More About Aromatherapy
This page is a notice board of bits of information on aromatherapy obtained from books, brochures, Internet and course notes.
Aromatherapy has been around and has been practiced in one form or another since the beginning of civilisation.
It is the art, and science, of using oils extracted from aromatic plants to enhance health. Apart from the physical benefits, essential oils can have subtle effects on the mind and emotions. The essential oils taken from plants and used in Aromatherapy have been described as their "life force" - they are essential to the plants' biological process, as well as being the substance which gives them their scent.
History of Aromatherapy Massage
Touch has been used since time immemorial to assist in healing, and general well-being. Hippocrates said: "The Physician must be experienced in many things, but assuredly in rubbing . . . for rubbing can bind a joint that is too loose, and loosen a joint that is too rigid."
Per Henrick Ling, born in Sweden in 1776, is credited as the originator of modern "Swedish massage". He developed a system of massage that he called "movement cure". The person to whom we really owe the development of Aromatherapy Massage, is Marguerite Maury, (1895-1968) who was born in Austria. Following the death of her young child, her first husband and her father, Marguerite trained as a nurse and surgical assistant, and moved to France. Her interest in aromatherapy began with a book by Dr Chabenes, published in 1838, called Les Grandes Possibilités par les Matières Odoriferantes. Dr Chabenes later taught René-Maurice Gattefossé. Marguerite met and married a French doctor in the early thirties, and continued her research into essential oils. She developed her particular method of using the "Individual Prescription" blending several essential oils, for each patient, after an in-depth consultation and examination. She also pioneered the use of massage to administer the essential oils. In 1961 Mme Maury wrote Le Capital Jeunesse (in English, The Secret of Life and Youth). She opened clinics in France, Switzerland and England, and continued to teach and practice until her death.
Who needs aromatherapy?
It is wonderfully relaxing and ideal for those with stressful lives
Helps with emotional problems
Helps with arthritis and body stiffness
Ideal for those shoulder problems caused by using computers or too much driving.
Helps recovery after illness
A very enjoyable experience
It is not recommended for pregnant women in the first three months of pregnancy (and only the very safe oils are used after that date) or those with infectious diseases or with epilepsy. Those with a heart condition or high/low blood pressure should consult their GP before aromatherapy. Also areas of recent fractures, undiagnosed bumps or swellings, varicose veins, recent scar tissue are avoided.
Aromatherapy can be used safely during pregnancy after the first three months, with great benefits. Aromatherapy can help alleviate ailments associated with pregnancy, such as back pain, sore and swollen legs, and general aches and pains - it also helps nourish the skin to prevent stretch marks. Aromatherapy oils can be used during labour and after the birth.
It is recommended that people attend at least five sessions in order to gain the full benefit of the oils. Aromatherapy can take place in your own home if you live within the Oxford-Bicester area..
It is essential that sessions are held in a relaxing atmosphere away from telephones and other interruptions. The room should be warm and relaxing music is helpful. If the client wishes, aromatic oils can by burned in an oil burner.
Cost of a single session in your home £36 (includes VAT) within the Otmoor area follow up sessions will be £34 or £150 for 5 sessions.
Special Offer First session free in the Otmoor area if you book a second session. Tel 01865 377099
Aromatherapy helps the body heal itself. In Aromatherapy the body absorbs the physical and emotional properties of aromatic plant extracts known as essential oils. These substances can be administered by a number of different means, for example as part of massage, by direct external application, in baths or showers, as room fragrances, in food and in rare circumstances as internal medication.
This incorporates the four main concepts of Holistic
Every person exists on many levels
Every person is unique
Every person needs to be part of the decision-making process
Every person has self- healing potential
The most relaxing of all aromatherapy movements. A gentle sweeping of the entire palm and fingers in a wide circular motion, pushing blood gently towards the heart. A great massage for the back which will gently relax the muscles and tone the body.
