £29.00






The balance of the current account was noted as £11,301.34 credit as at 30.6.09.















Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – it was reported that the field adjacent to the church and the field opposite the Millennium Hall is full of ragwort.

ACTION: DP will report to DEFRA.


It was agreed that the Warren farm sign at the Whitehouse junction is no longer required.

ACTION: DP will contact Oxfordshire Highways and ask for it to be removed.


It was also reported that the potholes along Woodperry Road have still not been repaired.

ACTION: DP will report again to Oxfordshire Highways.
















Parish Newsletters – see item 4.3.






Planning – The following planning notices were noted as follows: 






Corner Farm. Change of use of redundant stable building and associated ground to form an agricultural smallholding with the preparation of homemade meat products and some ancillary ‘farm gate’ sales. Granted.








Correspondence – an Invitation to the Seniors Forum on 28.9.09 11am at Bodicote House was circulated.






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


  1. Age Concern Information Box
  2. Proposal to reduce the speed limit on the approach roads to the village from 60mph to 50mph










Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 10 September 2009 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….




Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 9 July 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Barbara Jewell, Sarah Foxcroft, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Public Participation – 1 member of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest –Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 






Andrew Clark, Community Support Officer for the Kidlington Rural North area attended the meeting to give an update on local issues and listen to any concerns parishioners had. Following the survey last year, the main areas of concern for residents of Horton-cum-Studley are: speeding and burglary.  Andrew Clark reported that he visits the village regularly and has checked the speed of motorists 6 times in last 4 weeks. The results were: 46 cars were speeding at over 36 mph.


The statistics from the last speed check carried out by Oxfordshire Highways in 2006 were: average speed of 38.2mph North bound on the Brill Road; average speed of 38.1 South bound on the Brill Road; average speed of 37mph East bound on the Oakley Road and 38.4 mph West bound on the Oakley Road. 


These speed tests are run every 3 years and Steve Wood from Oxfordshire Highways plans to run another speed test in the near future.


Andrew Clark also runs a surgery the second Tuesday of every month in Islip Village Hall from 4.30-5.30pm. He is available to talk to parishioners about any concerns they have. He can also be contacted by email on: Andrew.clark2@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk or by telephone on: 0845 8 505 505. A message can be left for Andrew quoting his shoulder number C9454 or for his colleague Pip Hankiewicz quoting shoulder number P5541. Pip is also the area’s Horsewatch Co-ordinator.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 11 June 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record.











Report from actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. Fencott and Murcott Bridleway 17: Colin Badger has placed and levelled approximately150 tonnes of soil on the wet parts of the bridleway which has made it passable for walkers and horse riders.  It was noted that large vehicles are still using the bridleway. Colin was thanked for making these repairs.


  1. A Planning Update for Councillors with Bob Duxbury is confirmed for 29 July 2009 from 7.30-9.30pm in the Millennium Hall. All councillors are invited. Sarah Foxcroft has sent her apologies for this meeting.


  1. Barbara Jewell attended the CDC liaison meeting in July. The three main topics reported were:
    1. The Cherwell plan to build 500 affordable houses per year until 2020.
    2. The set up of Neighbourhood Action Groups (NAG) and communities in action (see item 5.2).
    3. Cherwell Planning Partnership to produce a Cherwell Sustainable Community Strategy (details can be found at www.cherwell.gov.uk/scs or contact Clare Taylor at CDC).


  1. OCC & TOE Places for People Scheme: potential projects were discussed and Barbara Jewell will pursue again the proposal to connect Cow Lane to the footpath opposite the last house on the Brill Road.


  1.  Mary Stuck will obtain a new footpath map for the noticeboard at the bottom of Horton Hill. 











Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.






Police – Mary Stuck attended the Thames Valley Police NAG meeting run by Tony Alderman. This is an opportunity for local parish councils to discuss issues affecting the villages. The main complaint from local villages was speeding traffic. 


There is a designated cycle route through Horton cum Studley and it was agreed to discuss a proposal to reduce the speed limit on the approach roads to the village from 60mph to 50mph at the next meeting with Tim Hallchurch. 






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – It was reported that the Friends of St Barnabas annual reception and lecture will be in early September 2009.






Village Hall Committee – The AGM of the Village Hall Committee will be on Wednesday 14 July 2009. It was reported that there had been excessive noise and in one case abusive language until 4am in the morning from parties held at the Millennium Hall over the previous 2 weekends.






Biodiversity Group –The Parish Council awaits the report from Rod D’Ayala. Clerk to chase up report again.







Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoices:




  1. Ady Podbery: cutting the grass on the playing field and village green in June 2009. £180.55
  2. Parchments printing of July 2009 newsletter £72.38.
  3. ES Hawes grass cutting June 2009 £276.00






The balance of the deposit account was noted as £10411.66 credit as at 30.6.09.



















Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – it was reported that the potholes on Horton Hill have been marked but not yet repaired.

ACTION: DP will chase the Oxfordshire Highways who in turn will chase the water board who are responsible for these repairs.


It was agreed that the Warren farm sign at the Whitehouse junction is no longer required.

ACTION: DP will contact Oxfordshire Highways and ask for it to be removed.


It was also reported that the potholes along Woodperry Road have still not been repaired.

ACTION: DP will report again to Oxfordshire Highways.


It was agreed to request Richard Hawes to repair the gravel path around the village green with weed killer and a top up of gravel. 

ACTION: DP to contact Richard Hawes





















Parish Newsletters – new material /news features are required for the newsletter.  All Councillors who are members of local groups agreed to pass the word on. Suggestions will be discussed at the next meeting.








Planning – The following planning applications and notices were discussed and responses were agreed as follows. 






Corner Farm. The Parish Council raised no objections and made the following observations:

i)             It was noted that CDC had already rejected a planning application from Fennel and Blake for development on this site and reasons for rejecting that application may be relevant to this proposal.

ii)            One parking space is inadequate.

iii)           The site is very untidy and a shop should be situated in a more pleasant environment to appeal to customers.


It was also reported that the Red Lime site has still not been tidied up and it was agreed to report this to Mick Cowland at Cherwell District Council.
















The Parish Council noted the outcome of the planning application 010011910415 Warren Farm. Erection of two agricultural buildings – granted.






Correspondence – there was no correspondence to discuss.






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


  1. Newsletter features/ideas.
  2. Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) update.










Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 13 August 2009 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….





Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 11 June 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Barbara Jewell, Sarah Foxcroft, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Public Participation – no members of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – Colin Badger and Tim Hallchurch sent their apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 






Minutes of the Last Meetings of 14 and18 May 2009 were agreed and signed as correct records.











Report from actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. Flu Pandemic: the Parish Council has identified the vulnerable groups in the village and Jill Meyjes holds this list. It was agreed to review the situation on a monthly basis.
  2. Bridleway no. 17: Fencott & Murcott Parish Council has held a special meeting with Sarah Aldous from Oxfordshire Countryside Services and we await their report.
  3. Actions arising from the AGM: actions were discussed and agreed. Barbara Jewell will compile a report for circulation at the next meeting. 
  4. Parishioners’ views and comments: actions were discussed and agreed. Barbara Jewell will compile a report for circulation at the next meeting. 
  5. Oxford U3A The University of the Third Age. An organisation of retired (but not 'retiring') people who come together to learn. There are no formal courses or exams or award certificates and no qualifications are necessary to join. Oxford U3A branch - http://u3aoxford.org.uk/











Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.






Police – Mary Stuck attended the Thames Valley Police (TVP) weekly surgery at Islip and discussed the speeding problem in the village with Tony Alderman. TVP are aware of the speeding problems in the village and will treat the matter as a priority. TVP will visit the village in the near future with their AVIS system. Speeding motorists are sent a warning letter. Mary Stuck will attend the next neighbourhood action group on 6 July 2009 in Kidlington.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – there was nothing to report.






Biodiversity Group – Sarah Foxcroft proposed forming a children’s biodiversity group with activities such as making bird boxes and insect hotels, taking butterfly surveys, bat detecting etc. The Parish Council awaits the report from Rod D’Ayala.   AL to chase up report.









Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoices:




  1. Ady Podbery: cutting the grass on the playing field and village green in April. £180.55
  2. St Barnabas Church annual donation £100
  3. Alexia Lewis: salary January to March 2009 £478.80 & expenses £20.46 £499.26
  4. Derek Jewell wine for Annual Parish Meeting £53.36






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – it was proposed that a deer sign coming into the village would be useful. Flooding was reported at the White house junction during the recent heavy rains. David Prosser will report to Oxfordshire Highways.









Parish Newsletters – the deadline for the next issue is 19 June 2009.






Planning – The following planning applications and notices were discussed and responses were agreed as follows. 






09/00583/F 1 Ventfield Cottages. 2 storey rear extension. The Parish Council had no objections.






Warren Farm. Erection of single storey stable block. Granted. The Parish Council noted this.






Notice of appeal: Magnolia Park Golf Club for the importation of 65,000m3 of inert material for the erection of 6 sound bunds. The Parish Council agreed to send a letter of objection and David Prosser offered to attend and speak at appeal hearing.








Correspondence – It was agreed that correspondence for circulation should be circulated in an agreed order and should be kept for a maximum of 5 days only to ensure all correspondence is read in time for the next meeting. The order was agreed as follows. Sarah Foxcroft, Jill Meyjes, Barbara Jewell, Mary Stuck, David Prosser and Colin Badger. 


It was also agreed that the planning for circulation should also be circulated in this order and should be kept for one day only to ensure all Councillors review the planning applications prior to the meeting.






Future Agenda Items – the following topics were agreed for discussion at the next meeting:


1.    It was proposed that the village enters the Calor Village of the Year competition in 2010. Sarah Foxcroft will lead.

2.    It was also proposed that the village participates in the National play day for which funds are available. It was agreed to pass these details on to the Youth Group. 

3.    It was proposed that Councillors align their areas of responsibility with the terms used in the ‘Cherwell Rural Strategy 2009-14’.  BJ will obtain a copy of the strategy for each Councillor.

  1. It was agreed to review the Clerk’s salary in line with OALC guidelines. The last review was in October 2008. 
















Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 9 July 2009 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….




Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Monday 18 May 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Public Participation: 12 members of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest: Sarah Foxcroft and David Prosser declared an interest in item 4 and did not vote on the application.






Annual Accounts 2008-9 - The annual return for the year ended 31 March 2009 accounts was reviewed and approved.






The annual governance statement was reviewed and approved. 






Planning Application: The Lodge – 09/00549/F. Proposed construction of 5 no. detached dwellings and shop.






The following points and questions were raised by Parishioners:




Vehicle access looks problematic with the existing wall in place. Vic Brown confirmed that the whole wall will be demolished and some sections will be landscaped.




Is the wall protected? A condition of a previous planning application was to erect and maintain the wall.




This is over development of the Green Belt. The previous plan proposed 4 houses  now the developer is proposing 5 houses.




Concerns were raised regarding the height of the houses which are more akin to town development rather than suitable village development.






It was suggested that the Parish Council should look at development plans for the hotel as well as the shop and houses to make an informed decision.






The question was raised as to who would police the planning conditions?






It was observed that the village is looking at the possibility of having a ‘building site’ for potentially 7-8 years.






The question was raised, how does an additional 10 bedrooms make the Lodge financially viable when previous applications stated the hotel needed 23 bedrooms to be financially viable?






It was stated that Government guidelines indicate that a Section 106 agreement is not suitable for this type of arrangement because there is serious doubt that they are not easily enforceable.






The Parish Council holds a covenant on this piece of land as the guardian of the land and parishioners urged the Parish Council not to lift the covenant should the planning application be approved.






The five houses are back filling and over development of the site.






The access arrangements are not satisfactory and are unsafe.






The village is designated as Category C which means there is no room for development; only infilling for max of two houses. It is not a sustainable village.






The question was raised do we want a shop? Most parishioners are supporting the shop at Stanton St John. It was proposed that we have a referendum on whether we want a shop.






It was agreed that a shop in the village would be desirable however previous shops have failed as not profitable. Parishioners are fearful that the shop would close and the village would have set a precedent of granting planning permission for small housing developments on the green belt.






There are huge traffic implications and safety issues with 5 extra houses (2 cars per house) plus additional hotel and shop traffic. This increased traffic will go past the bus stop where school children wait for the school bus and past the footpath accessed by children going to the playground. 






The space designated for shop is quite small. Vic Brown confirmed that storage of shop items would be in the hotel area.






The question was asked ‘what are the plans for the hotel extension?’. Vic Brown confirmed that he is working on them at the moment.






A key planning objection was noted that this latest application does not tie the building of the houses to a concurrent expansion of the hotel as per previous applications.  This application is just for shop and five houses.






The development is an invasion of privacy to neighbouring properties.






It was confirmed that the Parish Council agreed not to enforce the covenant for the previous application only.






The Parish Council unanimously agreed to object to the application on the following grounds: over development of site, concern at increased traffic and highways, the effect on the neighbouring properties, no mention of an ecological survey and it was the Parish Council’s policy not to develop on green belt land. The Parish Council received 8 letters of objection and it was agreed to send these letters to Cherwell District Council along with the Parish Council’s response to the application.






It was agreed to request a letter of objection from the Oxford Green Belt Network in support of the Parish Council’s decision.












Flu Pandemic Plan






The Parish Council discussed a flu pandemic plan of action. Government guidelines recommend that parishioners have a flu buddy who can obtain anti viral medication from the designated distribution centre if needed.






The Parish Council identified those at risk which included the elderly, those living alone, single parents, those with a complicated medical condition and anyone who receives a care package from social services






It was agreed to circulate current flu pandemic guidance in the next parish newsletter.






Chairman: …………………………………….              Date: ……………………...




Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 14 May 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Sarah Foxcroft, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Public Participation – no members of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies and there were no declarations of interest. 






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 9 April 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record.











Report from actions arising from the last meeting:


  1. Flu Pandemic Plan: To agree an outline for a flu pandemic plan. Encourage a friend or flu buddy. Identify people with a flu risk e.g. the elderly, children, people receiving care from social services etc. Ask for volunteers who are able to help. This item was deferred to the special meeting on 18 May 2009.
  2. Standing water on Brill Road: Albert Humphries from Oxfordshire Highways is due to visit site within the next 2 weeks and the remedial work is scheduled to commence early August 2009.
  3. Bench for the playing field: the Millennium Hall Committee has accepted the old bench which will be sited on the playing fields.
  4. Village Hall Committee Representative’s Voting Rights: Barbara Jewell will check this with the Chairman of the Millennium Hall Committee as each individual Village Hall Committee decides on their voting arrangements.
  5. Fencott Bridleway Number 17: Sarah Aldous will update at the Annual Parish Meeting.
  6. CDC Parish Presentation on Development Control Matters: the Clerk has contacted CDC and has offered to host the local meeting and awaits their response.











Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and new Councillor to replace retiring Councillor.


Colin Badger proposed David Prosser as Chairman and Jill Meyjes seconded this.


David Prosser proposed Barbara Jewell as Vice Chair and Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne seconded this.


The Chairman welcomed the new councillor, Sarah Foxcroft who replaces retiring councillor Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne.


The Chairman thanked Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne for her time and hard work during her term of office.


Mary Stuck agreed to act as representative for the Police; Colin Badger agreed to act as representative for Almshouses, Jill Meyjes agreed to act as representative for the Church, Barbara Jewell agreed to act as representative for  the Millennium Hall Committee and  Sarah Foxcroft agreed to act as representative for biodiversity.




Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne has prepared a village information pack which will be distributed to each household in the village. It was agreed to print 200 copies at a cost of £300. The Chairman thanked Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne for the extra time she has spent working on this project.






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch will update at the Annual Parish Meeting.






Police – there was nothing to report.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – Jill Meyjes attended the PCC AGM. The church has received two generous anonymous donations to restore the church gates and trim the large oak tree. The PCC accounts are in good shape.  The activities of the Youth Group are now concentrated in Wheatley. It was agreed to pay the £100 annual donation to the church.






Village Hall Committee – the minutes were circulated to councillors for their information.






Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoice:




  1. Ady Podbery: cutting the grass on the playing field and village green in April. £180.55
  2. Edward Hawes grass cutting £218.50
  3. ORCC Sub £20
  4. Alexia Lewis: reimburse expenses £17.57






The balance of the deposit account was noted £10,410.74 as at 30 April 2009.






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – there was nothing to report.






Parish Newsletters – it was agreed to add any current flu pandemic information.






Planning – The following planning notices were noted:






09/00256/F Lower Green Farm. Change of use of agricultural land – extension of existing outdoor riding arena. Granted. Noted.






09/00310/F Barnside. First floor extension. The Parish Council raised no objection to this application. Granted. Noted.






The Lodge – 09/00549/F. Proposed construction of 5 no. detached dwellings and shop. It was agreed to defer this item and to arrange a special meeting on Monday 18 May 2009 to discuss and agree a response. This will be announced at the Annual Parish Meeting.






Correspondence – Cherwell District Council Summer Parish Liaison Meeting is on 17 June 2009. Barbara Jewell will attend as representative for Horton cum Studley Parish Council.






Future Agenda Items – Feedback from the AGM.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 11 June 2009 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….



Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 9 April 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger Tim Hallchurch Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Public Participation – no members of the public attended.  






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne and Tim Hallchurch.  David Prosser declared an interest for his daughter’s planning application(item 10.2) and took no part in the discussion on this item.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 12 March 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record.











Report from actions arising from the last meeting:


1.    Website: Barbara Jewell talked through a proposed layout for the new website. She had been in contact with Pauline McReady at Cherwell District Council who has agreed to add the initial content to the website and show Barbara Jewell how to update information and maintain the site. The website has been registered under www.cherwell-local.com.


2.    Biodiversity visit 4.4.09 2pm Millennium Hall: 8 parishioners attended the walk. A number of ways of increasing biodiversity in the village were discussed, particularly in relation to the playing fields, the Green and the churchyard. Projects  that could involve village children were also discussed. Mr d’Ayala’s report should be available in June. The clerk will disseminate the report and arrange a village meeting to discuss the proposals and ways to take the project forward.


3.    Pothole at the entrance to Forge Close: This has been repaired by Oxfordshire Highways.


4.    Grass cutting quote: Mr Cox has not sent a quote for cutting the grass verges for 2009 and it was agreed to use the same contractor as last year, Edward Hawes.


5.    Brill Footpath, Places for People Scheme: all options for funding have now been investigated and unfortunately there are no other options available at this stage.


6.    Standing water on Brill Road: the Clerk has written to the parishioner whose property is affected and the Parish Council awaits the report from Albert Humphries at Oxfordshire Highways.  Mr Humphries has agreed to visit the site again to inspect the blockage which appears to have been caused where Thames Water works have interfered with the drain.  The job has to be priced and then corrective works will be arranged. Colin Badger has agreed to clear out the roadside ditch opposite Studley Farmhouse.



7.    Bench for the playing field: This has been offered to the Millennium Hall Committee and their response is awaited.


  1. Emergency Plan: Jill Meyjes has been booked to attend a workshop on ‘volunteering and good neighbours in a pandemic’.











Items for Discussion:




Standing Orders – these were agreed and were adopted with immediate effect. They will be published on the website once it is live. They are also available from the Clerk.






Clerk’s Job Description – this was agreed and was adopted with immediate effect by the Parish Council.






Councillor Vacancy – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne is standing down from June 2009. One parishioner has expressed an interest in joining the Parish Council. Barbara Jewell will contact the parishioner and invite her to the next meeting.  






Councillors’ Reports






Report from ‘Being a Better Chairman’ course - David Prosser attended this course and found it very useful and informative. One area the Parish Council could improve upon is to involve parishioners more, as well as specific groups such as  the WI, gardening club etc. 






Report from meeting and walk around the village with Ecological Consultant Rod D’Ayala - see item 4.2.






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.






Police – two cars were stolen in the village last month.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – The PCC AGM is on 23.4.09 at 7.45pm 






Village Hall Committee – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne sent her apologies. There was a meeting of the Millennium Hall Committee in March but the minutes have not yet been circulated. 

The Village Information Directory which
Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne is compiling should be available for final proof reading prior to going to print later this month. 

Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne stands down in June, it was agreed that Barbara Jewell will be the representative for the Village Hall Committee.


ACTION: Clerk to check voting rights of Parish Council representatives.
















Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoice:




  1. Transport Scheme (Jill Meyjes) £5.80
  2. Cherwell District Council – emptying dog bins £157.87
  3. Parchments Newsletter March 2009 £172.38
  4. Oxford Green Belt Network subscription £15
  5. SLCC Subscription £61






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – 






Fencott Bridleway Number 17 – an email had been received from a parishioner asking the Parish Council to help resolve the on going problems with inaccessibility of this bridlepath. A letter had also been received from Claudette Doe, Chairman of the Otmoor Riding Group, along with a copy of her letter sent to Colin Badger, requesting any additional ideas on how to improve the bridlepath and possible sources of funding.








Sarah Aldous, Rights of Way Field Officer (Northeast) from Oxfordshire County Council has confirmed that this bridlepath is a number one priority for action and she appreciates the level of concern locally and the importance of this route as a key link in the area.


Investigations she has carried out have shown that Oxfordshire County Council would not be able to resolve the problem by drainage alone due to ground levels and levels of water in the ditch. There are other issues including private rights which together with the drainage issues make this a very complex matter to resolve.


Matt Ball, also from Oxfordshire County Council, has visited the site on a number of occasions and has also taken a potential contractor to look at it . Matt Ball is looking at the possibility of putting a surface down and is in the process of putting an estimate together for the work that would be required.


The County Council has made the decision to hold back on all other surfacing projects which are pending for next year until they have an idea of the costs for this work. The entire surfacing budget for the year is relatively small and is it probable that they will need to make bids for funding from elsewhere.


They will also have to obtain the relevant consents from the landowner, Environment Agency and DEFRA. 







Dr Campbell Furguson from Fencott and Murcott Parish Council is also aware of the problems associated with this Bridleway and he too has been in contact with the Oxfordshire County Council Footpaths and Bridleway team.  Campbell Black has indicated that Fencott and Murcott Parish Council could help jointly fund some repairs.






This bridlepath was discussed at length and it was agreed that if motorised traffic were denied access by the erection of bollards at the entrances to the path, then the path may not need resurfacing once it was levelled and re-seeded. Colin Badger also suggested that a narrow stone track could be put down to allow access during extremely wet conditions.


ACTION: Clerk to report this to Sarah Aldous, Claudette Doe and Campbell Black.












Parish Newsletters – there was nothing to report.






Planning – The following planning applications and planning notices were discussed and responses were agreed as follows:






09/00256/F Lower Green Farm. Change of use of agricultural land – extension of existing outdoor riding arena. The Parish Council raised no objection to this application.






09/00310/F Barnside. First floor extension. The Parish Council raised no objection to this application.






09/00274/F Warren Farm – erection of single storey stable block. The Parish Council raised no objection to this application.






09/00275/F Warren Farm – erection of two agricultural buildings. The Parish Council raised no objection to this application and noted that the public footpath must remain protected. It was also suggested that the barns should be screened from the roadside as a condition of planning approval.












Jan Weller Pre School – it was agreed to donate £100.00 to the Jan Weller Pre School.






Oxfordshire CC – Review of bus services. This does not affect the local route. This was circulated for Councillors to read.






CDC Recreation Strategy Action Plan 2009-10. This was circulated for Councillors to read.






CDC Parish Presentation on Development Control Matters. All Councillors are interested in attending these sessions which bring Councillors up to date with legislative changes, current planning policy etc and it was agreed to offer to host one of the meetings in the Millennium Hall.









Future Agenda Items – 






The agenda was agreed for the Annual Parish Meeting. Apologies, declarations of interest, talk by Sarah Aldous (20 minutes), minutes from the last meeting, Chairman’s report, financial report and open forum. Wine and light refreshments will be offered and pens and post it notes will be available for parishioners to comment on what they would like in the village.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 14 May 2009 at 7.00pm in the Millennium Hall, followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 8pm. Drinks and light refreshments available from 7.45pm.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….




Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 12 March 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger Tim Hallchurch Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne. Mary Stuck declared an interest for item 8. 






Public Participation – 1 member of the public attended.  






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 12 February 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record.











Matters Arising –


Website – Neither Pat Simpson nor her colleague Pauline McReady from Cherwell District Council were able to attend the meeting. Tim Hallchurch recommended visiting the IT company which Cherwell District Council has commissioned to maintain Parish websites to discuss options available for Parish websites.

ACTION: Barbara Jewell will visit the IT company (TH to email BJ the details).












Speakers for future meetings – Sarah Aldous from Oxfordshire County Council has agreed to be the speaker at the Annual Parish Meeting in May.






Biodiversity – it was agreed to book the visit from the Ecologist, Rod d'Ayala during the weekend 4-5 April 2009. Barbara Jewell will compose a note to circulate to all households, including a note about the forthcoming Annual Parish Meeting.








Being a Better Councillor course notes were circulated to all Councillors. Barbara Jewell and Mary Stuck gave a brief overview of the key points raised during the course including some points of law in terms of how the council should operate.






Earthwork Proposals at Magnolia Golf Club (Bucks County Council application number 09/20000/AWD) - it was reported that planning permission for Magnolia Golf Course earthworks had been refused.






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch reported on the following:


Oxfordshire County Council: The Council has set a tax rise of 3.75% which is necessitated by the drop in interest rates, resulting in less income for the Council.


Housing: Cherwell District Council is required to build13,400 new homes between 2006 and 2026 which equates to an average of 670 per year. 4900 of these homes have been designated for building in Bicester and a site in the North West of the town is the most likely location.


Trains: Railtrack will present their proposals at the end of this month for a train service that will run from Islip to London at half hourly intervals.


Council Audit: Cherwell District Council has been graded as an "excellent" council by the independent Audit Commission, scoring 54 points out of a possible 60.


Cherwell attained top scores for its Ambition and Achievement, two of the three crucial areas that the Commission examined. The council also demonstrated high standards across the three remaining categories, Prioritisation, Capacity and Performance Management.






Police – there was nothing to report.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne sent her apologies and there was nothing to report. The minutes from the last meeting were circulated.






Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoice:




  • R&R Hawes - refurbishment of Parish Council Notice Board £90.00.






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – 






Standing water on Brill Road – following recent snow and heavy rainfall the road outside Studley Farmhouse has been flooded. This has been reported to Oxfordshire Highways and gully cleaners have attended. Following an inspection from Highways, the ditches between Manor Cottage and the Old Weir appear to need digging out. A Thames Water stopcock on the verge at the boundary of Pond House and Studley Farmhouse may also be interfering with the flow of run off water.  Albert Humphries from Oxfordshire Highways will report his findings and whether repairs need to be made to Mary Stuck. It was agreed that Colin Badger would check to see whether the ditch requires clearing out and the Parish Council awaits the report from Oxfordshire Highways.








It was noted that the village ‘spring clean’ would be held over the weekend 14-15 March 2009. Bags, gloves, high-vis jackets and litter picks will be available on that weekend from Kimber House.






A pothole at the entrance to Forge Close was reported. David Prosser will inform Oxfordshire Highways.






Mr Cox has been contacted and will send a quote for cutting the grass verges for 2009. Outstanding.






