Surnames beginning with K

KEATING, Bridget [P4075]; {F}; Ireland

KEEN, Rosie [P2502]; {F}; -1935

KEIGHLEY, Harrison [P4766]; {M}
KEIGHLEY, Laura (TAYLOR, Laura) [P2110]; {F}; 1911-1996; Lachine, Montreal

KEITH, William Morrison [P1150]; {M}; 1894-

KEITLEY, Shirley [P4559]; {F}

KELLY, Siobhan M [P3211]; {F}

KEMP, Mary [P1854]; {F}

KEMPSTER, Harriett Catherine [P4777]; {F}

KENDRICK, Emanuel [P3418]; {M}
KENDRICK, Phoebe (ALLCHURCH, Phoebe) [P3417]; {F}; 1826-; Dowles
KENDRICK, Thomas [P1329]; {M}

KIMBERLEY, Blanche [P4127]; {F}; -1984

KIRK, Jesse Hilda [P3825]; {F}; Sheffield

KIRKHAM, William [P4774]; {M}

KIRKWOOD, Archibald McGelp (Mac) [P2929]; {M}; 1950-
KIRKWOOD, Archibald McGilp [P2404]; {M}; 1915-1986; Devenport NZ
KIRKWOOD, Ian Harold [P2937]; {M}; 1952-
KIRKWOOD, Peter Crawford [P2938]; {M}; 1956-1957

KITTS, Eileen Annie [P4040]; {F}; Antrim N Ireland

KNAGG, Annamarie [P3344]; {F}

KNIGHT, Charles Henry [P2233]; {M}; abt 1867
KNIGHT, Margaret [P1458]; {F}
KNIGHT, Rosa Ellen [P2263]; {F}

Names in italics indicate the maiden name or "real name" of a person indexed by an alias.
Codes in square brackets "[]" are unique person identifiers.
{M} = Male; {F} = Female.

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