Using the fingers and thumb, grip the muscles and gently lift, stretch and squeeze them. Provides a much 'deeper' massage than effleurage.
When the muscles have been relaxed, the thumb can be used for a deep, circular movement with a medium amount of pressure.
With a cupped hand, gently 'clap' the surface of the skin to give tone and improve blood circulation. This movement is rarely performed in aromatherapy but is the classic action of a 'Swedish' massage.
Here's an example of a full 'professional' aromatherapy back massage.
Some oils contain plant hormones that mimic human hormones; oils such as sage, and fennel have been found to contain a form of oestrogen that influences the menstrual cycle, lactation, and secondary sexual characteristics:
The following commonly used oils should not be
used during pregnancy:
Angelica, Celery Seed, Tarragon, Cedarwood, Labdanum, Cumin, Citronella, Fennel,
Anise, Cedarwood, Juniper, Bay laurel, Lovage, Basil, Marjoram, Oregano,
Parsley, Aniseed, Rosemary, Sage, Clary Sage. Unless the oil is recommended do
not use it. Clary sage is
safe in a normal pregnancy, but should be avoided if there is a history of early
All pure essential oils should be blended before use in
a carrier oil
The Oxford Brookes
University Study – conducted during 1990-98 - from 'Scent to you' web
"Essential Oils were put to the test in Oxford, during an eight-year study
involving 8,000 mothers. The study showed that Aromatherapy was effective in
managing labour pains. The study was conducted by Oxford Brookes University
during 1990-98 and they found that using essential oils lessened maternal
anxiety and fear while inducing a sense of well-being. Fear and anxiety are two
things, which can slow labour and make the mother to be unable to cope with the
pain of labour. The study showed a drop in the use of opiate pain relief by
those mothers who used aromatherapy during labour. The normal uptake of opiate
pain relief would have been expected to be 30% in the Oxford study this dropped
to 0.4%. The oils that were used included, Lavender, Frankincense, Rose,
Jasmine, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lemon, Mandarin and Clarysage. The methods of
delivery used were massage, added to baths and footbaths and then as drops on
the forehead and palms of the hand." See full paper:
See also: http://www.eastwoodward.org.uk/pregnancy-aromatherapy.phtml for uses of oils during pregnancy.
Disclaimer: PLEASE NOTE:
The above paper has been linked as a Guide, always seek professional opinion
from your healthcare provider and remember you are not just treating yourself
with aromatherapy you are treating your unborn child as well. All Medical
Conditions should be taken into account when deciding upon use of Pure Essential
DISCLAIMER: Oxford Aromatherapy cannot accept responsibility for how you
choose to use Pure Essential Oils.
Ring 01865 377099
, 07802 202557 or email tim@oxford-aromatherapy.com for further informationSome rarely used but useful oils
Plai is a little known oil in the UK but I have found that Plai oil is excellent for healing and reducing inflammation:
Work carried out in Canada and USA describes Plai as follows:
Analgesic, anti-neuralgic, anti-inflammatory, sprains and strains, torn muscles and ligaments: On inflamed joints, applying Plai, straight on; has been found to ease off the pain for upwards of 18 hours, which is incredible since no other oil has been found to change pain levels so far. On joints that were inflamed due to injury, Plai was best combined with oils such as Black Pepper and Lemon or Neroli, Himalayan Cedar and Orange. These combinations worked to take the swelling down, calm the pain and speed up the healing time considerably.
operative surgical: Plai, Nutmeg and Lemon have been used as a post
operative surgical blend on a knee surgery. These were equal amounts in 10%
concentration in a roller bottle and applied above and below the surgical area.
Tissue inflammation and swelling was significantly lower than in an area that
had had the same surgery without the use of the Plai. With
the Plai blend, no normal narcotics were needed to control the post surgical
Anti-histaminic: Plai, while being of the ginger family, does not possess the classic heat that is common to the rhizomes. It has a cooling action on inflamed areas, be them joints and muscles or kidneys and lungs. Clients have found that using Plai for asthma along with Tarragon (or Rosemary) and Cypress causes the attacks to greatly diminish in intensity.