Brill Footpath, Places for People Scheme – the proposed footpath extension does not meet the criteria for this funding scheme. Other options will be investigated. Outstanding.








Parish Newsletters – 






Mary Stuck requested a policy on charity advertisements in the village newsletter and following a discussion, it was agreed not to charge charities to advertise in the village newsletter.






Planning – The following planning applications and planning notices were discussed and responses were agreed as follows:






07/02617/F Warren Farm. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a single dwelling-house with associated landscaping and access.

The Parish Council raised no objections.






Land adjacent to Church Lane – notice of appeal (dismissed). Noted.






Manor Cottage, Brill Road. Glazed link between cottage and studio - granted. Noted.






Correspondence – there was no correspondence






Councillors’ Comments – 






Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) – the proposed sites for the VASs have been submitted to Oxfordshire Highways to ensure there are no conflicts with any underground services. These checks are being done through Oxfordshire Highways Area Engineers Office. Some of the utility companies are slow to respond and since there are in excess of 30 separate site checks being done in the Cherwell area that has caused a longer delay than anticipated.






Parish Plan – Anton Nath from ORCC has advised that the Parish Council could, as a starting point, hold a social event, and ask people for ideas to help pinpoint what people want in the village and funding is available for these events. It was suggested that the Parish Council might combine with events such as the Otmoor Challenge or the Annual Parish Meeting. This will be discussed at the next meeting.






Following the receipt of a new bench from Tony Baldry, MP, Jill Meyes will contact the Village Hall Committee to ascertain whether they would like to have the old bench, for the playground.






Jill Meyjes will review the Oxfordshire County Council Emergency Planning document to ensure that the Parish Council meets its requirements should any emergency situation occur. 






A letter has been received from a parishioner regarding flooding in the garden of a property in Forge close. The Parish Council is aware of the situation however dealing with this matter is not within its jurisdiction.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 9 April 2009 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….





Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 12 February 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Tim Hallchurch Barbara Jewell, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Colin Badger and there were no declarations of interest reported.






Public Participation – 1 member of the public attended.  






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 8 January 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record.





















Matters Arising –


Website – the content for the website has been updated. Following some discussion about the new website, it was agreed to invite Pat Simpson from Cherwell District Council to talk through the various website options available to Parishes.

ACTION: Tim Hallchurch to invite Pat Simpson to the next meeting.

The Parish Information Sheet has also been updated and will be available for circulation shortly. The Chairman thanked Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne for her work on these projects.


Speakers for future meetings – it was agreed to invite Sarah Aldous from Oxfordshire County Council to talk about footpaths at the next Annual Parish Meeting. It was also agreed to invite Philip Clarke from Cherwell District Council to talk about planning, at a future meeting.


Biodiversity – a number of ideas were discussed for the proposed biodiversity project in the village. These included planting a wild flower grassland site behind the bus shelter at the Forge, installing bird and bat boxes in oak and ash trees (which could involve local children helping to build the bat/bird boxes and finding suitable locations for them by using a bat detector); and installing a pond if a suitable, safe location could be found. These ideas will be put to Ecologist, Rod d'Ayala, during his planned walk around the village in the Spring.



















Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch reported on the following:


Oxfordshire County Council: The Council has set a tax rise of 3.75%.


Western Otmoor Eco Town: Both the County Council and District Council continue to oppose this project.  Full details can be seen at: www.westonfront.com


The Lodge: Mr Attley plans to submit a planning application to build extra houses on his land next to The Tally Ho pub in Arncott which he hopes will finance some of the proposed building work at The Lodge. Mr Attley still hopes to build a shop with a cafι area but will postpone other proposed building until the possibility of selling the dwellings improves.

Mr Finn at Rectory Farm, Stanton St John: Mr Finn lost his appeal to retain his butcher’s shop at Rectory Farm. If he is forced to close his shop, he intends to submit a planning application to move back to Corner Farm, Horton cum Studley.






Police – there was nothing to report.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – there was nothing to report.






Finance -






It was agreed to pay the following invoice:




  • OALC Training Courses for Barbara Jewell, David Prosser and Mary Stuck £138.00






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – 






A complaint has been received about concrete being put down on part of the grass verge opposite the end stable block along Ragnalls Lane. This has been passed on to Oxfordshire Highways to look into.






Mr Cox has been contacted and will send a quote for cutting the grass verges for 2009.






Parish Newsletters – the next issue should be circulated shortly.






Planning – The following planning notices were noted:






100121382772 Studley Priory. Retrospective – rustic fence. Granted.






Correspondence – 




It was agreed to hold the annual village ‘spring clean’ during the weekend of 13-14 March 2009. The spring clean would be advertised as widely as possible to encourage more parishioners to take part. Bags, gloves, high-vis jackets and litter picks will be available on that weekend from Kimber House.






Any Other Business – 






Brill Footpath, Places for People Scheme – the proposed footpath extension does not meet the criteria for this funding scheme. Other options will be investigated.







Vehicle Activated Signs – AL to obtain an update from Oxfordshire Highways on this scheme.






Earthwork Proposals at Magnolia Golf Club (Bucks County Council application number 09/20000/AWD) – the Parish Council agreed to object to the proposal to tip construction waste at Magnolia Golf Club on the basis of the road safety issues caused by a considerable number of truck movements, the appearance of the bunds will affect visual amenity and the limited noise reduction the bunds are estimated to provide.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 12 March 2009 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….






Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 8 January 2009 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Colin Badger, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne and Tim Hallchurch and there were no declarations of interest reported.






Public Participation – no members of the public attended.  






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 4 December 2008 were agreed and signed as a correct record with the following amendment: item 11.3 should read Community Transport Scheme.






Matters Arising –

  • Biodiversity survey – A biodiversity consultant has been provisionally booked for a walk around the village in the Spring. Alexia Lewis to check grants available and Barbara Jewell to advertise details in the Four Parishes Magazine.










Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies and there was nothing to report.






Police – there was nothing to report.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – Miles Maylor has left the Wheatley Team and there will be a farewell service for him this Sunday 11 January 2009, 10am at Stanton St John.






Village Hall Committee – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne sent her apologies and there was nothing to report.












The Parish Council agreed to request a precept of £6,000.00






The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:

  •  £13.60 for photocopying new bus route notices (Jill Meyjes).
  • £565.81 quarterly salary (Oct-Dec) for clerk, plus expenses.






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – 






It was agreed to write to Sarah Aldous from Oxfordshire Highways to thank her for arranging to install a new kissing gate at Warren Farm.  It was also agreed to write to Colin Badger to thank him for cutting the hedges along the straight mile.






It was agreed to obtain a quote from Mr Cox for cutting the grass verges for 2009.






Parish Newsletters – see item 4.






Planning – The following planning notices were received, discussed and noted:






08/02359/LB Manor Cottage. Glazed link between cottage and studio. Enlarge existing studio into existing garage. Glaze front of extended studio. The Parish Council raised no objections.






010011911810. Duffryn Paddock. Erection of agricultural barn. Granted.






Correspondence –  Cherwell District Council Scrutiny Review into Rural Affordable Housing and Exception Sites questionnaire was completed.





A letter of resignation from the Parish Council was received from Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, with effect from 31 May 2009. The Chairman thanked Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne for her contribution to the work of the Parish Council and wished her well for the future.

ACTION: AL to pursue the proposed set up of the Parish Council’s Website










Any Other Business – 






Future Meetings - It was agreed to invite speakers to some of the meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, to encourage members of the public to attend. Possible speakers included Mr Philip Clarke, Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy, in March 2009. It was suggested that the Parish Council offer wine and nibbles at the next Annual General Meeting.  ACTION: AL to check that this is within permitted expenditure guidelines. Outstanding.










OCC Bus Service – Horton cum Studley. The Parish Council agreed to make a small contribution towards the cost of reprinting the publicity leaflet for route 108/118. The Chairman thanked Jill Meyjes for her outstanding work in getting the route extended to Horton.






Brill Footpath, Places for People Scheme – the proposed footpath extension does not meet the criteria for this funding scheme. Jill Meyjes to seek further clarification of valid criteria.







Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 12 February 2009 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….


Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 4 December 2008 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne and Tim Hallchurch and there were no declarations of interest reported.






Public Participation – no members of the public attended.  






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 13 November 2008 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising – there were no matters arising.






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies and there was nothing to report.






Police – there was nothing to report.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne sent her apologies and there was nothing to report.












The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:


  • BDO Stoy Hayward Auditors £158.63
  • Parchments printing of newsletter for November 2008 £177.33






The Parish Council agreed to purchase of a gift of thanks for the editor and designer of the newsletter.






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – 






It was reported that there was bad flooding along the Horton Mile during the recent heavy rainfall. It was suggested that the ditches need clearing out along both sides down from the bridge. It was recommended that these ditches should be cleared annually.

ACTION: David Prosser to contact Oxfordshire Highways. Outstanding.










Parish Newsletter – it was agreed that the latest copy of the newsletter looked very professional.






Planning – The following planning notices were received and noted:






APP/C3105/A/08/2088899 Land between St Barnabas Church, Church Lane. Outline: Change of use of land to residential and proposed development of 5 no. two storey units consisting of 10 no. two bed and 10 no. one bed low cost flats.




The Parish Council agreed to request that the appeal be dismissed on planning grounds as set out in consultant Nik Lyzba’s letter dated 7.8.08 and Oxford Green Belt Network’s letter dated 27.11.08. It is the view of the Parish Council that there are no special circumstances that could justify allowing the appeal. The village is unsustainable and unsuitable for the proposed development due to the lack of facilities and local transport.


ACTION: Clerk to send a letter to the Planning Inspectorate outlining the objections.














08/02136/F. Erection of wind turbine, Otmoor Farm. As this is required for home use rather than for commercial purposes, the Parish Council raised no objection to this application but requested comments be invited from the RSPB, since this site is close to the RSBP reserve on Otmoor.






08/02390/F. Studley Priory. Retrospective – rustic fence in wood.

The Parish Council raised no objections to this application.






Correspondence – there was no correspondence.






Any Other Business – 






Future Meetings - It was agreed to invite speakers to some of the meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, to encourage members of the public to attend. Possible speakers included Mr Philip Clarke, Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy, in March 2009. It was suggested that the Parish Council offer wine and nibbles at the next Annual General Meeting.  ACTION: AL to check that this is within permitted expenditure guidelines.










Rebuilding Biodiversity – next steps. It was agreed that AL investigate commissioning a Biodiversity consultant to walk around the village and discuss and record points of interest. AL to also establish what grants are available to cover this cost.









Car Sharing Scheme - It was agreed to discuss the car sharing scheme in April 2009.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 8 January 2009 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….





Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 13 November 2008 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Tim Hallchurch, Barbara Jewell, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Apologies and Declaration of Interest – there were no apologies and there were no declarations of interest reported.






Dr Ian Scargill from Oxford Green Belt Network gave a talk on the green belt in Oxfordshire and the changes it faces. He explained that 13% of England is covered by green belt the purpose of which is to stop urban sprawl, to prevent neighbouring settlements spilling into each other, to protect character sites, to encourage brown field development & to protect the green belt countryside. There are a number of changes and trends which are affecting the green belt. Many farms are going out of business or are amalgamating with other farms. Some are being developed into houses. Some farms may be split up and consequentially new boundaries are established which is changing the landscape.  Gradually and incrementally the changes can affect the green belt for the worse. For example, fields may be bought for sports facilities which could include parking for cars and coaches, a pavilion and demand for outside lights. These facilities could then be rented out to cover costs.


Another change is the increase of ‘road clutter’ for example, the excessive use of road signs. There is also an increase in wind turbines which are contrary to the preservation of visual amenity.


The Parish Council and Parishioners were strongly encouraged to monitor changes of land ownership, to keep an eye on future changes in use of the land, to monitor what’s happening locally and to monitor Cherwell District Council’s policies relating to this subject.


The meeting was then opened for questions.


Tim Hallchurch explained that Oxfordshire County Council is firmly against green belt development.


He reported that Cherwell District Council is required to build13,400 new homes between 2006 and 2026 which equates to an average of 670 per year. 4900 of these homes have been identified at Bicester. This is likely to cause traffic problems and requires new infrastructure to cope with this. Consultation questionnaires were available for parishioners to take away and reply to Cherwell District Council.


The green belt doesn’t stop housing if there are special circumstances e.g. affordable housing. Oxford Green Belt Network can support the Parish Council in opposing developments proposed on Green belt sites. Key objection points to planning applications on green belt land are: detract from the openness of the landscape; visual amenity would be lost or reduced and inappropriate development.


The Chairman thanked Dr Scargill for his extremely interesting and informative talk which was appreciated by everyone present.


The Chairman reaffirmed that Horton cum Studley Parish Council’s policy is not to build on the green belt.


It was agreed to send a note of thanks to Dr Scargill for his excellent talk.

















































Public Participation – 32 members of the public attended.  Apologies were received from Pat Sharpe, Rita and David Turner, Richard Smith, Mr and Mrs Brierley, Sarah Foxcroft and Chloe Gover. Three parishioners sent notes stating that they were against development of green belt land.












Planning Duffryn Paddock, Ragnalls Lane. Erection of an agricultural barn.

The Parish Council raised no objections.






The Parish Council were informed that there is a planning application for a wind turbine on Terry Moore’s Farm at the end of Ragnalls Lane. This farm comes under Fencott and Murcott Parish Council. The Parish Council agreed to send a letter of objection on the grounds of reduced of visual amenity and inappropriate development.






