Otmoor Garden Society
Membership number 4683838
The Society has grown since its early days, from a handful of enthusiasts to over 100 members. Its aim is to bring together like-minded people with an interest in gardening to exchange ideas and experiences, but most importantly, to have fun gardening.
The Society is a friendly, local club which meets on the fourth Tuesday of most months, alternating between Charlton on Otmoor and Murcott with occasional meetings at Islip. You do not need to have any previous gardening knowledge or experience to enjoy the range of benefits on offer!
Our programme for 2006 includes guest speakers, the annual plant sale, summer garden party and summer outing. As this year is the 10th anniversary of the club the traditional summer garden party will be extended to an all day event with open gardens and competitions.
For more information see our website www.otmoorgardensociety.org.uk