Bowel Syndrome: With digestive upsets, Plai along with Black Pepper, Orange
and Tarragon has been used to counter irritable bowel syndrome. This blend was
used across the abdomen after each bowel movement or anytime there were any
cramping or pain in the abdominal area. Within three applications, all problems
calmed down.
I have used Plai oil neat on cuts and it has had very good healing action. It also has helped with arthritis inflammation. For more information go to http://www.essentialoils.org/plai.htm
Leleshwa Oil is another oil almost unheard of amongst UK Aromatherapists.
is a small tree or shrub common in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya.
Its uses are numerous and impressive. Tests have shown that Leleshwa is
extremely effective as an antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and
natural detergent. These properties
combine to make Leleshwa an ideal application in skin care - cosmetics, soaps, crèmes
and gels and even as an insect repellent. When crushed, Leleshwa leaves
emit a strong camphoraceous scent. Many
wild animals that live in the areas where Leleshwa grow, particularly cape
buffaloes and black rhinos, have been observed rubbing themselves against a
Leleshwa tree or shrub. Upon closer
inspection, it is revealed that those animals which had crushed the leaves onto
their skin were relatively free from ticks.
Leleshwa also discourages
the sharp biting tsetse flies. This
symbiotic relationship opened new ideas as to the potential uses of Leleshwa - a
tree long considered as a weed.
Antiseptic skin cleanser
Leleshwa has been proven to be more effective than Tea Tree for helping cleanse the skin. As a strong antiseptic, Leleshwa can be used in lotions, crèmes and face masks to get under the top layer of the skin and thoroughly clean dirty pores. As with most essential oils, Leleshwa should be used with care. Although the pure oil is non-irritant in small doses, it is suggested that Leleshwa be blended with a carrier oil for maximum effect. 3% -4% pure Leleshwa oil to the remaining volume of carrier oil or crème and lotion base is recommended.
Anti-acne products
Due to the antiseptic qualities of Leleshwa oil, it is extremely effective in disinfecting sores and cuts. In addition, Leleshwa helps clear up acne and other related conditions. Solubilised in an aqueous base, Leleshwa oil, applied one or twice a day will greatly reduce itching and help heal sores caused from acne.
Insect repellent
Leleshwa oil is an excellent insect repellent. Applied as a solution in a carrier oil or in a solubilsed water based crème, Leleshwa has a long lasting effect against insects. As little as 0.5% Leleshwa oil in a solution is sufficient to repel insects, like mosquitoes, for as long and successfully as synthetically manufactured brands.
Foot and leg cremes
Leleshwa has been used with success for soothing sore feet and easing painful chilblains. The anti-fugal properties of Leleshwa make it an excellent remedy for athletes foot and other fungal diseases. Leleshwa is also frequently massaged on to the legs and feet before long journeys.
Anti-dandruff and Psoriasis
Added to a shampoo, Leleshwa has proved to be an extremely successful component in helping reduce dandruff. The anti-fungal properties of this oil fight the spread of dandruff and helps reduce itching for Psoriasis sufferers. Leleshwa can be applied either in a shampoo base, as a creme or as pure oil directly to the affected areas.
Although in a solution, Leleshwa is less powerful than synthetic detergents, it has makes a very effective all-natural disinfectant. Non-toxic and a non-irritant, Leleshwa has a niche with its natural origin and is harmless to the environment.
Natural Preservative
Leleshwa is the only essential oil that has been proven to be sufficiently active to act as a preservative on its own at usable levels (0.5%) in detergent systems, such as shampoos and shower gels. Leleshwa also has some activity in emulsions and it would make a major contribution to increase the shelf life of crèmes and lotions without using a synthetic preservative.