The Lodge – John Attley’s agent attended the meeting and outlined the recent history of the planning application and the various meetings between the agent and owners of properties on The Green. A new plan was circulated and discussed. The Parish Council decided to oppose this plan as it encroached too far into the green belt. In rejecting this latest proposal, the Chairman expressed his hope that the development for which planning permission had already been granted would begin soon so that the village would get it’s shop and Post Office.






The Parish Council noted the following planning decisions:

  • Marchwood, first floor extension, single storey rear, internal/external alterations. Granted.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 13 October 2008 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising




The Parish Council resolved to adopt the Model Publication Scheme of the Freedom of Information Act. It was agreed that the clerk would act as Freedom of Information Officer.






Rebuilding Biodiversity – next steps. It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting.






Motts Bus Update– Jill Meyjes reported on the progress of the proposal that the 5.35pm bus from Oxford comes to Horton cum Studley after its last stop at Beckley. The extra distance from Beckley to Horton cum Studley is 3.2 miles which takes approximately 6 minutes. Motts has agreed to reduce the annual cost of putting on this extra service from £6,000 to £3,000. John Wood from Oxfordshire County Council is trying to coordinate a number of small schemes like this and he will then try to obtain other sources of funding to help cover these costs. The Parish Council agreed to put in some funds in accordance with guidance from ORCC and OALC. The Chairman thanked Jill Meyjes for all her hard work in pursuing this proposal.






Feedback from CDC Annual Parish Liaison Meeting - Barbara Jewell and Colin Badger attended this meeting which they found both informative and a good networking event. It was agreed that attending these meetings helps to raise the profile of the Parish.






Councillor’s Reports






District Councillor – see item 4.2.






Police – It was reported that Andrew Clark, our Police Community Support Officer, has run two successful surgeries at Islip. The surgeries take place on the second Tuesday of every month at Islip Village Hall between 16:30 and 17:30. All parishioners are invited to attend.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – the committee are currently conducting a safety review. It was agreed to ask the committee if they would like the bench which used to be situated half way up the Horton Hill.








Finance – it was agreed to pay the following invoices:

  • CDC Dog Bin emptying £322.61
  • Clerk’s salary July to September 2008 £478.80 + expenses £9.99
  • Ady Podbery Grounds Care - grass cutting September 2008 £157.00
  • R&R Hawes – grass cutting around pond £75






The budget for 2009-10 was discussed and it was agreed to keep the precept the same as last year (£6,000).






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – the footpath sign at Cow Lane, off Brill Road needs to be replaced. Despite several telephones calls to Oxfordshire Highways, this remains outstanding. Clerk to contact Sarah Aldus, Footpaths and Bridleways Officer at Oxfordshire Highways.









It was reported that there was bad flooding along the Horton Mile during the recent heavy rainfall. It was suggested that the ditches need clearing out along both sides down from the bridge. It was recommended that these ditched should be cleared annually.

ACTION: David Prosser to contact Oxfordshire Highways.










It was reported that the large temporary advertising signs outside the golf course are distracting to motorists as well as being unsightly.

ACTION: Clerk to contact Cherwell District Council to check whether these signs infringe the terms of the club’s planning permission.









Parish Notice board – it was agreed to ask Richard Hawes to clean and varnish the old notice board at The Forge.






Parish Newsletter – there was nothing to report.






Correspondence – the questionnaire ‘Options for Growth’ was completed and submitted to Cherwell District Council.






Any Other Business






Proposed footpath along the Brill Road – Barbara Jewell and Mary Stuck offered to search for a suitable map which shows the current and proposed footpath from Cow Lane to the edge of the village. This map is required as part of the grant proposal.









Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 11 December 2008 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.










Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….








Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 9 October 2008 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Barbara Jewell, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Apologies and Declaration of Interest – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies and there were no declarations of interest reported.






Cynth Napper from Oxfordshire Nature Conservation Forum gave an interesting and informative presentation on the Rebuilding Biodiversity Project and outlined the key points of the NERC Act 2006. Horton cum Studley Parish is in a large conservation area with wetlands, meadows and woodland. Parishioners are strongly encouraged to start recording species to the Thames Valley Environmental Record Centre and it was agreed to advertise this in the village newsletter.






There is an opportunity to employ an Ecologist for half a day to walk around the village and discuss and record points of interest. Grants are available to cover the cost. It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.








Copies of the presentation slides will be available from the Clerk. Also see link






Public Participation – 16 members of the public attended.   Pat Sharp, Chris and Paul Burgess sent their apologies. Matters were raised under item 10. 






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 11 September 2008 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising






It was reported that unauthorised vehicles are still driving on the playing fields. It was agreed to act on WPC Pip Hankoiewicz’s advice and ask the Village Hall Committee to erect a ‘no vehicles on the playing fields’ sign to see if this resolves the problem. If this fails to deter then it may be necessary to pass a by-law to prohibit driving on the field.

ACTION: EKB to contact the Village Hall Committee. 






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies and sent a message that the planning application for the proposed development adjacent to Church Lane had been refused by Cherwell District Council Planning Committee.






Police – It was reported that Andrew Clark, our Police Community Support Officer, will be running an open surgery at Islip once a month. The surgeries will take place on the second Tuesday of every month. The first meeting will be on Tuesday 14th October at Islip Village Hall between 16:30 and 17:30.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – there was nothing to report.












The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:


  • Ady Podbery Grounds Care - grass cutting August 2008 £157.00
  • Andrew Payne - thank you gift for completing the internal audit £57






The Parish Council noted the balance in the Lloyds TSB Deposit Account of £3373.80. 






Review of Clerk’s salary – see item 12.4.






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – it was reported that the footpath near Oak House is breaking up. It was agreed that David Prosser would report this to Oxfordshire Highways.








Parish Newsletter – there was nothing to report.






Planning – The following planning applications were received and discussed:






08/01916/F Retrospective. Vehicular access to serve allotment garden ‘Bonfire Green’ and dwelling ‘The Old Village Hall’.

The Parish Council did not raise any objections.  






08/01962/F First floor extension, single storey rear extension, internal/external alterations. Marchwood. No objections.

The Parish Council did not raise any objections and requested that any rain water that accumulates on the front roof does not flow onto the neighbour’s garage.






The following planning decision was noted.






Studley Priory. Reduce 4 branches of 1 no. Cedar of Lebanon tree. Granted.






The Lodge – it was reported that residents of the Green had received a letter from BA Property Management via Vic Brown dated 15 September 2008 which rejected the compromise proposal discussed at the last meeting of the Parish Council on 11 September 2008 (minute 10.3 refers). The letter stated that if residents did not agree to the latest proposal (04,666/33 which involved extending the footprint of the proposed development by a further 15 metres into the green belt) by 10 October 2008 then the developer would revert to the original approved plan (04,666/25B dated July 2007).






Residents of the Green reported by letter and in person that they were not prepared to sign the deed of release. The Chairman confirmed that the Parish Council were also not prepared to sign the deed of release since this further encroachment into the green belt was unacceptable. After some debate, the Chairman summed up the current position and advised that the developer should commence development of the original approved plan (04,666/25B dated July 2007) and commented that the village looked forward to having its new shop.






Correspondence – 






CDC Annual Parish Liaison Meeting 12 November 2008. David Prosser, Colin Badger and Barbara Jewell agreed to attend the Liaison Meeting and will report back at the next meeting.






Village Design Statement & Parish Plans – free training 8 November 2008. Barbara Jewell and Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne agreed to attend this training course and will report back at the next meeting.






Any Other Business – 






Jill Meyjes reported on the Parish Council’s transport scheme. It was agreed to increase the cost of journeys from 50p to £1 and it was agreed to reduce mileage reimbursement costs from 40p to 30p.






Jill Meyjes reported that she is trying to negotiate with Motts bus company to restore the 5.35pm bus service from Oxford back to the village. Motts had calculated that it was an extra 8 miles from Beckley to Horton which would cost £20 a day. This would cost £6,000 a year. It was reported that the actual mileage is 1.56 of a mile which would work out at only £1,000 a year. It was agreed that JM should continue discussions with Motts and try and reconcile the total number of extra miles. It was suggested that the village could raise some sustainable funds to resurrect this service. It was agreed to discuss at the next meeting. 













The questionnaire on additional sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show people was completed for return to South East England Regional Assembly.






Clerk’s salary - the Clerk withdrew from the meeting for this item. The Clerk’s salary was reviewed and an adjustment agreed to Scale LC2, point 26, of the NALC and SLCC National Salary Award for Clerks 2007-08, resulting in an hourly rate of £11.12, or £155.68 monthly. A further review to take place at the April 2009 meeting.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 13 November 2008 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….








Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council



Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 14 August 2008 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Tim Hallchurch (District Councillor), Barbara Jewell, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 





Apologies and Declaration of Interest – there were no declarations of interest reported.






Public Participation – 37 members of the public attended.  














Development of the Lodge – a request was made to the Parish Council to rescind their decision to lift the covenant which allows the four town houses to be built on the green belt since the village is an SSSCI, Class 3 village. A request was also made to instruct a specialist solicitor (such as Darbys) to look at all the covenants in the village ,as they are very complex, with the objective of producing a simple guide to understanding them. These documents are stored in the archive section at St Lukes Church.

ACTION: Barbara Jewell to contact solicitors.


A request was also made to employ a planning consultant to review the Lodge planning applications and relevant covenants and to establish what legal obligations the owner, John Attley, has in relation to this development and how the Parish Council can monitor compliance. It was noted that under the Section 106 agreement, John Attley is required to pay for any village infrastructure improvements necessitated by the development at the Lodge, as well as appropriate landscaping. A parishioner asked to see the deed of release document signed by the Parish Council and it was noted that the Clerk is still awaiting for a copy from the Parish Council’s Solicitor. The Parish Council agreed to employ a town planner to examine the situation past and present concerning the Lodge development.

ACTION: Clerk to contact OALC. David Prosser to contact Edward Pilling Solicitors to request a copy of the deed of release.



























Proposed development to land adjacent to St Barnabas, Church Lane - Tim Hallchurch reported that Cherwell District Council would go to the Planning Committee with a recommendation for refusal. The Parish Council agreed to object to the proposal.






Ragwort – there is an increasing problem with ragwort in the village. This plant, which is poisonous to horses, sheep and cattle, is notifiable, therefore parishioners should report bad cases to the local council or to Defra.






Minutes of Meetings – minutes of the Parish Council meetings are uploaded monthly on www.otmoor.co.uk which is run by Tim Hallchurch. A request was made to archive all minutes of meetings on this web site








Dormer House – it was reported that there is a skateboard ramp in the garden at Dormer House which is causing noise pollution to neighbouring properties. A parishioner asked the Parish Council to mediate between the owners of Dormer House and the owners of neighbouring properties, to work out a solution, before Cherwell District Council becomes involved. If this is not resolved locally, an enforcement officer will visit from Cherwell District Council to measure the noise and make a judgement of reasonable usage.

ACTION: David Prosser will speak to owners of Dormer House.













Bottle Bank – a request was made for a bottle bank to be sited in the village. Cherwell District Council  has recently issued householders a 6 bottle bag to use to recycle their bottles, noting that the local bottle bank is situated at Arncott.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 10 July 2008 were agreed and signed as a correct record.








Matters Arising –





Fence along the footpath at Studley Priory, Horton Hill - this matter is being dealt with by Clare O’Sullivan at Oxfordshire County Council.









Councillors’ Reports








District Councillor – there was nothing to report.








Police – Mary Stuck reported that our Police Community Support Officer, Andrew Clarke, has not been visible in the village recently. It was agreed to invite WPC Pip Hankoiewicz and Andrew Clarke to the next Parish Council meeting in September.










Almshouses – there was nothing to report.








Church – there was nothing to report.








Village Hall Committee – there was nothing to report.
















The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:


  • Ady Podbery Grounds Care - grass cutting July 2008 £157.00
  • Parchments - printing the July 2008 newsletter £162.23
  • R&R Hawes - cutting pond site July 2008 £55.00
  • Zurich Insurance - annual insurance premium £328.13







Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – it was reported that the footpath at Warren Farm had been cleared.








Newsletter –  there was nothing to report.








Planning – The following planning notices were received and noted:








 08/01542/F Red Lime Ltd. Demolition of storage building and former pig sties; erection of single storey plant storage building. The Parish Council raised no objections and asked that the roadside should be suitably landscaped and also  requested that Red Lime lorries should not access the site through the village.








08/01663/OUT Land west of St Barnabas Church. Outline - change of use of land to residential and proposed development of 5 no. two storey units consisting of 10 no. two bed and 10 no. one bed low cost flats. The Parish Council objected to this application.





Appeal decision APP/C3105/C/07/2052345. Land at Corner Farm. Appeal rejected. The Parish Council noted this decision.








The former Shop and PO Site – it was observed that the height of the buildings seemed very high.

ACTION: David Prosser to contact Cherwell Planning Department to ensure the height is in accordance with the planning permission granted.










Correspondence –








Rebuilding biodiversity support for Parish Councils. It was agreed to invite the Community Development Officer to attend the next meeting to give a short talk on Oxfordshire’s Rebuilding Biodiversity project.








Any Other Business – 








 A second notice board will be erected next week at the bottom of the village by the Lodge.








The Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment has funds for footpaths. It was agreed to contact them regarding the proposal to extend the footpath on the Brill Road to the end of the village.








Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 9th October 2008 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.






Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….






Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 10 July 2008 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Mary Stuck, Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Colin Badger and Tim Hallchurch (District Councillor). There were no declarations of interest reported.






Public Participation – 1 member of the public attended.  There have been a number of complaints about the fence along the Studley Priory footpath fence and the Chairman has referred the matter to OCC Legal Department.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 12 June 2008 were agreed and signed as a correct record.








