February 2007

Newsletter No 11

Last year's Otmoor Challenge must register amongst our best ever - a wonderful day of warm sunshine, lasting well into the evening for the pig roast and music. Many new ideas were incorporated into the Fete and the field layout. A full attendance of runners, walkers and visitors enjoyed the day. We are optimistic that the event to be held on SATURDAY 2nd  JUNE 2007 will again be as rewarding.

The first Saturday in June is well established on the runners' calendar as "Otmoor Day" and we welcome runners from a wide area covering the South & Midlands - over 350 last year. The variation of terrain has it's own unique appeal and the "challenge" is on.

Walkers, too, enjoy the footpaths and bridle-ways of the area and many entrants return year after year to take in the views and birdlife, much improved by the very active presence of the R.S.P.B.

As usual walkers may start any time between 9 a.m. and noon, choosing either the 13-mile or the 5-mile route. The Half Marathon Run will mass start at 2 p.m. and the Challenge cups and prizes are awarded to the winners in each category. The first 350 runners home will each receive an Otmoor Challenge mug. Other runners and walkers who complete the full course will be awarded a tracksuit badge.

The Fete offers entertainment for all the family and needs plenty of helpers and supporters. Any villager prepared

to volunteer please contact the organisers. This is our prime opportunity of the year to enjoy working together as a community in a common endeavour.

The Millennium Hall provides changing rooms, toilets and showers for runners and walkers. It is also a cornerstone of the Fete providing space for stalls and refreshments - and shelter should it be necessary - though that proved unnecessary last year thanks to the marvelous weather!

The money raised benefits not only national charities but also other good causes in our own village and in the surrounding areas. We welcome and encourage the help of all those interested in adding to the success of the day by their support for local causes. Runners and walkers can raise money by sponsorship for their nominated charity if they wish, or pay an entrance fee. The monies raised, after deduction of expenses goes to charities and good causes.

The 1001 runner home is awarded the Obelisk in memory of Ted Ogden who was one of the founders of the event. The Challenge is his legacy and is now run by an enlarged team of organisers from whom further information and entry forms may be obtained.

Julie Ogden (351421) Godfrey Caldwell (351249) Basil Lyster (351373) SaraMander(351316)