As an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral, Leleshwa has remarkable healing properties. Thefollowing conditions would be appropriate for applications using Leleshwa essential oil. (Note: As with many essential oils, Leleshwa pure essential oil should be used sparingly unless diluted with a carrier oil or any other solubilised solution).
Skin care: Abscesses, acne, athlete’s foot, blisters, burns, cold sores, dandruff, herpes, insect bites, oily skin, rashes, spots, warts, and infected wounds.
Respiratory system: Coughs, sinusitis, catarrh and bronchitis.
Immune system: Colds, fever, flu and other infectious diseases.
In addition, Leleshwa is a relaxing oil that promotes sleep and it is said to prevent bad dreams. It is also excellent for treating over-anxiety and head-aches.
See also http://www.essentialoils.org/leleshwa.htm and for other uses, recipes etc try:
Precautions need to be taken when using certain oils on sensitive skin. This is why it is necessary to consult with the client prior to Aromatherapy Massage, some possible problems:
Marjoram Cypress Patchouli Frankincense Clary
sage Bergamot Orange Juniper
berry Lavender Rosemary Chamomile Eucalyptus Lemon
Geranium Tea
tree |
irritant Not
during pregnancy Not
with alcohol Not
for kidney disease Can
cause drowsiness Can
cause nausea Sedative Not
for infants Not
during breast feeding May
cause dermatitis Not
with homeopathy Photo toxic
Can be sensitising and is slightly photo toxic Can
cause a headache Not
for high blood pressure |
It is recommend that Essential Oils are not used in physical applications in the
first four months of pregnancy. After such time we recommend the following in
half dilution: Bergamot, Chamomile Roman, Clary Sage, Cypress, Frankincense,
Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Mandarin, Neroli, Orange, Patchouli,
Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, Sandlewood, Tea Tree and Ylang Ylang (source
Essential Oils Newsletter May 2005 -
http://www.essentiallyoils.com/Newsletters/newsletters.html this give
details of the uses)
Infants 4-7 years
Lavender and Chamomile can be used in half dosages. The following oils are
recommend at quarter strength: Cederwood, Mandarin,
Palmarosa, Rose, Spearmint and Tangerine.
High blood pressure
Avoid Rosemary.
Avoid Fennel and Eucalyptus.
Do not use the following oils before going out into strong sunshine or using a sun bed:
Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Mandarin and Tangerine.
Products that contain nut traces and should be avoided by those who have an
allergy to nuts. Look out for: (Contains Nut Traces)
General Guidelines and Advice
If taking prescribed medication or receiving health advice from a GP/Consultant,
please seek their consent before having aromatherapy using Essential Oils.
When using the same oil on a day-to-day basis, it is recommend for maximum
effect that one alternates between oils, e.g. if treating the symptoms of
insomnia use Lavender for three weeks, then change to Petitgrain and after a
further three weeks return to Lavender.
can be used to ease
emotional problems; one can try:
Aggression: Bergamot, Chamomile, Juniper, Lemon, Marjoram, Rosemary, Ylang-ylang
Chamomile, Jasmine,
Marjoram, Palma Rosa, Rose, Rosemary, Ylang-Ylang,
Chamomile, Lavender,
Orange, Neroli, Sandalwood
Bergamot, Cypress,
Frankincense, Jasmine, Orange, Rose
Cedar wood, Fennel,
Ginger, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Thyme
Bergamot, Chamomile,
Jasmine, Marjoram, Neroli, Rose
Chamomile, Lavender,
Neroli, Orange,
Tea Tree
Chamomile, Clary,
Frankincense, Lavender
Basil, Clary, Cypress,
Jasmine, Patchouli, Peppermint
Jasmine, Rose
Benzoin, Marjoram
(emotional and mental): basil,
clary, coriander, ginger, helichrysum, jasmine, juniper, orange, palmarosa,
peppermint, rosemary, thyme, vetiver, ylang ylang
(physical): Basil, elemi,
ginger, lemon, lavender, orange, peppermint, rosemary
Chamomile, Clary,
Coriander, Frankincense, Neroli, Orange, Vetiver
Chamomile, Clary,
Geranium, Jasmine, Juniper, Lavender, Neroli, Ylang Ylang
Benzoin, Jasmine, Rose,
Lavender, Neroli, Rose, Tea tree
Black Pepper, Ginger,
Jasmine, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rose, Neroli, Ylang Ylang
Jasmine, Lavender
Tension: Chamomile, Clary, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Neroli, Orange, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang
Oxford Aromatherapy cannot be responsible for the effects of essential oils not administered by a qualified Aromatherapist. All qualified practicing aromatherapists should carry adequate insurance against any unforeseen effects of oils.