Matters Arising –





Stanton St John Shop – the Parish Council has been advised that it is not able to support the request to help purchase an ATM and paypoint facility as under current ruling this would be classified as donating monies to an individual which contrary to Parish Council guidelines and therefore not appropriate.









Newsletter – Rose Prosser has kindly agreed to organise the distribution of the newsletter. Anna Cahill and Jenna Zan will continue as editor and designer respectively. The Chairman expressed his thanks to all those involved in the production and distribution of the newsletter.









Councillors’ Reports








District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.








Police – there was nothing to report.








Almshouses – Colin Badger sent his apologies.








Church – there was nothing to report.








Village Hall Committee –there was nothing to report.
















The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:


  • Ady Podbery grass cutting June £157 
  • Edward Hawes grass cutting £223.25


The Parish Council agreed to donate £150 a year to St Barnabas PCC to contribute towards cutting the grass in the churchyard.








Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – it was reported that the footpath sign at the top of the lane along the Brill road by Studley Farmhouse needs replacing. Outstanding.










Newsletter – See item 3.2.








Planning – The following planning notices were received and noted:








The Lodge – the new layout was presented to the Parish Council. It was agreed to ask that no windows were looking on to the east side to reduce invasion of privacy and that the houses should be 2 storey high and not 2.5 storey to reduce the invasion of privacy.








Correspondence –Cherwell District Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document – stakeholder initial questionnaire. It was agreed that Barbara Jewell would respond on behalf of the Parish Council.








The Millennium Hall Annual Reports & Accounts were received and circulated.








Any Other Business – 








Bus – it was reported that there is a possibility that the 5.35pm bus from Oxford will come to the village 6 days a week. Although this has been agreed in principle details are still under negotiation. If this went ahead, it would not commence until after the drainage works in Beckley are completed.








Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 14 August 2008 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.






Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….








Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 12 June 2008 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Tim Hallchurch (District Councillor), Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne and Mary Stuck. There were no declarations of interest reported.






Public Participation – 6 members of the public attended for item 8 and 2 members of the public attended for item 10.1.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 8 May 2008 were agreed and signed as a correct record.








Matters Arising –





Stanton St John Shop - The owners of the Stanton St John shop have written to the Parish Council requesting assistance in the payment of a waiver fee to the Post Office for £2,500 which would enable them to have an ATM and Paypoint facility. The Parish Council agreed in principle to support this request and proposed that the cost be split between the four parishes and the owners. The Parish Council reserved its position pending the response from the other three parishes. Clerk to write to Mr & Mrs Ingrey and the other three parishes with this proposal. It was agreed to discuss this again at the next meeting.














Newsletter – there has been a lot of positive feedback to the new style newsletter. It was agreed to invite Anna Cahill (Editor) and Jenna Zan (Designer) to discuss further improvements to the newsletter, including a production timetable and the possibility of an honorarium. This item was deferred to next meeting.











Councillors’ Reports








District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch gave an update on the development concerning the eco town proposal at Western Otmoor. He also reported that there will be a by election next week to elect a replacement for Boris Johnson’s seat in Henley. John Howell is the Conservative candidate.








Police – Mary Stuck sent her apologies and there was nothing to report.








Almshouses – there was nothing to report.








Church – there was nothing to report.








Village Hall Committee – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne sent her apologies and there was nothing to report.
















The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:


  • Ady Podbery grass cutting April £157 and May £235.50
  • CPRE Subscription £28
  • Playdale Playgrounds £25,524.76
  • R & R Hawes cutting pond site & around trees on the Green £90.00
  • Edward Hawes grass cutting £223.25
  • Thank you gift for the Editor and Designer of the village newsletter £37.00


The Parish Council agreed to transfer £10,000 from the deposit account to pay for the final Playdale invoice of £10988.60


The Parish Council noted the following:


·         Receipt of Grass Cutting Grant 2008 £1631.25

·         The balance of the Lloyds TSB Current Account £27234.78 and Deposit Account £13290.23








Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – it was reported that the footpath sign at the top of the lane along the Brill road by Studley Farmhouse needs replacing. Outstanding.

It was also reported that there were bad potholes at the top of Ragnalls Lane.

ACTION: DP to contact OCC Highways Department. Outstanding.












It was reported that there is still a lot of dog fouling along the footpaths and behind the bus shelter where the children play.

ACTION: DP to erect new signs. Outstanding.










Newsletter – See item 3.2.








Planning – The following planning notices were received and noted:








The Lodge – proposed construction of 4 no. detached dwellings, parking and garage (as amended by revised site plan received 15.4.08) – Granted.








A further draft plan was circulated for discussion. Comments were received and noted from parishioners present at the meeting. The Parish Council delayed commenting on the revised plan until a full planning application has been received.








Former PO Stores – demolition of existing building and erection of 4 no. dwellings, detached 4 bay garage and garden store with ancillary works – Granted.








Correspondence – there was no correspondence.








Any Other Business – 








Redlime site – there was a proposal to re-establish the Mr Finn shop at the Redlime Site, Horton cum Studley. The Parish Council discussed this matter and agreed in principle to support a proposal for Mr Finn to sell fresh produce from this site but reserved its position pending receipt of a full planning application.








Bus – it was reported that on 11 June 2008 the bus to Oxford went straight past the bus shelter with people waiting and it did not stop. Jill Meyjes is waiting to hear from Motts.








Communal Areas in small developed sites - It was proposed that the Parish Council requests that all future developments such as The Lodge & Old PO Stores include some kind of residents association to which all purchasers belong and contribute to a fund for the ongoing upkeep of communal areas.








Forge Close – it was reported that the ditch at the back of Forge Close needs digging out.








Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 10 July 2008 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.






Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….




Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

Held on Thursday 8 May 2008 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Tim Hallchurch (District Councillor), Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  15 parishioners were present.






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne and Mary Stuck. There were no declarations of interest reported.






Recycling: A talk by Ed Potter, Environmental Services, Cherwell District Council.


Key points raised were:


58,000 properties in Cherwell District.

CDC collected 58,600 tonnes of waste last year.

30,500 tonnes went to landfill, 28,100 tonnes were recycled or composted.


There are two landfill sites, one in Ardley, near Bicester and the other in Alterton near Banbury. Landfill sites are a major source of methane, which is a greenhouse gas.


Government landfill targets have been introduced and landfill tax rises each year. The tax is currently £48 per tonne which will rise to approximately £70-80/tonne by end of decade.


Landfill targets directive:


75% (2010) Oxfordshire expect to meet this target.

50% (2013) bit more uncertain

35% (2020)


If targets are not met, CDC will be liable to pay fines. 




12,000 tonnes of rubbish is collected from blue bins of which only about 5% gets rejected. It is sorted automatically in a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) which is a highly automated plant based in Milton Keynes.


Some councils do kerbside sorting.


Glass is very difficult to collect as it is liable to break during transit and will get mixed with paper and consequently the paper will get mixed with shards of glass.


Bring Sites


Some 3,500 tonnes are currently recycled at the 60 bring sites across the district, broken down as: 2800 tonnes glass, 350 tonnes paper, 300 tonnes textiles, 50 tonnes others.


CDC collects glass separated by colour as the glass industry prefers it to be sorted in this way. There is a good price for clear and brown glass but not for green glass. This is because we do not make much wine in this country so there is little requirement for green glass. The mixed glass tends to get used as a road aggregate.




13,300 tonnes of garden waste is recycled at Ardley, Helndon and Swerford. The compost is turned every few days as it  naturally heats up and is finally spread on surrounding fields. Since it is an aerobic process, some carbon dioxide is produced.  


Recent developments


CDC has started street recycling bins. There are 20 bins located in the centre of Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington. CDC plans to increase this to 60 bins in the near future.


Improved facilities have been introduced for residents living in  flats including the introduction of recycling  bags rather than boxes and brown bins.


Battery recycling has also been introduced in supermarket and library carparks.


Ways of recycling new materials such as tetrapacks (i.e. juice cartons) are being looked at. Aerosol cans can now be recycled in the blue bin.


A Recycling brochure is available for new residents from CDC.


CDC is starting to give out sticky labels to go on bins.


Collection men work a long 4 day week so collecting is not  disrupted by bank holidays.


Overall Strategy


Reduce – produce less waste

Reuse – reuse items (furniture recycling OCVA).



An ongoing project is to get supermarkets to use less packaging


Food Recycling


40% of rubbish in green bins is food waste. 1 bag in 3 of food bought ends up in the bin.


A pilot scheme will be introduced in the Autumn 2008 whereby food waste is recycled with brown waste as residents have said that they don’t want yet another bin.


By 2009/10 CDC is looking to collect food waste from all properties. The compost has to heat up to 70o for a minimum of 2 days to adequately treat it to eliminate diseases such as foot and mouth disease etc. Facilities to achieve this are yet to be built in Oxfordshire.


Residual Waste Treatment


OCC have put out a tender to provide new treatment facilities for 2013/14. There are 2 sites at Ardley and Sutton Courtney left in the tender process. The proposal is to take waste which cannot be recycled, burn it and generate heat and steam to turn into electricity. The ash will go to landfill. Both sites will burn waste to generate electricity. It is understood that OCC will make a decision Q1 2009.


Ed Potter then answered parishioners questions:


Aluminium foil can be recycled in the blue bin.


CDC spends £130K to purchase dustbin vehicle which last for 6 years + the bin men’s salary & vehicle fuel results in a cost of approximately £53 per property per year.


CDC pays a company to sort the material and the company received the value of material. CDC pay farmers a small gate fee to spread garden waste on fields. CDC collects and OCC disposes of the contents of green bins. For every tonne recycled, CDC receives a credit from OCC as they haven’t had to landfill it. CDC receives about £1m a year in recycling credits. CDC receives revenue for paper and cans: 1 tonne of newspapers is about £40 and 1 tonne of steel cans is about £80-90. CDC does not make money from recycling.


The Chairman thanked Ed Potter for his very interesting and informative talk.








District Councillors Report








Tim Hallchurch reported on District Council matters: One third of the council were up for election last week resulting in 44 conservatives, 2 labour and 4 liberal Democrats. The new chairman of the Council is Andrew Fulljames. 








The Regeneration of Bicester is going ahead starting later this year.








Bus passes are available from Exeter Hall, Kidlington or by post.








CDC has completed its personnel organisation and recently opened a one stop shop for customer enquiries at Bodicote House. This in time will be rolled out at Kidlington and Bicester. This means that 90% of general queries will be dealt with at the front desk.   








TH also reported on County Council matters: OCC is undertaking a similar operation moving all their backoffice staff to a new building in order to save money.








Eco town: Western on the Green had been short listed as an eco town. The site adjoins the M40 motorway and the Oxford-Bicester railway around 3 miles south west of Bicester and 7 miles from Oxford. The eco town proposal is for 10-15,000 houses. There is proposed reinvestment in rail and the incorporation of a major park and ride facility adjoining the M40 with combined improvements to the A34/M40 junction. In the next stage the preliminary assessment will be followed up with more detailed work and will be subject to a detailed sustainability appraisal. The eco town scheme will also be the subject of a planning application which would be determined by the local planning authority.


Local residents are campaigning to stop the development and CDC is also against it. This development plus the proposed development at Upper Heyford and the Kassam stadium will create a huge increase in traffic & use of resources.








Otmoor ward will become part of the South Oxfordshire constituency after the next general election. It had been reported in the press that Boris Johnson would resign as MP for Henley. Otmoor ward will stay within CDC. The boundary change is to balance the population.








Minutes of the Last Meeting of 10 May 2007 were agreed and signed as a correct record. 








Chairman’s Report








The Parish Council meets every month on the second Thursday of each month. Public Participation is a standing agenda item and members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting with any issues they wish to discuss.

The Chairman introduced our new Parish Councillor, Barbara Jewell, who was co-opted due to an increase in the number of residents in the village.








There is a new bench on Horton Hill which has been donated by Tony Baldry to mark his 25 years as an MP.








The Parish Council has bought a second notice board which will be sited at the bottom of the village. The proposed site is on the pub forecourt.








The Chairman thanked the Parish Councillors for all their hard work over the past year.








This ended the Chairman’s report and he opened the floor for questions.








Speeding – the Parish Council had joined a portable Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) scheme and had ordered 2 sockets for the VAS to be sited. The portable sign will be shared with other local villages in the scheme. The scheme has been delayed due to health and safety constraints with the VAS.  The Parish Council continues to pursue speeding as a very important issue. The Parish Council will also look at the yellow card system (Speed Watch).








The Lodge – if the development goes ahead, a shop, guaranteed for 10 years under a 106 agreement, will be situated within the pub,








Busses – a request was made from a parishioner for a small modification to the local bus schedule to join the Beckley bus. Jill Meyjes, as transport representative, had attended many meetings and wrote endless letters trying to reinstate a route to connect the village but to no avail.








The Parish Council had launched a small pilot transport scheme on 1 April 2008 for six months in conjunction with ORCC and OCC to be a feeder service for the bus at Beckley. A flyer had been delivered to everyone in the village and the scheme had been advertised in the newsletter.








The Chairman asked parishioners for any ideas to improve the village. One idea was to install a bicycle rack by the cobbled area next to the bus shelter.








The Affordable Housing proposal did not come to fruition. Two sites were put forward in Beckley which the Parish Council objected to. It was not deemed necessary in this village.








Old Village Hall – it was reported that it was important to ensure that the pipes were set correctly following works to install a new access. 








Forge Junction – it was reported that the white lines at the forge junction were not set back as promised. DP to contact OCC Highways.








The meeting closed at 9.45pm.






Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….





Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 10 April 2008 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Tim Hallchurch (County & District Councillor), Barbara Jewell, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne. There were no declarations of interest reported.






Public Participation – no members of the public attended.






