Pirates of Penzance

2 June 2002 

Millennium Hall

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Fireworks and Beacon


Major General Stanley                          Richard Sturch

The Pirate King                                    Alan Tuckey

Samuel (His Lieutenant)                     Gordon Curtis

Frederick (The Pirate Apprentice)    David Goldsworthy

Seargeant of Police                          Brian Nash

Generals Daughters:                         Mabel             Claire McDonnell

                                                             Edith                Natalie Soanes

                                                            Kate                Rosemary Smith

Ruth (A Pirate Maid of All Work)      Mary Ross

Chorus: Above plus Maggie Dauber, Velda Grobbler, Sue Hawes, Julie Ogden, Liz Pugh, Ann Tuckey, Ralph Biddicombe, Keith Chapple, Rodney Dawber, Christopher Lowe, Nicholas Meyjes, Ted Ogden, Robert Ross, Merlin Smith.

Piano - Jill Meyjes

Leader of the Singers Gordon Curtis 


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