Blending of oils.
Oils are divided into three main categories:
Top note
Middle Note
Base Note
A good blend will often be one oil from each group. Top Note oils tend to evaporate faster than Base Note oils. However the combination of a Base Note with a Top Note tends to slow down the evaporation of the latter.
Top Notes
Anise, Basil, Bay Laurel, Bergamot, Citronella, Eucalyptus, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Orange, Peppermint, Petitgrain, Spearmint, Tagetes, Tangerine
Middle Note
Bay, Black Pepper, Carrot Seed, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Clove Bud, Cypress, Dill, Fennel, Fir Needle, Geranium, Hyssop, Juniper Berry, Marjoram, Neroli, Nutmeg, Palmarosa, Parsley, Rose, Rosemary, Rosewood, Scotch Pine, Spruce, Tea Tree, Thyme, Yarrow, Ylang Ylang
Base Notes
Benzoin, Cederwood, Frankincense, Ginger, Helichrysum, Myrrh, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Vetiver
Some oils can be classified in more than one category depending on ones experience and the source of the oil. Hence Rose can be a Top Note and Middle Note, while some Aromatherapists put lavender as a Top Note.
Oils can also be divided into these types:
- Citrus (e.g. Orange, Lemon, Lime, Tangerine)
- Earthy (e.g. Vetiver, Patchouli)
- Floral (e.g. Lavender, Neroli, Jasmine)
- Herbaceous (e.g. Marjoram, Rosemary, Basil, Parsley)
- Medicinal/Camphorous (e.g. Eucalyptus, Cajuput, Tea Tree)
- Mint (e.g. Peppermint, Spearmint)
- Oriental (e.g. Ginger, Patchouli, Plai)
- Spicy (e.g. Nutmeg, Clove, Cinnamon)
- Woody (e.g. Pine, Cedar, Pine Needles, Sandalwood)
Oils of the same type of oils tend to blend well together and Floral oils blend well with spicy, citrus and woody oils, while Woody oils generally blend well with all categories. Spicy and oriental oils blend well with floral, oriental and citrus oils. Mint oils blend well with citrus, woodsy, herbaceous and earthy oils.
For a good Aromatherapy Massage blend oils are listed that will treat the clients requirements, a blend of a selection of these oils is then made with a carrier oil that not only will treat the client, but will also have a satisfying aroma. Safety considerations will also have to be taken into account.
The oils below have properties that will help treat gout:
The oils below have properties that will help treat migraine headaches:
The following can be used to treat cellulite
Birch especially effective
Black Pepper
See pictures of cellulite treatment http://www.texasmassage.org/Cellulite-Pictures.html
Menstruation problems:
Clary Sage useful for daily abdomen massage for first half of the month
Juniper, Pine and Bergamot for massage for the second half of the month
Cypress , Geranium and Rose have a regulating effect.
Many oils will help alleviate cold symptoms including:
* Oils that alleviate cold sores
Blends to Combat Anxiety
The below blends may help during times of anxiety. (Remember that aromatherapy should not be used as a substitute for proper medical treatment.)