Minutes of the Last Meetings of 13 March 2008 were agreed and signed as a correct record with the following amendment to item 10.2. The mobile phone for the transport scheme was not donated and so a low cost mobile phone was bought for £20 which will be reimbursed by Oxfordshire County Council.








Matters Arising –





New Playground - The Parish Council recorded a vote of thanks to everyone who contributed to the new playground and in particular to Angie Pullinger, Rachel Hawes, Marilyn Newbury and Graham Lange. It was agreed to write a letter of thanks to these individuals.











Spring Clean – there was a very poor response to the spring clean with only two parishioners giving up time to participate in collecting litter around the village.








Newsletter – there has been a lot of positive feedback to the new style newsletter. It was agreed to invite Anna Cahill (Editor) and Jenna Zan (Designer) to discuss further improvements to the newsletter, including a production timetable and the possibility of an honorarium.











Councillors’ Reports








District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch reported that Western on the Green had been short listed as an eco town. The site adjoins the M40 motorway and the Oxford-Bicester railway around 3 miles south west of Bicester and 7 miles from Oxford. The eco town proposal is for 10-15,000 houses. There is proposed reinvestment in rail and would incorporate a major park and ride facility adjoining the M40 with combined improvements to the A34/M40 junction. In the next stage the preliminary assessment will be followed up with more detailed work and will be subject to a detailed sustainability appraisal. The eco town scheme will also be the subject of a planning application which would be determined by the local planning authority.








Police –  there was nothing to report.








Almshouses – the entrance to the almshouses is becoming very muddy with potholes which is making access difficult. David Prosser to report this to Oxfordshire County Council Highways Department.








Church – there was nothing to report.








Village Hall Committee – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne sent her apologies. It was noted that the ground underneath the new zip wire needs something to stop people slipping as it is becoming very wet and muddy.
















The following cheques were agreed:

  • Playsafety Ltd £464.13 playground inspection
  • Parchment Newsletter printing £157.66
  • CPA Horticulture play chips £1339.50
  • CDC Dog bin emptying £161.30
  • Clerk’s salary January to March 2008 £300 plus expenses £13.99


The Parish Council noted that the balance in the Lloyds TSB Current Account was £6555.87 and the balance in the Deposit Account was £13258.93.


The Parish Council’s accounts are due to be audited in May 2008.








Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – it was reported that the footpath sign at the top of the lane along the Brill road by Studley Farmhouse needs replacing. Outstanding.

It was also reported that there were bad potholes at the top of Ragnalls Lane.

ACTION: DP to contact OCC Highways Department. Outstanding.












It was reported that there is still a lot of dog fouling along the footpaths and behind the bus shelter where the children play.

ACTION: DP to erect new signs. Outstanding.










Newsletter – See item 3.3.








Planning -








08/00703/F Marshwood – reinstatement of access.




The Parish Council raised no objections.








Correspondence – there was no correspondence.








Any Other Business – 








Annual Parish Meeting – will be held on 8 May 2008 at 8pm.Agenda items to include chairman’s report, a talk on recycling by a representative from Cherwell District Council (Kieran Mallam, Department of Environment) and possible projects to improve the village.








Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 8 May 2008 at 7.00pm in the Millennium Hall and will be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 8pm.






Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …

Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council



Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 14 February 2008 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck, and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 

14 parishioners were present.






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Tim Hallchurch. There were no declarations of interest reported.






Minutes of the Last Meeting of 10 January 2008 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising – there were no matters arising.






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.   






Police – Mary Stuck reported that Sergeant Larry Jordan number 3830 will be the village’s new Neighbourhood Police Officer from 3 March 2008. A new Police Community Support Officer, Andrew Clark, has also been appointed and he should be seen in the village on foot twice a month. PC Mike Harris has requested feedback to see that Andrew Clark is actually being seen in the village. Please report any feedback to Mary Stuck.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – there was nothing to report.












A quote was received from Green Scythe for verge cutting at £189.32 per cut. This is slightly more expensive than our current contractor, Edward Hawes. It was agreed to continue using Edward Hawes.






The Parish Council noted the Lloyds TSB current account balance of £7289.90






It was agreed to pay the following invoices:


 R & R Hawes £582.27 to dismantle old play equipment, pull out posts and dispose of concrete. The Parish Council requested a breakdown of labour costs and number of hours for future bills.







Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – it was reported that the footpath sign at the top of the lane along the Brill road by Studley Farmhouse needs replacing. ACTION: DP to contact OCC Highways Department.








It was also reported that there is still a lot of dog fouling along the footpaths and behind the bus shelter where the children play. It was agreed to erect new dog fouling warning signs.







Newsletter – the next newsletter is due to be published at the beginning of March. It was agreed to include details of the proposed transport volunteer scheme which Jill Meyjes is organising. It was also agreed to include a notice about the proposed closure of Stanton St John Post Office. The Chairman urged parishioners to write to the Post Office objecting to the proposed closure. The Post Office’s consultation period closes 17 March.






Planning -






The following planning applications were received and discussed:






07/02478/REM. The Lodge. Reserved matters to outline 06/01927/OUT. Proposed construction of 4 no. detached dwellings, parking and garage.






A number of objections and questions were raised by parishioners:



  • The overspill of parking will cause congestion problems on the road, especially if visitors to the new houses park along the footpath. There is no room to turn a car.



  • The road is not suitable for the volume of traffic that the new development is going to create since this is the main pedestrian access for children to the playground.



  • Will the shop be viable without a Post Office?



  • There is a major safety concern for children. Cars reversing out of their parking spaces/drives have the potential to cause an accident with children who use this road as the main pedestrian access to the playground.



  • What safeguards will there be that the shop will be run for 10 years?



  • What sanctions are there in the 106 agreement?



  • Is this the limit of development of this particular site?



  • Has the 106 agreement actually been signed?






An alternative plan was presented by Vic Brown with the houses being spread out with safer parking and access.






The Parish Council raised objections to the application and made the following comments and observations:

  • The access from the cul de sac road is not safe.
  • The development is over crowded.
  • The demolition of parts of the wall will make too many entrances into the road.
  • The proposed three storey houses are not in keeping with the existing surroundings.
  • Requested confirmation that the 106 Agreement has been signed.
  • Need assurance that what will be built is as per the plans.
  • A single access to the development is preferred for safety reasons.
  • Serious safety concerns about the access to the newly equipped recreation grounds.
  • Adverse affect upon the character of the area and upon neighbouring properties.
  • Noted people’s anxiety concerning the monitoring of the development because in the past the 106 Agreement had not been adhered to and 8 units originally built instead of the 4 approved.
  • Proposed need for careful monitoring of this development. Previous development was considerably out of line.






08/00228/F Lower Green Barn. Garaging and garden store.



The Parish Council raised no objections.






Correspondence -






CDC Spring Clean – it was agreed to hold the annual Spring Clean 15-16 March 2008. Bags, gloves and litter picks will be available from Kimber House. The Spring Clean will be advertised in the next newsletter. The Chairman urged parishioners to help with the spring clean.






The Otmoor Challenge Accounts year ending 31 December 2007 were received and noted. The Chairman thanked the committee for another very successful and enjoyable day.






Any Other Business – 






New Councillor – David Prosser proposed that Barbara Jewell be co-opted to the Parish Council. Jill Meyjes seconded the proposal and the remaining Councillors agreed. 






Bank Signatory – it was agreed that the Clerk should be nominated as one of the signatories to the Parish Council’s bank accounts so that the accounts can be accessed for purposes such as checking funds. 






Transport Scheme – Jill Meyjes has arranged a meeting next week with ORCC to arrange a six month pilot volunteer transport scheme. It is hoped that  OCC will fund the public liability insurance. It is proposed that the volunteer drivers be paid 40p a mile and passengers pay a small charge, (50p or £1) to use the scheme. The Parish Council agreed to  pay the mileage costs during the pilot scheme to a maximum of £50 per month and to the purchase of a mobile phone to a maximum of £30 to be used to run the scheme.






Public Consultation – it was agreed to add a public consultation session as a rolling agenda item to allow parishioners to raise any comments at the beginning of each meeting.






Grand opening of the playground – the Parish Council agreed in principle to pay for light refreshments at the proposed grand opening of the new playground. Details of the opening will be published in the next newsletter. It was proposed to have the opening during the Easter weekend.






Hedge along the Priory boundary footpath – it was reported that a new hedge had been planted along the footpath and in the ditch along the footpath at the top of Horton Hill adjacent to The Priory boundary.  Concerns were raised that planting a hedge in the ditch may interfere with the drainage of road water and that the hedge may grow across the footpath in time.






Golf club – it was reported that the Golf club is under new ownership and that the outside lights are kept on at night. This is a breach of their planning permission.  Clerk to report to CDC. 








Seven Acres Farm- It was reported that Seven Acres Farm seems to be inhabited, which is in breach of planning. Clerk to report to CDC.







Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 13 March 2008 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: ……………………



Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 10 January 2008 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck, and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Tim Hallchurch. There were no declarations of interest reported.






Minutes of the Last Meetings of 10 December 2007 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising -






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.   






Police – Mary Stuck sent her apologies for the first part of the meeting and there was nothing to report.






Almshouses – there was nothing to report.






Church – there was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – the total cost of new play area is £38,844.00. The old play equipment may go to Forest Hill. The Parish Council’s request for a bottle bank to be sited at the entrance to the playing fields was refused for safety and aesthetic reasons. The next meeting is on 17 January 2008. DP to attend.












AL circulated a draft budget for 08/09. It was agreed to request a precept of £6,000.00.






The following cheques were agreed:

  • Leopard Press printing of newsletter £150.00.
  • Clerk’s salary October to December 2007 plus expenses £313.92.






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – AL to obtain a quote from Green Scythe for verge cutting. It was reported that dog fouling has increased along the Brill Road and around the Forge Bus shelter.







Newsletter – there was nothing to report. 






Planning -






The following planning applications were received and discussed:






 07/02617/F Warren Farm. Demolition of existing buildings (excluding the listed barn and adjoining farmhouses) and erection of a single dwelling-house, 3 no. agricultural buildings with associated landscaping and access.

The Parish Council raised no objections.






The following planning decisions were receive and noted:






07/02232/F Stonecroft. First floor and ground floor side extensions. Refused.






07/01859/F Chilston. Ground floor and first floor extensions and pitched roof to garage and existing flat roof extension (original amended). Granted.






07/02190/F Duffryn House. Attached carport and detached double garage. Granted.






07/02191/F Duffryn House. Retrospective – revised design ref 06/01049/F. Granted.






Correspondence -






CDC Local Authorities Members’ Allowances report 2008-9. This document was circulated.






Any Other Business – there was no other business reported.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 14 February 2008 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.




Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 8 November 2007 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck, and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 






Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Colin Badger and Tim Hallchurch. There were no declarations of interest reported.






Warren Farm - Simon Hoare, planning consultant and Roger Birtles from RPS Planning Consultancy presented the proposed new plans for Warren Farm following consultations with parishioners and members of the planning department at Cherwell District Council. Concerns have been addressed in the following ways: the house is now single storey and therefore lower in level than existing barns and the listed building; it consequently dominates the landscape far less. The house is now set with four open courtyards, two of which have a cloistered walk around them. This revised scheme will be available for perusal by parishioners on 24 November from 10am to 1pm at the Millennium Hall. Plans are also available for viewing from the Clerk.






Minutes of the Last Meetings of 11 October 2007 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising -






Parish website – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne circulated her proposed design and content for the new website. It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.






Parish Notice Board – it was agreed to request Richard Hawes to clean and re varnish the current Parish notice board. It was also agreed to purchase a new parish notice board, in a similar style to the current board, to be sited by the bus shelter at the bottom of Horton Hill.







Planting Scheme for Village Green – following a proposal that the village green could be planted to make it more attractive, it was agreed that Jill Meyjes would ask the Gardening Club for ideas.






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.   






Police – the Neighbourhood Coordinator has asked parishioners to be reminded that November is a common month for burglaries. 






Almshouses – Colin Badger sent his apologies.   






Church – Colin Jenkins will be invited to the next PC meeting to discuss church finances.






Village Hall Committee – there was nothing to report.






Shop – There was nothing to report. 












The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:

·         Ady Podbery Grounds Care mowing playing field and village green September £148.00 and October £74.00








The Parish Council noted the balance of the Lloyds TSB Current Account as £6987.18.






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting – there was nothing to report.






Newsletter – the November issue is due to be circulated shortly.






Planning -






The following planning applications were received and discussed:






07/01859/F Chilston. Ground floor and first floor extensions and pitched roof to garage and existing flat roof extension (original amended).

The Parish Council raised no objections.






07/01715/F& 07/01716LB Church Farmhouse. Construction of dividing wall in varied styles with piers and cappings (as amended by plans received 19/10/07).

The Parish Council noted this application which has already been granted.






07/02190/F Duffryn House. Attached carport and detached double garage.

The Parish Council raised no objections and requested that the double garage remains single storey.






07/02191/F Duffryn House. Retrospective – revised design ref 06/01049/F.

The Parish Council raised no objections.






07/02064/F 5 Priory Close. Detached garage to front.

The Parish Council raised no objections and requested that any trees with TPOs are not removed.






07/02003/F The Old Village Hall. Proposed new access to highway.

The Parish Council raised no objections.






Redlime Ltd. Certificate of Lawful Use Existing – Use of building for storage purposes (Use Class B8).

The Parish Council raised no objections.






The following planning decisions were received:






010011902178 Red Lime Corner Farm, Oakley Road. Rebuilding of existing builders and civil engineers storage building (as amended by plans received 18.9.07 and supplemented by additional plan B received by the Local Planning Authority on 4.10.07). Granted.






Correspondence -






Standards Board for England – It was agreed to adopt the new Code of Conduct.






