
The new book on A History of Horton cum Studley is now on sale in The Post Office Stores or direct from Tim Hallchurch 01865 377099 or email  Price £12 or by post add  £2 postage and packing UK or £3 overseas,  cheques payable to Oxford Consultants.    Send to Oxford Consultants (UK) Ltd, Paddock Cottage, Thrupp, Oxford, OX5 1JY                             



A History of Horton cum Studley, Oxfordshire






Blacksmith’s Lane  (now Horton Hill)



                    ISBN: 0-9538716-0-7


The book (411 Pages) contains the history from the Iron Age, Roman period, Domesday Book throgh to the 21st century, the history of Studley Priory, many old maps, documents and photographs, and details of the census from 1941 - 1901.  Also a synopsis of Parish Council meetings from 1894, plus chapters on the Otmoor Challenge and Studley Singers, the church, schools and military activities.