Blend A
2 drops Bergamot
2 drops Clary Sage
1 drop Frankincense
Blend B
3 drops Sandalwood
2 drops Bergamot
Blend C
3 drops Lavender
2 drops Clary Sage
Blend D
1 drop Rose
1 drop Lavender
2 drops Mandarin
1 drop Vetiver
Blends to Combat Anger
The below blends may help bring calm during times of anger. When selecting and using oils, be sure to follow all safety precautions and remember that aromatherapy should not be used as a substitute for proper medical treatment.
Blend A
1 drop Rose
3 drops Orange
1 drop Vetiver
Blend B
3 drops Bergamot
1 drop Ylang Ylang
1 drop Jasmine
Blend C
1 drop Roman Chamomile
2 drops Bergamot
2 drops Orange
Blend D
3 drops Orange
2 drops Patchouli
Blends to Enhance Happiness
The below blends can help enhance happiness, joy and peace. Citrus oils are a wonderful choice when seeking a pleasant, happy environment, and they are inexpensive. When selecting and using oils, be sure to follow all safety precautions and remember that aromatherapy should not be used as a substitute for proper medical treatment.
Blend A
3 drops Bergamot
1 drop Ylang Ylang
1 drop Grapefruit
Blend B
1 drop Geranium
2 drops Frankincense
2 drops Orange
Blend C
2 drops Sandalwood
1 drop Rose
2 drops Bergamot
Blend D
2 drops Lemon, Orange or Bergamot
2 drops Grapefruit
1 drop Ylang Ylang, Rose or Neroli
Insomnia Aromatherapy Blend
5 drops Roman Chamomile
3 drops Clary Sage
3 drops Bergamot
Stress Relieving Blends
The below blends can help during times of stress. When selecting and using oils, be sure to follow all safety precautions and remember that aromatherapy should not be used as a substitute for proper medical treatment.
Blend A
3 drops Clary Sage
1 drop Lemon
1 drop Lavender
Blend B
2 drops Roman Chamomile
2 drops Lavender
1 drop Vetiver
Blend C
3 drops Bergamot
1 drop Geranium
1 drop Frankincense
Blend D
3 drops Grapefruit
1 drop Jasmine
1 drop Ylang Ylang
More Aromatherapy Blends: http://www.wellcat.com/Aromatherapy%20Blends.htm
Oils that can be used during pregnancy:
Oils For Use During Pregnancy Are: Oils Which Are Not Suitable For Use In Pregnancy Are: 1.Mandarin 1.Aniseed 2.Neroli 2.Arnica 3.Petitgrain 3.Basil 4.Tangerine 4.Clary sage 5.Ylang-ylang 5.Cypress 6.Geranium 6.Fennel 7.Lemon 7.Jasmine 8.Sandalwood 8.Juniper 9.Tea Tree 9.Marjoram See Also: http://www.101lifestyle.com/beauty/massage/pregmassage.html
Breast Massage
I never expose, touch or massage breasts unless specifically asked to; for instance I have one client who has had some surgery for breast cancer and her surgeon recommended massage to restore the shape and reduce scaring. However for some clients breast massage has been a pleasurable and beneficial experience.
http://users.rcn.com/cd.dnai/a/b/bm/breastmassage.html This Web site is a discussion about using breast massage to improve lymph fluid and blood flow in the breasts, which may reduce the chances of breast cancer. Breast massage might be more than a relaxing, pleasurable experience, it may also be very good for your health.
Using essential Oils in the Bath
Although massage is the most affective method of administering essential oils, they can also be used in the bath. First run the bath then add the oils and mix them into the water before getting in.
Essential oils are used in small quantities in commercial bath additives such as Radox. However we can select oils the suit our requirements and add to the bath water. Here are some recipes. Use a total of about 8 drops or two drops of each oil.
Energize and stimulating: Use to improve concentration, to energize your mind and body for mental clarity.