Cherwell District Council Revised Code of Conduct – completed Register of Interests Forms have been submitted to Cherwell District Council.






Kidlington Village, Rural North and Rural South Neighbourhood Action Group. Request for information on any incidents of groups of youths loitering in public places in Horton cum Studley.  There were no incidents to report.






Any Other Business –






Bottle Bank – a number of requests have been received for the provision of a bottle bank. It was agreed that the ideal site for a bottle bank would be somewhere close to the entrance to the playing fields with adequate screening. It was agreed to write to the Millennium Hall Committee to seek their agreement to the siting of a bottle bank. The Parish Council agreed to pay for the necessary groundwork should the scheme go ahead. AL to enquire about glass recycling plans from Cherwell District Council. 












Bus scheme – Jill Meyjes will attend a meeting with Oxfordshire County Council Transport Services to discuss bus fares and cost ceilings for subsidies. If the ceiling is higher than the cost per passenger, then the bus service may be cut.






Dog Bags –are available free from Cherwell District Council, 38 Market Square, Bicester. Contact 01295 221632 prior to collection to check that stock is available. Dog bags can also be collected from Mary Stuck or Alexia Lewis.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 13 December 2007 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….


Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 11 October 2007 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Tim Hallchurch, Jill Meyjes and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 



Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne and Mary Stuck. There were no declarations of interest reported.






Minutes of the Last Meetings of 13 September 2007 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising -






New Councillor – the Parish Council is looking for a sixth member and it was agreed to advertise in the next village newsletter.






Parish website – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne sent her apologies and this item was deferred until the next meeting.







Planting Scheme for Village Green – this item was deferred until the next meeting.






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch reported on the Oxfordshire Partnership and the Single Front Door scheme.   See Council News






Police – Mary Stuck sent her apologies.






Almshouses – There was nothing to report.






Church – There was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – Elizabeth Kenworth-Browne sent her apologies.






Shop – There was nothing to report. 












The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:


·         CDC Dog bin emptying £322.61

·         Clerk’s salary Jul – Sept 07 £300 plus expenses £109.90

·         ES Hawes Grass Cutting £217.37








Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –






It was reported that there is substantial subsidence on Pans Hill, on the left when ascending, two thirds of the way up. Clerk to report to Bucks CC, Highways Dept.






Newsletter – it was agreed to advertise for a new Councillor and for volunteers for a working party to discuss transport issues. There have been complaints received about the increase in dog excrement on the playing fields. If this problem continues the Parish Council will consider banning dogs from the playing field. It was agreed to put this item into the newsletter.






Planning -






The following planning applications were received and discussed:






07/01057/F Redlime Ltd. Rebuilding of existing builders and civil engineers storage building. It was agreed that the Clerk request that this application is deferred until the outcome of the appeal is known. Tim Hallchurch will investigate this appeal and the Fennel and Blake appeal with Bob Duxbury.









07/01823/F Marshwood. Single storey front, first floor front and single storey rear extensions. The Parish Council objected on the following grounds: Takes some of the neighbour’s light. Large size in comparison to the house next door and therefore not in keeping. If they build on a party wall they need to ensure that the foundations are adequate and consider whether the neighbouring property also wishes to develop.






Design and Access Statement – proposed access to the Old Village Hall. It was agreed to discuss this when a planning application is received.






07/01738/F 7 Forge Close. Demolish existing conservatory and erect ground floor extensions to side and rear of property. Jill Meyjes declared an interest and took part no part in the discussions. The Parish Council raised no objections.






The following planning decisions were received:






010011885826 Warren Farm. Erection of communal plant room and LPG gas enclosure for residential development at Warren Farm. The Parish Council noted this decision.












CDC Annual Parish Liaison Meeting 7 November 2007. It was agreed that David Prosser will attend this meeting.






Any Other Business – 






The Village Hall Committee - Clerk to write to Dr & Mrs Pugh of 6 The Green to request that they fell some of the willow saplings on the boundary with the playing fields. Concerns have been raised that it may damage the tennis courts and road.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 8 November 2007 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….


Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 13 September 2007 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes and Alexia Lewis (Clerk). 



Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Mary Stuck and Tim Hallchurch. There were no declarations of interest reported.






Minutes of the Last Meetings of 9 August and 20 August 2007 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising -






New Councillor – this item was deferred until the next meeting.






Parish website – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne reported on the status of the establishment of a Parish website. The content was discussed and EKB will bring a revised version to the next meeting.







Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies.






Police – Mary Stuck sent her apologies and sent a report advising that the next Neighbourhood Meeting will be on 9 October 2007 and that Thames Valley Police are currently training the Police Community Officers and working on making contact with their support agencies.






Almshouses – There was nothing to report.






Church – There was nothing to report.






Village Hall Committee – it was reported that John Steven will remain as Chairman and all the committee members will remain in post. Bookings are going well, with many repeat bookings. The heating problem is still unresolved. A quote of £13,500 has been received for a hard surface and cricket nets. A  £20,000 lottery grant has been received for playground equipment and further grants are being pursued. The next  meeting is on 27 September.






Shop – There was nothing to report. 






Village Clubs– There was nothing to report. It was agreed to remove this standing item from the agenda.












The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:


·         Ady Podbery grass cutting £74.00

·         Leopard Press Printing of Newsletter £150

·         R & R Hawes cutting pond site £52.00








Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –






Colin Badger reported that he had spoken to Steve Whidbourne regarding the possibility of re-siting the footpath that crosses his field, adjacent to Cow Lane to a new location along the concrete path. However Mr Whidbourne would prefer to leave the path where it is.








It was reported that the roadside hedge at the entrance to the village from the Horton mile was overgrown and obscuring the reflective bollard as well as generally impairing vision. It was agreed to ask Edward Hawes to cut this hedge back. Outstanding.









There was a discussion concerning the possibility of planting some shrubs on the village green to improve the landscape. It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.






Newsletter – it was agreed that Mary Stuck and Jill Meyjes would in future proof read the Parish newsletter before it is printed.






It was agreed that the Clerk would inform Councillors as and when planning applications are received, to allow them more time to scrutinise the plans.






The following planning applications were received and discussed:






07/01715/F Church Farmhouse. Construction of dividing wall.



The Parish Council raised no objections.






07/01580/F. Lower Green Barn. Single storey side extension and boarding to south west elevation.



The Parish Council raised no objections.






Appeal APP/C3105/C/07/2052345.  Fennells, land at Corner Farm. Alleged breach of planning control: without planning permission, change of use of the land to use as builders yard, erection of lighting columns, change of use of building to use as a builders office and store. Email contact at CDC to say that another building has gone up and they should investigate.



The Parish Council noted the appeal.












It was agreed that Mary Stuck would remain as the Thames Valley Police Neighbourhood Management contact.






Any Other Business – 






Bench – Due to delays with the agreement of the wording on the plaque from Tony Baldry, it was agreed to install the new bench and add the plaque at a later date.






Dial A Ride – it was reported that the dial a ride scheme seems not to be working for Parishioners in Horton cum Studley. It was agreed that Jill Meyjes would contact Oxfordshire County Council and try to resolve the issues.  It was also agreed that Jill Meyjes would set up and chair a working group to look at the practicalities of using volunteer drivers to help those in need of transport.






Notice boards – it was agreed that a second Parish notice board is needed for Parishioners at the bottom of the village. It was also agreed to purchase a Village notice board to display the footpath map on The Green. Elizabeth Kenworthy Browne will report on this at the next meeting.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 11 October 2007 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.








Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….




Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Monday 20 August 2007 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  Eight parishioners were present.



Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne and Tim Hallchurch. There were no declarations of interest reported.




The Lodge – The Parish Council has been asked by the developer’s agent to agree not to enforce the covenants on part of the land where the townhouses are proposed to be built.  The developer’s agent attended the meeting to introduce the proposed new scheme which was to relocate the four townhouses further down the plot to allow more space around the houses, move them further away from the road and minimise overlooking and overshadowing of the surrounding properties.  The scheme was debated at length and a number of objections were raised including noise and light pollution and that the intrusiveness of the development to neighbouring properties. Parishioners objected to the proposal that the Parish Council agree not to enforce the covenants. David Prosser withdrew from the vote. After further debate, the Parish Council voted and agreed not to enforce the covenants so that this development can proceed and that the shop and Post Office can be built.








The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:


·        Zurich Insurance annual premium £315.00








The following planning applications were received:




07/01579/F Oak Grove. Two storey extension.


The Parish Council raised no objections.




07/01551/F Warren Farm. Erection of communal plant room and LPG gas enclosure for residential development at Warren Farm.


The Parish Council raised no objections.




Any Other Business – 




Forge Close – The Parish Council’s solicitors have written to the owners of 7 Forge Close and requested that the section of the paving in front of their property that they had removed be reinstated as soon as possible. The paving forms part of the walkway around Forge Close over which each person in Forge Close has a right of way.




Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 13 September 2007 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.


Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….




Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held on Thursday 9 August 2007 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  Two parishioners were present.



Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Colin Badger, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Tim Hallchurch and Jill Meyjes. There were no declarations of interest reported. The Chairman declared the meeting was not quorate and no business was conducted.






The Lodge – a parishioner attended the meeting to raise objections to the latest change to this proposed development. The Parish Council has been asked by the developer’s agent to agree not to enforce the covenant on part of the land behind The Lodge.  The Chairman will seek legal advice on the relevant covenant with the Parish Council’s solicitors. This item was deferred to the next meeting.









Forge Close – a parishioner attended the meeting to raise objections to number 7 Forge Close. A letter of complaint was also received about the mess outside 7 Forge Close. It was agreed to discuss this with Cherwell District Council. It was requested that the Parish Council ask the owners of 7 Forge Close to request that the paving slabs be put back. The Chairman will seek legal advice on this with the Parish Council’s solicitors.











Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies. 






Police – there were 20 responses for the neighbourhood police survey. The results of the survey will be collated and sent to us. There are two trained community police support officers based in Kidlington. A further officer is in training and there is another one to come. Thames Valley Police plan to set up a neighbourhood action group. Mary Stuck has been invited to join the Kidlington Neighbourhood Action Group for a year. She will pass up opportunity this year and will ask to be considered again next year.






Almshouses – Colin Badger sent his apologies. 






Church – Jill Meyjes sent her apologies. 






Village Hall Committee – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne sent her apologies.






Shop– There was nothing to report. 






Village Clubs– There was nothing to report.












The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:


·         R & R Hawes – cutting pond site, tree and hedge clearance on the Priory-Forge footpath, cleaning Jilly’s Gate footpath and cleaning road signs. £192.00

·         John Robertson Ltd. Bucklesham 6’ wooden bench. £489.98

·         BDO Stoy Hayward LLP Audit. £188.00

·         Ady Podbery grass cutting £74.00


The following was noted:


  • Notification of Oxfordshire County Council Grass Cutting Grant due mid August 2007 £1566.00.

A total of £25 in advertising fees received for the Parish Newsletter.








Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –






It was requested that Colin Badger contact Steve Whidbourne regarding the possibility of moving the footpath that crosses his field, adjacent to Cow Lane to the concrete path. (Minutes 10.6.06 Item 6.2 refers). Outstanding








It was reported that the roadside hedge at the entrance to the village from the Horton mile was overgrown and obscuring the reflective bollard as well as generally impairing vision. It was agreed to ask Edward Hawes to cut this hedge back.









A pothole was reported on the Horton Hill outside Greensleeves. David Prosser will report this to Oxfordshire Highways.












A letter was received from Oxfordshire Highways regarding hedge cutting and the rules regarding roadside ditches and hedges, which is generally the responsibility of the house owner. Clerk to keep on file for future reference.






Oxfordshire CC notice of Parish Council Liaison Event 13.9.07 6-9pm at the Wariner School, Bloxham. David Prosser plans to attend this event.






Any Other Business – 






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on Thursday 13 September 2007 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.









Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….


Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held on Thursday 12 July 2007 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  Two parishioners were present.



Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Colin Badger, Tim Hallchurch and Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne. There were no declarations of interest reported.






Minutes – the minutes from the meeting of 14 June 2007 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising – there were no matters arising.






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch sent his apologies. 






Police – The Neighbourhood Policing survey had been circulated and would be collected at the end of July 2007.  






Almshouses – There was nothing to report. 






Church – There was nothing to report. 






Village Hall Committee – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne sent her apologies and there was nothing to report.






Shop– There was nothing to report. 






Village Clubs– There was nothing to report.












The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:

·         Ady Podbery Grounds Care mowing playing field and village green £148.00

·         R&R Hawes cutting pond site and tree maintenance £83

·         Clerk’s salary Apr-Jun 2007 £300 + expenses £46.27

·         A gift of thanks for the internal auditor








It was noted that the Parish Council currently had funds of  £12,948.69 in the Lloyds TSB Business Account and £7144.66 in the current account. 






Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –






It was requested that Colin Badger contact Steve Whidbourne regarding the possibility of moving the footpath that crosses his field, adjacent to Cow Lane to the concrete path. (Minutes 10.6.06 Item 6.2 refers). Outstanding








It was reported that the roadside hedge at the entrance to the village from the Horton mile was overgrown and obscuring the reflective bollard as well as generally impairing vision. It was agreed to ask Richard Hawes to cut this hedge back.







It was reported that the hedge and shrubs along the Studley Priory footpath are overgrown and need cutting back. It was agreed to ask Richard Hawes to cut this hedge back.






Village Newsletter – it was agreed that the new layout and the colour cover pages were a great improvement and there had been a lot of positive feedback from parishioners.






Planning Applications–






The following planning notice was received and noted:






APP/C3105/C/07/2045880 Notice of Appeal by Redlime Ltd. Alleged breach of planning control: without planning permission, change of use of the land to use as a builders/civil engineers’ yard.