Essential oils of Spearmint, Peppermint, Grapefruit, Lime, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang.
Relaxing oils: Use to relax and slow down after a hectic and stressful day.Sensual: use to awaken your senses, and to stimulate your mind, body and soul.Essential oil of Lavender, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense.
Uplifting: Use to freshen up, to calm and restore your mind, body and soul.Essential Oil of Clove, Rose, Bergamot, Sandalwood.
Patchouli, Neroli, Pine and Orange essential oils combine to create an orange-based aphrodisiac bathing experience sure to stimulate both mind and body.
Colds and flu: Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint and Tea Tree provide disinfecting, bacteria-killing, decongesting and anti-viral properties which keep colds and the flu at bay.Essential Oil of Grapefruit, Neroli, Rose, Rosewood.
Anti-Cellulite: Grapefruit, Lemon and Fennel stimulate micro-circulation, aid in digestion and bring radiance and tone to your skin. Flabby skin will benefit from regular baths or massages with these oils.
Single oils can also be sued or combines:
Eucalyptus: Germ-killing Eucalyptus is fresh, cooling, disinfecting, aids in concentration, and clears nasal congestion.
Grapefruit: Refreshing Grapefruit is an antiseptic, stimulates circulation within the skin and helps overcome fatigue and jet lag.
Lavender: Pure Lavender essential oil is floral, anti-infectious, purifying, calming and anti-inflammatory, mild antibiotic and decongestant. Treats a multitude of ills. Will also make you sleep and better used before bedtime..
Lemon: Revitalising Lemon is a potent antiseptic but only use two or three drops as it can irritate sensitive areas..
Orange: A refreshing total body tonic, orange treats poor circulation, fluid retention and cellulite. Opens communication and peps up the emotions.
Patchouli: Aphrodisiac Patchouli is earthy, exotic, and musky.
Peppermint: Pure essential oil of Peppermint is a powerful digestive aid, assists in concentration and stimulates the mind and is effective against migraine headaches.
One can make up your own recipe, for instance Lavender, Tea Tree and Plai to help heal cuts and sores, peppermint to help with headaches and Eucalyptus when suffering from nose congestion. However if you have allergies, first consult a qualified aromatherapist or your doctor before using them.
Essential oils can also be used in soaps or shampoo or used in a burner to spread the aroma around the room. Two or three drops of oil in water in the bowl on top of the burner, heated by a candle is the most common way of diffusing oils to provide an aroma.
Typical burner or diffuser. Some diffusers use light bulbs
The use of a burner of diffuser during aromatherapy massage, stimulates and relaxes the client
Most essential oils are perfectly safe when used in small quantities. However it is recommended that you first consult an aromatherapist before using essential oils, especially if you are susceptible to allergies. If you are in any doubt first consult your doctor . Oxford Aromatherapy cannot be held responsible for adverse affects of oils.
Lower back and hip problems can be treated as a part of aromatherapy massage. As well as massage with oils, treatment will include manipulation of the legs, hips and lower body to relieve back and hip pain. The problems should be discussed before lying on the massage table so that the body can be seen while you are standing and walking to ensure the correct treatment. Tim Hallchurch has been trained at Purple Flame School. www.purpleflame.co.uk
Link with details of other oils http://www.aromaweb.com/essentialoils/default.asp
Looking for Massage Related Resources? We can Help You! http://www.massage.online-advice.com
Articles on Aromatherapy http://www.aromaweb.com/articles/default.asp
Information on arthritis see Arthritis Resources http://arthritis.researchalot.com
Aromatherapy Times http://www.aromatherapytimes.com.
Call Tim Hallchurch now for aromatherapy in your own home in the Oxford - Bicester area.
Special Offer
First session free in the Otmoor area if you book a second session.
Tel 01865 377099
e-mail tim@oxford-aromatherapy.com
Email for a brochure in pdf format