The following planning application was considered:






07/01057/F Redlime Ltd. Rebuilding of existing builders and civil engineers storage building. It was agreed to defer a decision on this application, pending the result of the appeal.






7 Forge Close – further to the report that building works at 7 Forge Close had been initiated without the proper planning consents, the owners of the property attended the meeting to report that the requisite paperwork was in order.












Review of External Transport Posts – it was agreed that the Parish Council could not comment on the job descriptions however the Parish Council was very happy with the work of Alix Michaelis, the Community Transport Advisor.






Any Other Business – 






Bernwood Jigsaw – Mary Stuck is investigating the outcome of this project.






 Additional Parish Councillor – the Parish’s electoral role has increased to 382 and there is an option to co-opt an additional councillor, taking the total number to 6. It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on August 9 2007 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.









Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….




Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Held on Thursday 14 June 2007 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Tim Hallchurch, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  Simon Hoare and Rachel James attended for item 4.



Apologies and Declaration of Interest – there were no declarations of interest reported.






Minutes – the minutes from the meeting of 10 May 2007 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising – there were no matters arising.






Warren Farm – Simon Hoare, planning consultant and Rachel James, from RPS Planning Consultancy presented a folder of drawings and plans that formed a preliminary design proposal for the construction of a new building on the Warren Farm site. This proposal, for a substantial and ultra modern family residence, would supersede previous planning applications for Warren Farm and had been prepared to gauge local and council reaction to what would be a radical new development. It was agreed that the plans should be made available to parishioners by way of an open afternoon at the Millennium Hall. Date to be advised.






Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – There was nothing to report. 






Police – There was nothing to report. 






Almshouses – There was nothing to report. 






Church – There was nothing to report. 






Village Hall Committee – There was nothing to report.






Shop– There was nothing to report. 






Village Clubs– There was nothing to report.












The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:

·         Edward Hawes Grass Cutting £217.37

·         Ady Podbery Grass Cutting £148

·         Hire of Millennium Hall for Parish Council meetings 2006/7 £182.40








Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –






It was requested that Colin Badger contact Steve Whidbourne regarding the possibility of moving the footpath that crosses his field, adjacent to Cow Lane to the concrete path. (Minutes 10.6.06 Item 6.2 refers). Outstanding








A number of signs in the village are obscured by overhanging branches. ACTION: David Prosser to contact Richard Hawes and request trimming back. Outstanding







It was reported that the grass verge alongside Forge Close was not cut by Edward Hawes as it is at an awkward angle for a mechanical cutter. It was agreed to ask Richard Hawes to strim this.







Village Newsletter – it was agreed to include contact details for the Parish Councillors and a list of Parish Council meetings for the year.






Planning Applications–






 The following planning application was considered:






07/00785/F Former Post Office Stores. Demolition of existing building and erection of 4 no. dwellings, detached 4 bay garage and garden store with ancillary works (as amended by plans received 6/6/07). The Parish Council raised no objections.






The following planning notice was received:






010011888117 Gardners Barn. Relaxation of condition no 6. of 95/01035/F in relation to occupancy and ownership of annex. Granted.












The Clerk reported that two sockets had been ordered to accommodate the mobile Speed Indicator Device (SID) for the proposed vehicle traffic calming scheme. It is understood that the scheme will be in place by the Autumn.






The OCC revised bus services timetable was received and has been displayed in the bus shelters.






The CDC Code of Conduct 2007 was adopted by the Parish Council and will be effective from 1 July 2007. The Clerk will notify the Monitoring Officer of Cherwell District Council of the passing of this resolution.








It was agreed to not subscribe to the CDC e consultation service at this time as not all Parish Councillors have access to the internet.






It was agreed that Mary Stuck remain as the Thames Valley Police contact for the new neighbourhood policing scheme.






Any Other Business – 






The Lodge – Following a letter to John Attley requesting an update on the status of the proposed development at The Lodge, it was reported that the outline plans are currently in breach of the 106 agreement. It is understood that discussions are taking place between John Attley and senior planning officers at Cherwell District Council to find a way forward. 






Tony Baldry Bench – it was agreed to look at benches from Waterperry Garden Centre.






Forge Close – Jill Meyjes declared an interest and remained in the meeting. It was reported that building works have started at number 7 Forge Close although it is understood that no planning application has been received by CDC. An enforcement officer from CDC will visit the property shortly.






Dog Fouling – a dog fouling complaint was reported to the Parish Council and the offending dog owner has been visited by the enforcement officer.






Village Web Site – Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne will investigate the possibility of having a village web site.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be on 12 July 2007 at 7.30pm in the Millennium Hall.









Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….



Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

Held on Thursday 10 May 2007 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Colin Badger, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck, Tim Hallchurch (District Councillor), Alexia Lewis (Clerk) and approximately 33 Parishioners. Alix Michaels from ORCC attended for item 2.



Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from David and Rita Turner and there were no declarations of interest.




Alix Michaels, Rural Community Transport Adviser, Oxfordshire Rural Community Council attended the meeting to discuss the various schemes available to the village now the bus service has been reduced to three days a week. The meeting was advised that following the Oxfordshire County Council bus services review, tender prices went up by 30% but the County Council’s budget remained the same as the previous year; consequentially savings had to be made.




Alix Michaels advised that a number of different schemes were available to ameliorate the situation. The four main options are voluntary private car drivers giving lifts for essential services; lift sharing schemes to get to work; taxis and taxi bus schemes which are hired with a driver to run regular trips and mini bus schemes which are locally owned with volunteer drivers. The latter two options are very expensive. There is also the possibility of a scheme linked to a medical practice.




The meeting felt that a private car scheme would seem to be a viable proposition for the village. It was agreed that the Parish Council would investigate this option further.



Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising – the minutes from 11 May 2006 were read out and agreed to be a correct record. There were no matters arising.




Chairman’s Report – The Chairman, David Prosser, reported that the proposed development of the Lodge would include a shop and Post Office.




He noted that the village had received a commendation for the 2006 Best Kept Village of the Year Competition which is a reflection on the high standard that is maintained in the village.




He advised that the Parish Council had spent considerable time considering the problem of vehicles speeding through the village. Having attended a recent demonstration and briefing on portable speed indicator signage, he reported that there is an option to join a scheme with other local villages to share a portable vehicle activated sign (VAS), which costs in the region of £300 per VAS socket, and ideally the village would have two sockets. However, villages are only eligible to join if there is deemed to be a requirement and at the moment our village is classified as a low priority area with no accidents or deaths.  The Parish Council is currently trying to join a local scheme and will seek advice on the best possible siting for the VAS.




This concluded the Chairman’s report and he opened the meeting for questions and comments, which were as follows:




An accident was reported on Saturday 5 May at the bottom of Horton Hill into Church Lane. Apparently there have been several near misses at this site too. A request was made to improve signage to advise of the sharp bend at the bottom of the hill. Tim Hallchurch reported that there is a two year backlog of work in Oxfordshire County Council Transport Department and high priority areas always take precedence. He also reported that there is a campaign to declutter signs as too many often cause confusion or complacency.




The need for a glass recycling facility in the village was raised. The Parish Council had approached the Village Hall Committee to site a recycling unit by the Millennium Hall but they had objected on safety grounds as broken glass cannot easily be cleared from the gravel and would be in close proximity to the children’s playground. Tim Hallchurch reported that by July 2012 parishioners would be able to place glass in the blue recycling bins and food waste in the brown recycling bins. A request was made for clearer guidelines for recycling.




Tim Hallchurch advised that all fly tipping should be reported to Cherwell District Council who will remove the rubbish as soon as possible. It was noted that Cherwell District Council would collect fridges and freezers free of charge.




It was reported that a planning application has been received to develop the former Shop and Post Office for four dwellings. It was agreed that Tim Hallchurch would request that the application goes to the Planning Committee rather than be delegated to one planning officer.




Tim Hallchurch reported that Oxfordshire County Council is due to receive £86m to be spend on improving 'Access to Oxford' by 2013 and this will include about £26m to improve the railway network including extending Oxford Station and road improvements at the Wolvercote and  Cutteslowe roundabouts and access to the A34 from the A40. It will also include traffic management on the A34.




Tim Hallchurch pointed out that there is a 7.5 tonne weight limit through the village and he requested that offenders be reported to Oxford Trading Standards Office with details of company name, vehicle registration number and date and time of the offence.




Dog Fouling continues to be a bad problem in the village, especially on the playing field. There are three dog waste bins in the village and the Chairman urged every dog owner to use these bins to keep the village free of dog excrement.




Tim Hallchurch spoke of the Otmoor Archaeological and Historical Society which meet monthly. For further information please see www.otmoor.co.uk.




The Chairman asked whether there were any more questions or comments and then closed the meeting at 9.15pm.



Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….


Horton-cum-Studley Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday 12 April 2007 in the Millennium Hall



David Prosser (Chairman), Tim Hallchurch, Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne, Jill Meyjes, Mary Stuck and Alexia Lewis (Clerk).  Two parishioners were present for item 2.



Apologies and Declaration of Interest – apologies were received from Colin Badger.  There were no declarations of interest.






Planning - 07/00374/F 1 Ventfield Close. Demolition of garage, construction of single storey side extension & new pitched roof to existing kitchen extension. This application was discussed in some detail following observations made by Parishioners concerning drainage and parking. The Parish Council raised no objections but recommended that the drainage and parking should be looked at in detail.






Minutes – the minutes from the meeting of 8 March 2007 were agreed and signed as a correct record.






Matters Arising -






Traffic Calming  - David Prosser and Jill Meyjes had attended a demonstration and briefing on portable speed indicator signage. They reported that there is an option to join a scheme with other local villages to share a portable vehicle activated sign (VAS), which costs in the region of £300 per VAS socket, and ideally the village would have two sockets. However, villages are only eligible to join if there is deemed to be a requirement and at the moment our village is classified as a low priority area with no accidents or deaths.  It was agreed to try to join a local scheme.












Councillors’ Reports






District Councillor – Tim Hallchurch reported that Cherwell District Council has completed the staff reorganisation. The four Strategic Directors are now in place and the next layer of management has been appointed.  Cherwell District Council has been audited as 'good' in 2005-06 and the recent Audit Commission inspectors stated that big improvements had been made and is on course for 'excellent' for 2007-08. Oxfordshire County Council has been audited as 'excellent' by the Audit Commission. Two new Council tax bands are due to come in the future as recommended by the Lyons Report but the Government has not yet notified councils as to when.  Oxfordshire County Council is due to receive £86m to improve 'Access to Oxford' by 2008 - 2013 and this will include about £26m to improve the railway network including extending Oxford Station and road improvements at the Wolvercote, Cutteslowe roundabouts and access to the A34 from the A40. It will also include traffic management on the A34.






Police – There was nothing to report. 






Almshouses – There was nothing to report. 






Church – There was nothing to report. 






Village Hall Committee – There was nothing to report.  It was agreed to ask for an update on the possibility of sighting a glass recycling bank at the entrance of the playing fields.






Shop– There was nothing to report. 






Village Clubs– There was nothing to report.












The Parish Council agreed to pay the following invoices:

·        CDC Dog Bin Emptying £159.97

·        R & R Hawes Footpath clearance £260

·        SLCC Annual Membership £55

·        Munt Building Contractors Haynes Farm bridle gate & fencing £211.50

·        OALC Subscription £122.79


It was noted that the Parish Council currently had funds of  £12855.33 CR in the Lloyds TSB Business Account and £4964.43 CR in the current account.  It was agreed to discuss potential village projects at the next meeting.


The audit of accounts is due to be submitted on 18.6.07.  The Parish Council thanked Andrew Payne for his kind offer of assistance in completing the audit form.















Roads, Signs, Footpaths and Grass Cutting –






It was requested that Colin Badger contact Steve Whidbourne regarding the possibility of moving the footpath that crosses his field, adjacent to Cow Lane to the concrete path. (Minutes 10.6.06 Item 6.2 refers).








Village Newsletter – the costs of printing the village newsletter in colour were reviewed and it was agreed that the estimated 50% increase over current costs was not justified. Tim Hallchurch will check local colour printing companies to compare prices. It was also agreed that A5 size was the preferred format.








Planning Applications–






 The following planning application was considered:






07/00450/LB & 07/00449/F Warren Farm. Change of use and extension of existing buildings to create 1 no. three bedroom dwelling.

The Parish Council raised no objections and noted that the footpath which runs through Warren Farm should be retained.






The following notice was received and noted:






Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use for land at Corner Farm  (Fennell).












CDC Village Services Survey. Elizabeth Kenworthy Browne will complete and return the survey on behalf of the Parish Council.







OCC Mill Lane Junction. The Parish Council agreed with the recommendation to  install some plates to add to the warning signs to advise that the corner be taken at a maximum speed of 20mph and to also install a single headed chevron adjacent to the road name plate. 









Jan Weller Pre-School donation request. It was agreed to request a copy of the accounts before deciding whether to make a donation.







CDC Countryside & Environment Joint Forum 10.5.07 Batsford Estate Visit. This event coincides with the Annual General Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting at 7pm on 10.5.07






Any Other Business – 






Tony Baldry Bench – it was agreed to request a wooden bench from the Glasdon catalogue. ACTION: Elizabeth Kenworthy-Browne to investigate options.







Bus Service – it was noted with great disappointment that the bus service would be reduced to 3 days a week (Wednesday, Friday and Saturday). ACTION: Jill Meyjes to write to OCC to express the Parish Council’s disappointment with this decision.






Next Meeting – the next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 10 May 2007 at 7.00pm in the Millennium Hall, followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 8pm. 



Chairman: …………………………………….                             Date: …………………………….